Chapter 6 |Catching feelings

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It was early morning when Thalia awoke she found herself on Finnick's lap with him staring down at her sweetly "Good morning Kitten sleep well?" She didn't move she liked sitting on him although she wouldn't admit it to anyone "Kitten?" She asked eyebrow slightly raised smirking at him "if you don't like it I won't-" Thalia placed a finger to his lips shutting him up "I love it" She then stood up and imediantly regreted it she missed his warm arms around her waist "where are you off to" He got up and followed her out to the beach "Just to the water" she liked the beach although there weren't many in district 3 "it's calming isn't it" he took a seat next to her she nodded "why do you act so cold around people" Finnick regretted asking as soon as the words left his mouth "because if I get close to people they get killed because of me and I can't let that happen" He understood her perfectly but that didn't mean he wasn't going to at least try to get close to her "I know how you feel" Thalia looked at him a hint of sympathy but didn't talk about it anymore she could tell it was a hard subject for him instead she grabbed his hand he looked at her slightly confused "I'm sorry" she looked out across the arena he pulled her closer to him and Thalia could feel her cheeks heat up "there's nothing you could've done kitten" she sighed and dug her face further into his chest and he kissed the top of her head Katniss cleared her throat from behind them "sorry to ruin the moment but we gotta go" she said turning round and walking up to Peeta Finnick chuckled and to Thalia that was all she needed to keep her going through this stupid game, she did try to ignore the feeling she felt when around Finnick but she knew deep down she never stood a chance. They made there way down to the beach "I'm going to find a tree to get some water" Peeta said walking off into the jungle behind them Thalia gripped her trident "guys...." Finnick and Katniss turned their head in the direction Thalia was looking 2 dozen mutts were staring intensely at them all "peeta"Katniss drew her bow and Finnick matched Thalias stance with his trident "yeah what's up" she said completely oblivious "I wanna show you something come here and slowly" "okay?" He walked slowly towards them but accidently stepped on a twig making a large cracking sound the mutts charged at the tributes a hurracaine of teeth and claws "Get to the beach!" Katniss yelled fighting a large baboon Thalia flung her trident into its side. Another tribute found her way into the battle between the tributes and the mutts the stupid girl flung herself infront of one that was about to kill Thalia "Peeta grab the kid" Thalia hissed he did as he was told and grabbed her

When they found the beach the mutts had stopped at the line between the beach and the jungle, Thalia took the girl off Peeta and walked into the water she was dying slowly "look up at the sky for me look at the sunset" the others watched her curiously she started to hum a small tune to the girl as she let in Thalia's arms Boom there it was the cannon marking the death of another innocent child she walked back onto the beach and sat down "what you did for her was kind" Peeta said placing a caring hand on her shoulder "it was the least I could do" that's when a voice rang out through the beach breaking the silence "SON OF A BITCH" Yup that was Johanna alright "Johanna!" Thalia yelled as she ran towards the voice "Thals?" She asked She hugged Johanna almost making them both topple over "what happened to you lot" Finnick asked as he came into view "Well at first we thought it was rain but turns out it was thick, hot blood they chockes us with it" Johanna was cleaning of in the water. Later that night the hole team including Beetee, Johanna and wiress sat but the water talking laughing and eating the fish Finnick had so kindly caught "hey I'm going for a late night swim I'll be back" Thalia placed the remains of her food on the ground before quickly getting up and jogging over to the water "go after her Finnick" He looked at Katniss "I saw you two earlier slots obvious she likes you go after her" and with that he went after her stopping at the waters edge not being to see Thalia he leans closer only to be yanked into the water "what was that for?!" He sounded irritated but it soon wore off as he began laughing with her "you should've seen your face it was priceless" He splashes her with water "no fair" she turned her back to him pretending to be mad when he grabs her wrist and pulls her towards him there faces only inches apart "Hi"he said his eyes flickering to her lips "Hey" she said Finnick leaned closer closing the gap between their lips as he kissed her softly but it soon became faster and hungrier their lips moving in sync "alright lovebirds that's enough" Johanna spoke before things got more heated Finnick kissed Thalia's nose making Johanna roll her eyes "a sponsor sent something for you Finnick" Johanna laughed as what she just saw replayed through her head, Once back at the beach with the rest of the gang Katniss passed Finnick the box he opened it ad read the note

Don't think I didn't see that Odair look after her for me oh and a little something to help with the burns from the gas
P.S Thalia stop itching it

Thalia rolled her eyes at her uncle's over protectiveness Finnick took the cream out the box it was a blackish colour he dipped his fingers in and spreading it all over Thalia's neck her skin was red from the burns she winced letting out a painful hiss "sorry" he mumbled as she relaxed a bit after he finished applying the cream to Thalia's neck he then passed it to Katniss and Peeta for them to use "I'll take first watch" Katniss offered Finnick placed Thalia on his lap and rocked her to sleep watching her chest rise and fall to the sound of his heart beat

A/n: Finnick and Thalia need a ship name any ideas? And I know some of the things in this chapter are wrong I'm not as experienced as some of the writers out there this so purely for my pleasure and your enjoyment also sorry for any spelling mistakes or anything it was 12:40 when I finished writing it hope y'all enjoy ♡♡

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