Chapter 9 |Come to me

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Slop the chef (if you could even call them that) dumped a spoon full of stew in her bowl Thalia groaned and moved out the way, she spotted Katniss sat with a small girl a lady and the boy she was sat next to in the meeting the other day Katniss waved her over "Everyone this is Thalia or the Pheonix" Thalia rolled her eyes and sat next to the lady with pale skin and a scarf around her head "Effie" she began "Effie Trinket pleasure to meet you" she held out her hand "Thalia Abernathy and the pleasure is all mine" Effie let out a little gasp "As in Haymitch-" "I'm Haymitch's niece" she smiled and let out a small squeal and clapped her hands together " Hey beautiful I'm Gale" Thalia looked unamused "Sorry Gale Odair best you to her" Katniss giggled and Gale started sulking "why are all the hottest girls taken" Gale started mumbling to himself "I'm Primrose Everdeen but you can call me Prim" Thalia recognised the name "ah the littlest Everdeen" she started laughing at her nickname "any news on Peeta or Finnick" Katniss looked sad "No" Thalia sighed "Odair your boyfriend or something" he laughed at himself and quickly dodged a knife Thalia threw "okay okay I'm sorry jeesh" she growled "next time it'll be your head" he looked scared but quickly covered it up and walked off leaving Thalia, Prim, Effie and Katniss "she has the same temper as her uncle I like you already" Thalia smiled then Boggs came up to them "Abernathy Everdeen your wanted in command" both girls nodded "I'll keep Prim entertained" Effie said turning to the young Everdeen once they got to command Coin turned to them "Miss Abernathy Miss Everdeen I have called you both here because were going to do a probo" Plutarch handed them both a piece of paper with a speech on it "you will learn this and meet us back here in two hours" they nodded and left about 2 hours later both girls appeared back in command Katniss wore a beautifully tight black cat suit with feathers on the shoulder pads her quiver of arrows on her back and raven black bow in hand Thalia had the same but red the feathers on the shoulders were orange faded into yellow and her trident instead of a bow and arrow Thalia's long wavy silver hair was in a loose braid that fell over her shoulder her emerald green eyes flickered in the light of the room "you both look stunning" Haymitch commented "Cinna" was all Katniss said before her facial expression changed from determined to guilty Thalia put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a small smile which Katniss returned "well let's get going" Plutarch pushed them both in a room "right I want Katniss to start on her knees and Thalia standing then Thalia I wanted you to look powerful with that trident that you honestly scare me with" Thalia smirked "that right there Thalia keep that face" she nodded "People of panem we fight, we dare, we end our hunger for justice" Haymitch clapped his hands sarcastically "and that my friends is how a revolution dies"

Later that day Katniss, Thalia, Coin, Gale, Haymitch, Effie, Plutarch and Boggs sat around a large table watching the video Thalia was cringing at the sight "Okay okay I want you to tell me a time where Katniss or Thalia genuinely moved you not where you were jealous of their hair or dress or their fighting skills where they moved you for doing something unexpected" he started messing with the board "I hope that wasn't important" by the look on Plutarch's face Thalia guessed it was Effie's hand shot up "when Katniss volunteered for her sister at the reaping" Haymitch wrote it on the board "good anything else" Effie's hand shot up again "when Thalia sang for the mad girl in her games then held her as she died" Thalia remembered the girls cries "right and what makes them so special" Gale spoke up "no one told them to do it" Haymitch pointed the pen at Gale " they were unscripted" "so if we leave them alone" Beetee said "Exactly and wash Katniss' face she's still young and your making her look 35" Katniss and Thalia laughed. After the meeting was over Thalia sat in her room when Haymitch came in "hey princess what are you thinking about?" He sat next to her and drapped his arm over her shoulder "Finnick" Thalia replied staring at a blank wall "I miss him uncle Haymitch" Haymitch sighed "I know sweetheart you'll see him soon I promise" Thalia started silently crying "what do you think their doing to him" she said looking up at Haymitch "Nothing good that's for sure" she knew he was right the Capitol was hurting him the love of his life and she had to do something she felt useless sat here crying about it and not doing anything "Get some sleep princess I'll wake you up soon" he shut the door and left Thalia crawled into bed and lay there for a while "I promise I'll find you Finnick even if I die trying I'm not letting you suffer for this I love you" and sleep took her.

The next few days Thalia spent studying medicine with Prim and katniss' mum or fighting with Boggs and trying desperately to avoid Gale when one lunch Thalia looked around the room she couldn't find Katniss or Gale but she did find Prim and Effie "Hey Prim Effie anyone know where Katniss is?" "She's in command with Gale, Haymitch, Plutarch and Coin" she immediately knew Finnick and Peeta had another interview with Ceaser "I need to go" Thalia got up and started to walk off "don't forget to meet me and my mum in the hospital for medicine studying" Prim called after her she turned round giving Prim a thumbs up and ran to command and burst through the doors no one paid attention to her, Thalia's eyes landed on the screen where Finnick sat with Peeta "what have they done to you Finnick..." Katniss took her hand while Gale took her other she didn't mind "if you could say anything to Katniss and Thalia the once sweet Katniss and Thalia what would it be?" Ceaser asked handing them the mic "if tell Katniss to stop this and think about what she's doing please Katniss if your seeing this think about what your doing and who it might hurt" Finnick was messing with the rope he had "and Finnick what would you tell Thalia" he looked at Ceaser then the camera " Thalia my darling I love with all my heart and I'm so sorry I failed you but I want you to live forget the revolution come to me and we can live happily ever after just like we planned" Thalia broke down crying and screaming Katniss fell with her holding her close to her while Haymitch rubbed her back Coin turned the Tv off "Thalia I think you should do something to take your mind off this" Thalia nodded smiled at Katniss and her uncle letting them know she was okay and made her way down to the hospital where Prim and Mrs Everdeen were "Thalia what happened" Prim hugged her and Mrs Everdeen looked a her worried "I saw Finnick and I- I just miss him so much" she wiped the tears off her face and turned to Prim "But I'm okay I was hoping we could practise today y'know to take my mind off things" both girls looked pleased and the next three hours were spent working with Prim and Mrs Everdeen working laughing and joking this defiantly took her mind off Finnick.

A/n: Hiii lovelies hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry if I messed anything up don't come at me also if anyone knows the name of Katniss' mum please let me know Google only said Mrs Everdeen lol please please vote for this story and maybe comment as well love you all

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