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when you made it to bakugo's room, sitting on his bathroom sink, watching as he cleaned your wounds. you had a mark on your cheek from when you slid across the concrete, and one on your forearm that seemed to burn a little more under the alcohol.

and then there was that damn wrist burn.

he had been quiet since he had seen the mark, but nonetheless, escorted you to his dorm to clean the wound. his eyebrows were furrowed together, his quietness and stiffness resulting in gentle hands, making sure it didn't burn as badly.

"you really didn't-"

"shut up. i already said that it was my choice, you heard me."

you left it at that.

after a good couple of minutes of getting your cuts cleaned, he placed a gentle cotton bandage over them, then securing them with pieces of tape that didn't irritate your skin. you sigh in relief, the stinging from the alcohol soothing into a soft tingle.

he was seated on his bed by the time the spots felt numb and you were comfortable enough to walk, a small limp visible. you sit yourself at the dock of his bed, swinging your feet, the soft pattering of the rain against his bedroom window filling up the space of silence.

you could feel harsh movement scooting to the end of the bed, then silence. you turn your head and he looked away, his normal scowl present as usual.

"so how the hell are we gonna do this."

"i don't know, you tell me." you plop down, the stiffness of the mattress pushing out a sigh. he groans.

"maybe it was just a whim of decision at the time, but you hardly have time to deal with a relationship, let alone pretend like you're in one."

"i'm not incapable of doing one simple task f/n."

"okay okay." you hold your hands up in defense, but let them drop, closing your eyes. then silence. you respected the fact that he wasn't gauging you for any information, that he was just letting it be. it wasn't like you wanted to talk about it anyways because it felt as if you hadn't even processed what had happened an hour prior to now.

"look, we'll figure something out alright? just don't stress, it makes you look ugly."

"bakugo." you warn, clicking your teeth, but your mood seemed to lift the slightest, his insult cheering you up in a way. it was like a breath of fresh air.

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