Chapter 8 |District 13

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"FINNICK" Thalia screamed Her uncle grasped her hand in his "hey Thals princess look at me your alright" she was crying into his chest she missed her uncle's warm embrace and his smile he was really the only family she had left "he's gone, he's really gone?" She looked up at with her glassy emerald green eyes "I'm so sorry princess we tried to save him we really did but we didn't get there in time" he hung his head in shame "I understand I'm sorry for lashing out earlier" her grip on Haymitch's waist tightened "don't worry Thals Katniss did the same when she found out the Capitol had Peeta too" he sighed "Haymitch could I talk to Thalia for a second" Haymitch nodded and left the room, Katniss ran up to Thalia and hugged her she wasn't used to hugs from the girl on fire but soon hugged her back "I'm really sorry about Finnick" she broke the hug sitting on the bed with Thalia "I'm sorry about Peeta" Thalia grabbed Katniss' hand and gave it a gentle squeeze "he really did love you y'know" "who?" She laughed and rolled her eyes "Finnick" "I love him too" at that moment a tall man in a grey jumpsuit came into the room " put these on and come with me president coin has requested an audience" The man stepped outside the room and Katniss went into the bathroom while Thalia got dressed in the main room throwing her hospital gown on the bed she quickly got changed into an ugly grey jumpsuit and waited for Katniss "you ready?" Katniss asked Thalia nodded and followed the man and her friend "Katniss Everdeen welcome I am president Alma Coin" she shook Katniss' hand and turned to Thalia "and the famous Thalia Abernathy it is a pleasure to meet you both" she shook Thalia's hand as well and sat down at a long table, Thalia sat next to Beetee and a tall dark hair boy who looked her up and down and turned his head back towards Coin "I'm sure your both aware of the situation were in" both girl looked at each other and shook their heads "Katniss when you fired your arrow at the forcefeild you electrified the nation" Katniss looked down Thalia could sence the girls emotions running wild and grabbed her hand under the table Katniss gave her a small smile and a squeeze before turning back to Coin " we are sick and tired of the Capitol taking our children and slaughtering them so we need you both to be the faces of this revolution" Thalia looked at her uncle's emotionless face "well what about Peeta, Finnick and Johanna" Coin gave Katniss an irriated "Miss Everdeen this revolution is about everybody we need you both as our Mockingjay and our Phoenix" a tear rolled down Katniss' cheek "you should have thought about that when you left Peeta" she stormed out the room Thalia sighed "She's right" and then followed Katniss to her chambers where she sat in a corner crying "Hey Katniss it's alright" she sat next to her and she put her arms around her shoulder "Its my fault he's there in that place it should have been me not him" she broke down crying "Katniss Everdeen listen to me" she looked up at Thalia her eyes glassy "We will do everything we can to get him back you shouldn't blame yourself for this he wouldn't want that you are a great woman and everyone looks up to you not me or Johanna or Finnick you, you inspire hundreds of people each day and you should be proud of that proud to be you" Thalia hugged Katniss "your a great friend Thalia" Katniss placed her head on Thalia's shoulder "anytime" "c-can you sing?" Thalia chuckled and started singing a lulaby from district 3

Thalia must have fallen asleep next to Katniss because when Boggs woke them up she was next to Katniss her head on her shoulder "your wanted in command" he said as he walked off they both followed. When they entered the command Coin looked at them then to the tv where Finnick and Peeta sat talking to Ceaser "Finnick...." a tear rolled down Thalia's cheeks as she started at the screen where Finnick sat As white as snow's roses fiddling with a rope he played with if he had a nightmare "Peeta Finnick what do you both have to say about this revolution" Katniss silently started crying at the sight of her love who being honest looks like shit "I don't think it's right" Peeta spoke up Thalia's eyes widened at Peetas answer "what their doing is wrong there is no need for a war Katniss please think about what your doing" Katniss screamed Peeta's name "Thalia my love please don't do this it isn't you" Finnick said sending a pleading look towards the camera "what have they don't to you Finnick" she cried into her uncle's chest he was stroking her hair "Thalia please don't cry we'll get him back" Haymitch kissed her head "I need to go" Thalia ran out the room to her chambers and flung herself onto the bed and cried Boggs came into her room and sat at the edge of her bed "I'm sorry Thalia" he looked at her and sighed "it should have been me not him" Boggs pulled her into a hug which she did not expect but hugged him back "don't say that soldier" he broke the hug and stood up to leave when Thalia grabbed his wrist "call an emergency meeting and behalf of me and Katniss" he nodded and walked off

"Thank you for meeting us here we have made a decision we will be your Mockingjay and your Pheonix on one condition" Thalia started "Number 1 all the victors shall be rescued as soon  as possible and shall be cleared of any charges pressed against them" Katniss finished "The Victors include Finnick Odair, Peeta Mellark and Johanna Mason" Thalia Sat on a chair opposite Coin "No" Coin looked down at a notebook and started to write something "you will clear all charges pressed against them or you WILL find a new Mockingjay and Pheonix" Thalia slammed her hands down on the table a look of pure rage spread across her face "That's it that's them that's what I promised you madam president" Coin sighed "is there any other conditions" Thalia and Katniss looked at each other "My sister gets to keep her cat"

A/n: hiii lovelies I know this isn't 100% accurate but I did my best so pls no hate I hope you enjoyed this chapter the next one will be out later today please please please vote for this story and maybe comment as well love you all

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