Chapter .13

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Song: erase or zero (Kagamine Len & Kaito) Vocaloid

Kokichi's POV:

"Tsumugi, did you try to kill Kokichi?"

When his words pass through my head, I remember what Tsumugi said to me the day before I was attacked...

It's possible she could have, but.....

I didn't tell anyone about her being the mastermind! If so then she had no reason to try and kill me!

"Shuichi is right, Tsumugi...." Kaito said while scratching the back of his neck.

Tsumugi looked scared, I think she didn't try to kill me, her face is genuine...

"B-but, I didn't attack him!"

Miu looked over to Tsumugi


Tsumugi took and step back

"But I...."

"Tsumugi if you aren't the culprit of this case, explain how everyone that had a room alibi had a tape, other then yourself."
Shuichi said, he doesn't want to accuse someone, but they got nowhere last time.

Tsumugi looked defeated and lowered her head.

"I lied....."

"What do you mean you lied?"
Ryoma said

"I-I wasn't in my room, I was in my lab.... I knew people would most likely kill me in the dorms so I kept hidden in my lab so nobody can hurt or attack me..."
Tsumugi said while wiping her eyes.

Shuichi didn't look convinced

"So where your proof Tsumugi."
Shuichi said looking right at her.

"I don't have one-"

Monokuma interrupted her

"Actually I have a tape! You guys looked sooooo hopeful to hope you found the culprit, I just wanted to crush your dreams and make you start on level one!"

Monokuma grabbed a tape from behind and placed it in the tape player

Tape Starting...

Tsumugi was in her lab with blankets on the floor while sleeping on them, she then got up and tried to find her glasses that's when she jumped.

The body discovery announcement played and she ran out of there.

Tape Ending...

"Puhuhuhuhu what a shame you guys need to start all over again!"
Monokuma laughed

I stood forward

"I think I know who the culprit is.."

Everyone then looked at me

"Gonta want to know what friend thinks culprit is..."
Gonta said fidgeting with his fingers.

"What is it Ouma, I know you can't lie so what your saying is the truth."
Rantaro said.

I sighed.

"During this whole trial I realized something, at least everybody talked but the culprit, all the culprit did was smile when we thought Tsumugi was the culprit, they looked angry when they found out Tsumugi had an alibi....."

"Just tell us who it is cockichi!"
Miu yelled.

"Please tell us Kokichi...."
Mama-san said.

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