Chapter 14: Economics Lesson with Mr. Zhongli

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"After having experienced the land of the absentee archon, Travelers, how does it feel to know that our archon and adepti are here all around you in Liyue?" Zhongli asked.

"I prefer the atmosphere in Mondstadt." Aether answered.
"Ah, me too." Mayoka agreed.

"I see, so you're that sort of person. It's not a bad thing. But i suppose you two have yet to experience the substance of Liyue's three thousand and seven hundred years of divinity. Organizing the Rite of Parting should prove to be an enlightening part of your travels. Liyue is the most prosperous of the seven nations, defended by deities and ruled by Qixing. As such, the diplomatic maneuverings of the Fatui gained no purchase here. Ningguang of the Qixing has always been on her guard against the Fatui. That is in all likelihood why Childe wants to make use of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's connections." Zhongli explained.

"Huh... What does Childe get put of us doing the Rite of Parting anyway?" Paimon asked.

"I neither know nor do I wish to know. As far as I'm concerned, the Fatui are merely financial sponsors. I only wish for Liyue's traditions to endure." He said as he handed them something.

(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) money. Actually idk what that is so pls tell me in the comments so i can edit :))

"These are the advance funds that Childe has provided. If you use them up, you can go to him for any subsequent funding." He said.

"Wow..." Paimon looked admired it.

"Well then, let us be off. The first step in our preparations shal be to obtain some prize Noctilucous Jade worthy of a deity." He said as he lead the trio to a stand.

"Welcome to Jade Mystery, my good friends  would you like to try your luck betting on jade? This could be your lucky day. It's cheap and it's fun, and who knows, you just might strike it rich!" The shopkeeper, Shitou said.

"Betting? No, no, we're here for... um... What was it again?" Paimon trailed off.

"Noctilucous Jade, of radiant grade at the very least." Zhongli said.

"Radiant grade Noctilucous Jade? I see, you're not a tourist. My apologies. I have some here for your perusal..." Shitou said as he went and find some jades. After a few moments, he showed them to the group.

"What do you think? The Jade Mystery is an old name in the jade business. Just look at that wonderful quality! Rex Lapis doesn't often bless us with such finery. Go on, pick whichever one you like!"

"These pieces... They really look pretty... Not like the ones you usually dig up." Mayoka observed the jades infront of her.

"But how are we gonna pick? Should we just grab one and go?" Paimon asked.

"A man who makes his living off betting on stones can't be trusted so lightly." Aether mumbled out loud.

"Very good. It seems you have learned some tricks of the trade." Zhongli praised.

"What  do you think, Mr. Zhongli? How should we pick one from these pieces of Noctilucous Jade?" Paimon asked.

"Oh? You want me to decide? That is fine as well. If I were me, the answer would be simple." He said.

"Oh? And that would be...?" Paimon asked.

'Please don't tell me he's gonna choose all of them...' Mayoka sweatdropped.

"I'll take them all, boss." Zhongli said, shocking the three.

'Oh dear mother Shinta, please help me pay for it' Mayoka internally prayed and cried.

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