A failing marriage?

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Sitting in the lobby of Alex's office, I look down at my wedding ring. I twist it around my finger, considering what it's meaning is. I've been waiting here for the past two hours for Alex to show up. We've been going through a major rough patch in our marriage and tonight he promised me that we would have a romantic dinner, so that he could apologise to me for being so distant. Someone walks in and I look up with one last hope that he's here. But it's not him. I shake my head and stand up. Just as I'm leaving, Ryan walks towards me.

"Hey, Y/n. What are you still doing here?" He asks.

"Nothing, actually. I suppose Alex just got caught up or something." I cover for him.

"I'm sorry-"

"Oh, no no. It's- um- it's fine." I shrug.

"Okay, well let me walk you to your car?" He offers.

"Yeah, okay."

He places his hand on my upper back and kindly walks me outside. He lightly jokes with me and I laugh along.

"Hey!" I hear Alex call from the left of us.

My heart stops and I look over at him. He jogs up to us.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, darlin'." Alex apologises.

I don't reply.

"You okay?" Ryan asks me.

"Yeah-" I start

"She's fine. I'd appreciate it if you took your hand off of my wife." Alex says to Ryan, raising his eyebrows.

"Alright, man. I was just making sure she was alright since you stood her up again." Ryan shoots back.

Alex goes to argue back, but I step in.

"Thank you, Ryan. I'll see you later, okay?"

Ryan nods and walks away. I don't acknowledge Alex, instead I walk calmly to my car.

"Where are you going? Hey, baby? Come on. Please? Don't make this another argument."

That last sentence makes me stop. I spin round.

"This whole thing was so that we could get our marriage back on track. I cannot believe that you would say that. You're the one that made no effort tonight Alex, you!" I snap, pointing at him.

I get into my car and drive away, not allowing him to respond. I drive around for a little while, before I go home. Alex's car is not in the driveway and I breathe out a sigh of relief. Once I'm inside, I have something quick for dinner and then I just go up to bed. There's no reason to stay up for Alex. He won't want me when he gets home.

Alex's PoV:
I stumble in through our front door. Scratching my head, I wonder where she is. Then I realise she must be in bed. I lock the door and then go upstairs to look for her. I want her. Stepping into our bedroom, I notice her figure in our bed. I move closer. She's so beautiful. I kneel down and rest my head on her stomach. I trace her sleeping face. My eyes fall shut.

"Alex? What are you doing? Are you drunk?" She sighs, sitting up.

I groan, sitting up with her.

"Mmmm. Hey, baby."

I stand up and lean in to kiss her lips, but she moves her head and I kiss her cheek instead. Getting up, I slide into bed with her. I move close to her and wrap my arms around her. She freezes.

"Alex, what are you doing? You stink of booze. Please just don't touch me." She grimaces.

She takes herself away from me and goes as far away from my body as she can.

"No. Come back. Why are you moving away? You're impossible."

"Oh I'm impossible. Of course you'd say that." She argues. "I'm gonna sleep in the other room tonight. I'm done with this shit."

I don't know how to reply. She's gonna leave me soon, I know she is. What's the point in trying anymore? I just decide to close my eyes and go back to sleep.

I wake up and my head is pounding. I reach out for her, but she's not there. Then I realise what happened last night and what's been happening.  I get out of bed and look for her. I need to make sure she hasn't left yet. There she is, sound asleep in the spare bed. I move closer to the bed.

"Mmmm, get back in bed baby. 'M cold." She mumbles, half asleep.

Her hand reaches for me and I make the decision to take it. I slide into bed beside my wife. She pushes herself into my side, her leg sliding between mine. I kiss her temple. I don't want to fall back to sleep. I don't want her to slip away from me. Holding her close to me, I stroke her thigh. A few tears fall down my cheeks.

"I love you so much, baby. I know you're going to leave me and I understand, but I just- ugh- I love you and I miss you and I'm so sorry for all of it." I whisper to her, despite her being asleep.

"I love you too." She sobs back.

"Oh, I didn't- um- realise that you were awake."

She goes to sit up, but I keep her in place.

"Where are you going? Please stay with me." I say, desperately.

"It's okay. I'm just sitting up. I'm not going anywhere." She sniffs.

I sit up with her and lift her so that she can sit on my lap, her legs either side of me. I look into her mesmerising eyes. She goes to speak, but I stop her.

"I meant what I just said. I'm sorry for being such a shitty husband. If you want to leave me then I understand, but can I please just have one last night with you. I need to memorise everything about you to stop myself going mad. My life feels very messy right now and I don't know how to sort it out." I ramble.

She takes a deep breath and her hands run over my front.

"It's okay. I don't wanna leave. I want to be with you always, but things need to change. We both need to sort our relationship out. Is this why you push me away so much? Because you think I'm gonna leave you." She questions me, frowning.

I hold her hands and look down at them.

"Hey." She says softly, lifting my chin. "Let me in."

I nod slightly.

"I- um. Yes. At first I though I just needed to give myself some time and then go back to you and we'd be fine. But then I got stuck in the mindset that you no longer wanted me. The way you were with Ryan yesterday. When his hand was on your fucking back and you seemed so comfortable. I just feel like you don't crave my touch as much as I crave yours." I admit.

Her face falls.

"But I did. I needed it. It felt like you didn't want to touch me. At night when you would come home and turn your back on me it hurt so much. Once, I waited for you to fall asleep and I pushed myself up against your back just to feel you against me again."

"Oh, baby. I'm so sorry. We're usually so good at this shit. I think I went off track for a little bit there. I promise you that I'll stop. I'll communicate with you so much better."

"It's alright. We just need to work on talking better, like we used to. I feel like you've just lifted a massive weight off of my heart, so thank you. For finally speaking with me." She smiles.

My eyes flicker to her lips. I lean in and press my lips to hers. I kiss her passionately. My tongue swipes across her bottom lip, asking to enter. She opens her mouth and I slide my tongue inside. I hold her body closer to mine. Her fingers run through my hair, lightly scratching my scalp. It feels so good. She pulls back after a while, to my dismay. I rest my forehead on hers as we catch our breath.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She breathes out.

Kinda sad🥺

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