Chapter 1: Mondstadt and the beginning of the journey

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As the group finished eating along the way, they went back to Mondstat to continue their work.

"Alright, as the reward for helping me defeating the Hilichurls earlier, I'm gonna give you guys a prize!" Amber declared happily.

"Huh? But why doesn't Paimon gets any?"

"Uhm..... Well it won't suite you anyways, but im going to treat you for another Sticky Honey Roast!"

"Mmm.. Sticky Honey Roast.... Okay then!"

'for a small body she eats alot..' Mayoka smiled at Paimon's behavior.

"Okay, now for the prize.. follow me! We are going to.. the high ground" "Woo hoo!"

The Traveler and the Seeker followed amber into the place where the statue of the Anemo God was standing.

"Alright... Why are we here?" Mayoka asked

"Okay, now the prize im going to give you is.."

'did she just ignored my question-'

"Ta-daa! A wind glide!" Amber presented a wing-like thing knows as the Wind Glide and gave it to Aether.

"Oh me? Wait what about Mayoka?" Aether asked Amber.

"Uhh i only have one of them.. i didn't know that we are going to meet Mayoka on the way so.. hehe.." Amber said nervously

"Haha, it's okay Amber, i dont need it anyways"

"Alright, in order to use it, just walk on the board and spread it and then glide along the wind!! I'll be waiting for you down there!" Amber instructed Aether about the wind glide and dashed off to the other side. Monaka also followed Amber there.

"Alright.. here goes.." Aether leaped off the balcony and glides off to where Amber and Mayoka were at.

"Good job Aether!"

"Yeah! Great job!" Paimon and Mayoka praised.

But that didn't last long, because suddenly Stormterror attacked Mondstat itself! Aether, Amber and Mayoka ran along, but Aether is caught by one of the hurricanes and is sent flying!

"Aether!" Mayoka shouted in shock.

~Aethers P.O.V~

I was caught by the hurricane and was sent flying off, luckily because of the wind glide Amber gave me, i managed to stay afloat. But then suddenly Stormterror came at me and tried to attack me. But then for some reason, i stayed afloat with the wind glider. "Huh? How are you staying afloat with just a wind glider?" Paimon confusedly asked

"I'm preventing your fall with the power of a thousand winds" a mysterious voice suddenly rang through the air

"Huh? Who said that?" I heard Paimon asked again

"Now, concentrate. See yourself grasping the wind, harnessing it's energy" the voice said again. Suddenly, i found myself shooting some anemo projectile at the dragon

A few moments later the dragon retreated and i return back to the ground

~Back to the previous P.O.V (3rd person)~

"Are you okay?" Mayoka ran up to Aether panting from all the running "h-huh? Y-yeah I'm fine!"
"Thank goodness.. its bad if you got hurt at the times like this.." Amber joined the convo.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

"Huh? Who is that?"

"You actually got the power to go up against the dragon... Are you a new Ally... Or a new storm..?"

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