Chapter 11 |The promise we broke

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Beetee called Thalia and Katniss into the eating hall "i have been instructed to give you these" he said handing Thalia a royal blue and raven black trident "it is made of the strongest metal in Panem and will never break "Thank you Beetee" Thalia started playing with the trident as Beetee handed Katniss a black bow "Regular indicate and explosive all colour coded" Katniss picked up the red arrow and prepared for fire when Beetee took it out her hand "best not fire the red ones in here" Katniss flung the bow over her shoulder and watched Beetee pull out a raven black trident with royal blue patterns engraved on the handle exactly like Thalias but the colours had been swapped "it's for Finnick I thought it might cheer him- cheer him up" he placed the trident in a glass case and scooted off leaving Katniss and Thalia to make their way to the hovercraft. As the hovercraft landed in district 8 Thalia's eyes widened the entire district 8 was gone buildings were damaged and not a soul walked, a black woman walked up to them all she had a scarf around her head kind if like the one Effie wore but a maroon colour in stead of black "I am commander Paylor welcome Mockingjay and Pheonix" she smiled warmly at them "Commander Payolr were here to see your wounded" she nodded "this way" they all followed her through a hole in a wall into a room with rotting bodies of the people who didn't survive the bombing "there's a graveyard down the road but I don't have the man power to lift them" Gale's eyes were searching the room a look of disgust on his face "aren't you worried about having all your wounded in one place?" He said gripping his crossbow tightened "it's better than leaving them all to die" she kept walking past the rotting bodies of citizens the Capitol so wrongly killed "that's not what I meant" he rolled his eyes "Well if you have any other ideas I'm open to suggestions the hospital I through that curtain" Cressida pulled back the curtain to reveal thousands of people crowded around each other tending to wounds and crying "don't film us in there we can't help them" Katniss looked away "just let them see your face" Katniss took Thalia's hand and squeezed it tight they both started walking heads turned towards them and people started whispering "Katniss, Thalia?" A small boy with a large gash across his forehead said walking forward Thalia knelt infront if him and he flinched away "don't worry I won't hurt you" she smiled warmly and held out her hand he took it walking towards her she took some bandages of a nurse who she nodded greatfully at she started tending to the boys wound "what about the baby?" An older woman asked "I-I lost it" Katniss replied "are you here to fight with us" another person asked "yeah we are" by this time Thalia had finished tending to the boys wound she kissed his forehead and stood up he hugged her legs head resting on her waist she hugged him back the all raised three fingers in the air Katniss smiled and walked off Thalia soon followed "i didn't know you were a doctor" Katniss whispered in Thalia's ear "neither did I, I saw his head and knew I had to help I'll have Prim to thank for that she's a great teacher" Katniss laughed "that was really kind what you did for that boy Miss Abernathy" Commander Paylor smiled "it was nothing I wish I could do more" Thalia sighed "ill never forget what you did for us today" Boggs ran up to the group " we have a problem" he stated "what kind of problem" Cressida asked turning to him "in coming bombers from the north" Thalia cursed under her breath "there's a shelter this way" Commander Paylor pointed to an old building and everyone sprinted into the building as a bomb dropped "their targeting the hospital" Kantiss yelled and Thalia remembered the promise she made to the boy and darted out blocking all the people yelling for her to come back "ABERNATHY GET BACK HERE" Boggs yelled she didn't listen she aimed her trident at tone of the hovercrafts as Katniss followed her and aimed an arrow at the other both girls let the weapons fly her trident hitting the engine of one while Katniss' arrow pierced the other both fell out of the sky and landed with a BANG

"Get them out" Katniss yelled as Boggs and cressida held her back "Katniss Thalia can you tell us what happened" Katniss stayed silent and Thalia turned to the camera slamming her trident into the ground "We want to tell the rebels were alive and in district 8 where the Capitol just bombed a hospital filled with unarmed Men, Women and children and there will be No survivors" the shock she felt soon melted and turned into fury "i want to tell the people that if you think for one second the Capitol will ever treat us fairly then you are lying to your self" Thalia turned to look at Katniss who was now as furious as her "This, This is what they do! And we must fight back" Katniss had tears streaming down her face "we have a message for president snow, you can torture us, bomb us, burn our districts to the ground but do you see that fire is catching and if we burn you burn with us!" Katniss was pointing at the fire behind her "CUT" Cressida yelled Thalia hugged Katniss who cried into her shoulder their weapons on the floor as she cried "let's go home Katniss" she nodded as she stood up "you really are my best friend Thalia and I thank you for that" Thalia looked at the puffy eyes Katniss and took her hand "ill always be here day or night remember that" they walked back to the hovercraft and fell asleep Katniss' head was on her shoulder her hand still gripped Thalias.

As soon as they arrived back in 13 Lila and Prim where waiting for them with Mrs Everdeen Thalia was carrying Katniss who was still asleep "Katniss!" Prim raced towards them "don't worry Prim she's just sleeping" Thalia handed Katniss over to Gale who took her up to her room, Lila then raced over to Thalia and jumped into her arms "I missed you" she said snuggling up to Thalia's chest "Thalia that was great what you back there in district 8 for the boy" Cressida put a hand on her shoulder "it was really nothing he was hurt so I helped" Lila pulled on Thalia's arm "oh Cressida this is my daughter Lila" Thalia mouthed 'adopted' and cressida nodded and smiled at Lila saluting at her Lila shyed away behind Thalia and the adults giggled "c'mon missy it's past your bedtime" Lila pouted "I'll only go if Prim comes" She turned to Prim "that's only if Prim wants to and Mrs Everdeen says it's alright" Thalia said "Prim go with them" Mrs Everdeen said Prim nodded and grabbed Lila's hand "Thanks Prim" Thalia shouted after them Prim nodded "she's a good kid" Mrs Everdeen said "was she alright for you?" Thalia asked "she was an angel" Mrs Everdeen smiled and Thalia let out sigh of relief and walked over to Boggs who crossed his arms "before you say anything I came to apologise for my actions back in district 8" Boggs smiled at her and placed a hand on her shoulder "Its okay but don't do it again" his expression turned serious as he pointed a finger at her "I promise" and with that she left and headed off to bed only to find Prim asleep with Lila she smiled and Katniss walked down the hall "what you looking at?" She raised an eyebrow and followed Thalia's gaze to a sleeping Prim and Lila "that is adorable" Katniss cooed at her sleeping sister cuddled up with the small 3 year old "i can't move them I'll sleep on the chair" Thalia went into the bathroom and changed out of her Pheonix suit and into her jumpsuit "No you won't you can have Prim's bed in my room" Katniss said "Thanks Katniss" Thalia walked into katniss' dimly lit room and climbed into the bed waiting for the nightmares to begin

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