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same thing as always. it had been a week since you and kirishima met up and after that little event, small greetings would be shared, but that was really it. nothing major happened, until he came up to you at lunch, asking for a small favor.

however, the favor wasn't so small. on top of the 1 on 1 combat lessons, he wanted some tutoring. it seemed fair, since it was a favor for a favor, so you agreed, planning that same night.

it was that night. you both had finished training, cooling off with a mini fan on the kitchen counter. he was sitting on a stool, tucked in while you were sitting on the counter, dangling your feet over it.

you both knew what you were doing was risky, but you believed that you could get away. i mean you did it the first time. with his good hearing and reflex's you both would easily get away.

"hey uhm, i know this is super risky and, kinda weird, but do you wanna head back to my dorm? it's only 10? besides, we need to study." you scoff, pushing his shoulder. he hadn't forgotten about their little study session and he made sure she knew he didn't forget because he constantly bugged her about it throughout their little practice.

"yeah yeah, sure. where is it?" he grabs your hand, allowing you to jump off of the counter.

"it's on the first floor. that gives us a better chance to sneak into it." you continue to hold his hand as you allow him to lead the way.

he softly opens the door, letting you walk in first, then shuts it behind him.

"my dorm isn't all that so—" he scratches the back of his head, watching you walk around to look at everything.

"well, i think it looks cool." you send him a soft smile, causing him to smile as well.

he walks to the backpack that was placed on his bed, pulling out his school material.

there was a little desk in the middle of the room, so you sit on one side of it, while he sits on the other.

"so i'm having trouble with english and math, mostly english." you sigh in relief. you weren't the best at every subject, but you were amazing at english, so you knew you would be able to somewhat help.

he pulled out a few worksheets, explaining the material and you quickly understood, teaching him.

"that makes so much more sense. thank you!" he wraps a warming arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a side embrace. you fall into his embrace, replacing your soft laugh with a heavy yawn.

he looks over at the clock, hissing at the late time.

it was around 12am. he felt a slight hint of guilt, knowing that he kept this girl up for so long.

"it's so late— i didn't realize it—" she softly shakes her hand on his shoulder, too tired to respond. she was very tempted to stay there, to fall asleep in the males arms, but that would be extremely awkward.

just do it

your eyelids close, becoming too heavy to keep them
open. your body sunk against his as your muscles relaxed and eventually, you were asleep.

you knew there would be consequences to this. having to wake up early, sneak out of the dorms, or maybe even get caught on the way, but you weren't worried too much about it since all your mind and body craved was sleep.

he looks over at your still body, sighing as he watches your body rise and fall from your soft breathing. he felt a little odd at first, but soon allowed you to rest against his shoulder.

he backs up until he hits the side of his bed, holding you by him. he wasn't sure if he should've woke you up, or just let you sleep on his bed, so he decided to stay on the floor with you, allowing you to stay in this humble state.

he sighs in discomfort, slumping down to find a better position and eventually, falling asleep.


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