Chapter 5 |let the games begin

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Thalia stood infront of the glass case breathing heavily "you'll be fine dear" Penn reassured her but she didn't match Penn's level of enthusiasm, Thalia gave her stylist on last hug before stepping into the tube trying to steady her breathing "The hunger games will begin in 15 minutes" a robotic voice called out over a speaker. Haymitch appeared and put his hand on the glass a bottle of alcohol in the other "Stay alive for me please" he whispered loud enough for her to hear "I promise I love you" a tear rolled down Haymitch's cheek "i love you too princess" Thalia placed her hand on the glass mirroring her uncles actions "don't cry I'll be alright" she gave him a weak smile as the tube she was in started to rise bringing her up to her platform a bright light hit her eyes as she moved her hand over her eyes to shield them from the light "10....9....8" the timer counted to Thalia's right was Katniss and to her left Beetee she nodded st them both before her eyes fixed on a Sliver and black trident she had given her aqua one to a small girl who she treat like a little sister back in district 3 as a reminder of her if she lost this game "3....2....1" the cannon boomed and Thalia dived into the water below her hoping there was no sharks she atkeast wanted to make it past the bloodbath, she swam her hand landing on a sharp rock cutting her hand most likely drawing blood but she didn't care there were much more pressing matters at the minute she needed to concentrate on getting that trident hauling herself up onto the rocks she snatched the trident when something slashed at her back she let out a small yelpthe district 11 tribute cut her back, Thalia spun around lodging her trident in his stomach before throwing him into the water she whizzed the trident round almost hitting Finnick " Good thing we're allies" he smirked that flirtatious smirk the know that really got under her skin "duck" she obeyed and Finnick chucked his trident into another tribute Thalia met up with Katniss Peeta and Mags she had retrieved her trident from the chest of a tribute and sprinted after them she always had it in her hand in case tributes snuck up on them

"We should set up camp here for the night" Finnick suggested "does anyone have any water" Peeta asked sitting against a tree everyone shook their heads "does anyone hear That?" Thalia listened a small beeping sound could be heard gradually getting louder Mags started pointing at something and everyone turned their heads Katniss was the first to spot it she climbed a tree and found a small box

                       To shut Peeta up

It was from her uncle "what is it" Peeta was staring at the small pipe I had read about these at the survival station "it's a spile" everyone looked at Thalia as if she was speaking a different laugngage she rolled her eyes and snatched the spile from Katniss' hands "Katniss hand me one of your arrows" she raised an eyebrow "chill I'm not gonna kill anyone if I was I would've done it by now" Katniss handed Thalia an arrow and she began stabbing a hole in the bark of a tree everyone was watching carefully, once she had a deep enough hole she placed the spile into the tree and water started pouring out "Oh my god fresh water" Peeta crawled over and chugged down nearly half the water "hey hey leave some for us" Finnick push med him out the way and took some water once Finnick had finished Katniss did the same, Finnick then handed some water to Mags in a leaf "drink Thalia" he said she could feel his eyes on her "I'm fine you lot need it more anyway" she replied sitting beside Mags Katniss gave her a look as if to say 'drink or I'll pierce you with one of my arrows' Thalia put her hands up in surrender and Drank from the tree removing the spile once she had finished 'see wasn't so hard was it" Mags slapped his arm and gave Thalia an apologetic look she smiled in return "I'll keep first watch" Finnick spoke up after a long awkward silence "No" Katniss replied almost to quickly "I will not that I don't trust you Finnick" Thalia rolled her eyes and soon fell into a memory-free sleep

"GET UP THE FOG IS POISINOUS COME ON WAKE UP" Katniss screamed as she shook everyone Finnick was quickest to get up and haul Mags onto his back, everyone was running at full speed but Peeta tripped over a loose tree root "Peeta!" Katniss called Thalia threw all the mats Mags and Finnick had weaved at Katniss "Get up Peeta c'mon" Peeta got to his feet but Thalia was hit by the fog falling to the ground screaming bloody murder as the fog travelled up her body burning her pale skin, Mags climbed off Finnick's back kissing his cheek and signalling for him to grab Thalia "Mags no...." but it was too late she had been consumed by the fog Finnick grabbed Thalia picking her up bridal style and running being careful not to touch the burns on her back once the fog had cleared Finnick placed Thalia at the bottom of a tree she was groaning from the pain "Put her into the water" Katniss screamed as her hand hit the water Peeta flung himself in and screamed louder Finnick picked Thalia back up and placed her into the water she was creaming and kicking at the water to get herself out but Finnick held her on place "Shhh it's alright I've got you" soon all the blisters had disappeared leaving Thalia's skin burned badly Finnick sat under the tree with Thalia on his lap she was whimpering digging her face further into his chest as he held her tighter "Shhh I've got you, your sage Thals" Finnick cooed as he kissed her head calming her down and she eventually fell asleep in his arms just where he wanted her to be.

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