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It had been 41 days since the death wave hit, eliminating anyone and everyone in its path. I had found shelter in the land of Louwoda Kliron Kru and somehow the wave missed me. While the destruction may have skipped over this place, the radiation didn't. All around me, the people of the valley slowly burned up, their skin bubbling and blistering as their own bodies seemed to choke them out. I was alone. Until today.

I was just coming back from hunting with a pretty decent haul for the day. Over the month or so of isolation, I had picked up a few skills like spear fishing as well as finding out which berries were safe to eat and which ones would leave me seizing and drifting in and out of consciousness for a few days (trial and error). As I walked back to the trailer I had claimed as "home" I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of a blonde head in the trailer. Frozen in fear, my eyes scanned the girl and my trailer, checking to see if she had stolen anything or to try and find any evidence as to who she was.

As soon as our eyes met, my instincts kicked in and I dropped my bag, darting through the woods to my tree. My tree was a tall, oak tree I spent a lot of my time in, drawing the faces of people I missed or reading small stories from my childhood. Now, it would serve as an escape from his girl who had invaded my home. My thoughts raced through my mind almost as fast as I raced through the woods. Quickly, I scrambled up my tree and settled into a nook, catching my breath.

My head spun at my discovery. Who was this girl? How had she survived the wave? And most importantly, why did I recognize her? My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of snapping twigs and a girl calling out to me. I didn't know who she was, but I knew she was bad news.

Thankfully, she gave up soon and retreated, I assumed, back to the trailer. My stomach grumbled, reminding me of the haul I dropped when running from the mystery girl. I'm sure she was back at my home, enjoying the meal I worked for today. I let my exhaustion from the day and my fears take over me and drifted into a fitful sleep.

Throughout the night, nightmares consumed me. I drifted in and out of sleep, hopelessly trying to find some peace and quiet in my own head. Flashes of my life before all of this found their way into my head, regrets and guilt coming along with them. I finally gave up on resting around first light, deciding to go and look for somewhere else to call home. Another person may be here, but that didn't mean I was going to get along with them.

I never really had gotten along with anyone as far as I can remember. The only person I had gotten along with was my sister. I was five when we were put in a ring and Queen Nia demanded me to kill her to prove my loyalty to Azgeda. When I refused to kill my only family I had left, I was banished and sent out into the woods. Luckily, there was always someone around to help me get by, whether it was a random, friendly person from a neighboring clan that kindly offered me some food, or a threatening and deadly warrior that I viciously took down and stole weapons and clothes from. That was two years ago, before the death wave hit and changed life as I knew it.

Pushing these memories aside, I swung my legs to one side of the branch to jump down, but my foot hit a smaller branch on the way and I fell out of my tree, flat on my back. The impact knocked the wind out of me and I took a couple minutes to regain my vision and breath as I stared into the clouds. When I finally rolled over, black droplets of my blood dripped onto the leaves beneath me. I brought my hand to my head, discovering a gash right below my eye.

Wincing at the pain, I got up and started making my way towards the river to clean my cut. On my walk, my mind wandered back to the blonde girl and where she had come from. I wondered which clan she was from and how she had survived down here when a sinister thought came to me. She was a flamekeeper, here to kidnap me and take me away from my only home. Before I was banished, Queen Nia had trained me because of my blood, telling me that one day I would fight for Azgeda and win the conclave so Ice Nation could take control of the clans. When I refused to kill my sister, I was deemed unworthy of the blood and banished, but before I was kicked out, my sister snuck in to warn me of the flamekeeper scouts who would try and find me. She told me they would take me and torture me because of my blood and I believed her. This blonde flamekeeper was in for a battle if she was here to take me.

I quickly set up a bear trap I had found in the valley near the river and waited nearby behind a tree, waiting for her to come walking right into my trap. An hour passed with no result and I was just about to retreat to my tree in defeat when I heard approaching footsteps. My hand went to my knife and I gripped it tightly, ready to attack once she was vulnerable. The trap snapped shut and the flamekeeper screamed in pain, a confused and terrified look taking over her face as I jumped out at her.

"Die fleimkepa!" I yelled in a warrior cry as I began to bring my knife down at her.

As my knife glided through the air, it slashed through the palm of her hand, revealing a trickle of black blood, just like mine.

"Natblida?" I breathed, not being able to comprehend what I just saw. I shook my head and blinked, trying to regain control over my own body. The girl's breathing quickened as she desperately tried to get her leg out of the bear trap. Her eyes flitted from her hand to me, realizing my shock at this discovery. I couldn't help but stare at her all too familiar face.

I stumbled back, locking eyes with the girl before staggering to my feet and sprinting away, confusion and shock overtaking me. They said I was the last of my kind after Lexa, how could this be?

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