Chapter 1 |Thalia Abernathy

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BOOM the cannon sounded and Thalia sprinted and grabbed an aqua green trident from cornucopia and swung it behind her imediantly lodging it's self into the tribute from district 2 her district partner Neo ran to her side "nice hit Thals" he said gripping his knifes so his knuckles turned white "thanks Neo" she smirked cunningly she knew her uncle was watching her from district 12 she lived with her parents in district 3 though she had no idea why she always thought her mum and uncle Haymitch had an argument or something "the forest now" Neo shouted as he sprinted off into the woods Thalia pierced another tribute in the chest as she sprinted after him over the next few hours the two and their allies Max and Glee from district 5 had been wondering around Glee was killed by a district 12 tribute and Max went mental and ripped him to shreds with his teeth which in Thalia's opinion was the most disgusting thing in the world she couldn't watch so then it was only her Max and Neo.

Between them all they had killed nearly all the tributes off and soon it was only a girl from district 11 and a boy from district 10 left and they all knew soon they would have to kill each other if they wanted to win but Neo was like a brother to Thalia so she couldn't she was going to let Neo kill Max then kill herself to allow Neo to win she didn't tell him that because he would try and convince her not to but she had already made up her mind. They climbed a large hill in the far corner of the arena on reaching the top she sat down underneath a tree reaching for the small flask of water from the cornucopia and took a small sip not wanting to waste it she then threw the flask to Max and Neo who did the same "so what are we gonna do?" Max asked chucking the flask back to Thalia "to be honest Max I don't know" Thalia answered honestly Neo was staring at something at the bottom of the mountain "i got eyes on on the last two tributes" both me and Max stood and looked to where he was pointing and sure enough the last two tributes from district 11 and 10 a small girl that looked about 10 and a boy about 12 Thalia couldn't kill them they were only kids she was an 18 year old with enough innocent blood on her hands she didn't want more but she also didn't want to look weak infront of her uncle.

Her long silver hair hung in a braid over her shoulders her stylist had said it would be better that way because it wouldn't get in her way, They were still staring at the tributes from the top of the mountain "well what are we waiting for their unarmed" Max smirked evily and Thalia could see that face killing her but she shook that thought and jumped after the boys down the mountain both the kids heard us coming their heads snapped up to our direction they looked scared, No not scared terrified for their lives Me and Neo where stood infront of them both Neo held his knife to the girls throat while my trident was held up to the boys neck i could see a tear role down his cheek as Max's machete sliced through his neck his head rolled up next to Thalia's feet she tried not to look at it although she could smell the blood Neo pressed his knife into the girls neck not deep enough to kill her but deep enough to hurt she screamed so loud both of my allies drunk backwards holding their ears I was used to it having a little sister but this hurt me she was only 10 she hadn't even lived her life She was about to end the girls life when CRASH

A huge wave crashed through the woods Max's eyes widened we a started running including the girl  Thalia grabbed Neo's hand and he tightened his grip on her hand not caring if he broke her fingers he wanted to keep his best friend safe as the wave hit them all Thalia took the biggest breath she could and closed her eyes knowing the head was floating somewhere her hand slipped from Neo as she was washed up on the rocks she looked around for Neo and saw Max his blade in Neo's chest Thalia screamed and in that moment her emotions ran wild she felt sadness over her best friends death rage because she trusted Max. She picked up her trident that lay next to her and darted forward it plungeded into Max's neck his eyes rolled to the back of his skull and she was drenched in his blood she completely forgot about the girl next to her and suddenly remember when she released and ear splitting shriek she dropped her trident and sat behind the girl who was rocking and muttering it was clear she had gone mad Thalia gently started stroking and playing with the girls firey red hair she was singing softly and the girl was calming down and relaxing at Thalia's touch once she had finished singing she silently took the knife from her pocket and stabbed the girl in the back and held her while she died the cannon boomed on last time and a voice rang out through the woods "ladies and gentlemen we have our Victor Thalia Abernathy she thought winning was supposed to feel good she had brought honour to her district and her family she stayed alive but it felt the exact opposite she felt like a monster she killed innocent children and for what? She didn't care about bringing honour to her district she wanted to breakdown and cry, cry for the girl cry for Neo cry for Glee and Max even though she now hated him but she knew the cameras were on her so she couldn't

||Years later ||
You would have thought being a Victor your life would be perfect bit it was far from it after the games president snow paid her a lovely visit and said if she didn't obey him and as he said there would be consequences of course she refused snow then had all her family including a 4 year old girl slaughtered not wanting anyone else to die she agreed she then had hundreds of people pay to spend the night with her she didn't like it at all but if she wanted to survive there was no other way she had become very close  friends with Johanna and talked to her alot if she wasn't pleasing her 'clients' or spending time with Johanna she was playing with the village kids she liked doing this it reminded her of her sister who was slaughtered by snow Thalia tried talking to Neo's sister bit she blamed her for his death so she left not talking to any of Neo's family for years she would visit Neo's grave each and every day and she'd just sit and talk to him for hours on end she thought her life would go back to how it was after the games she thought she would get to live her life but she was so wrong


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