Chapter 5: The Holy Lyre der Himmel

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"So this... "Holy Lyre der Himmel" is..." Paimon asked. "From its name... I think its some sort of Lyre or something... But with a little power in it?" Mayoka asked too. "Yep! One of the most treasured items in Mondstadt. It's the lyre that Barbatos used to play. With it, perhaps i can help Dvalin draw his gentle nature back out of the nightmare he's going through." Venti explained. "Will it really stop Stormterror from causing more damage?" Paimon asked. "Of course! I'm the best bard in the world." Venti happily declared. "There's not a single song I do not know, no matter of it's from the past, present, or future. Look me in the eyes. Do you not find me trustworthy? And what's with that look from you Mayoka?" Venti looked at Mayoka, who is looking at him amusely; like he is hiding something. "Nothing, you just bragged too much." Mayoka looked away with her hands crossing infront of her. "So how can we get the Holy Lyre?" Paimon asked to move away from the awkwardness. "It's said that it's enshrined deep within the Cathedral, somewhere safe. I'll go take a look around. You can come of you want." Venti said and walk into the Cathedral with Aether, Paimon, and Mayoka following behind (cuz yes-)

"Let me handle this..." Venti said and turn into one of the Nun guarding the Cathedral. "Hello there, Sister." Venti greeted. (Hi sisters-) "May the Anemo God bless you, young bard. How can i help you?" The Nun greeted back. "Actually, I know a secret that can save Mondstadt from it's current predicament." "Oh, what a blessing from the God of Anemo! But you should report this to the Knights of Favonius. Why have you come to me?" The Nun asked, confused why Venti came to her instead. "Hahaha, because you, dear sister, are able to help! I'd like to borrow... The Holy Lyre. With it, I'll be able to help Stormterror–" suddenly Venti is cut off, "Please see yourselves out." The Nun said. "What?" Venti looked shocked. "It's a vicious dragon indeed, but once the Acting Grand Master makes up on her mind, nothing can stand in the Knight's way." The Nun refuted. "That's simply not acceptable! Wouldn't Stormterror end up getting killed that way?" "That foolish beast betrayed the winds. Not even the God of Anemo themselves would forgive it!" The Nun replied. "Ugh... Please! I beg of you!" Venti pleaded. "I'm afraid not, little bard." 'strange... Somehow I feel bad rejecting this sweet child...'  the Nun thought. "Then... I guess I'm left with no other choice. I cannot hide anymore! My disciples, rejoice! Behold, the God of Anemo, Barbatos has descended! Shocked aren't you? Don't you just want to cry out and rejoice? How does it feel to finally meet the God you've been serving?" Venti declared. "If there's nothing else, I'll be going back to handle the Cathedral's paperwork now." The Nun replied. "Wait–" before Venti could finish, the Nun left and went somewhere else.

Mayoka and Aether approached Venti. "Eh? She didn't even bat an eyelid. But, I have atleast learned what i wanted to know. She didn't deny that the Cathedral is enshrining the Holy Lyre. Now, Aether, since you're the hotshot of the Knights of Favonius... Maybe you can give it a shot." Venti said. "Woah woah woah, you're asking Aether to do that?" Mayoka cut in. "Yeah, I mean, he already went on." "What the–"

Mayoka and Venti watched Aether pursuing the Nun. After a few seconds, Aether returned with a face indicating he failed. "It didn't work... I knew it." Venti said a little disappointed. "Told ya so.." "I just wanna know how influential Aether– the hotshot of the Knights of Favonius– is. You see, the best warrior should always be presented with the best sword, and yet here we are... Does the story not make for a fitting ballad?" "So what are you trying to say! That we're not good enough?" Paimon seemed offended.
"No, that's not it. More of a commentary regarding Mondstadt's inability to see the warrior standing right before its very eyes. Very well. Looks like borrowing it is not going to be possible. We're simply going to have steal it. Today we stand for free will! Any suggestions on how we steal it?" "Hold on right there. Steal? How are we supposed to steal? I know this is the City of Freedom and any sort. But stealing is just a little too far." Mayoka disagreed. "Hahaha, look at you. Sidetracked from the start. But seriously, you're more suitable for the job than I. Aside from singing, I don't really have any other talents. Besides, if I was caught, I'd have no-one to right the grave injustice of my arrest." "How can it be a "grave injustice" if you got caught stealing red-handed?" "But things are different for Aether. You are the superstar of the Knights of Favonius. You have made contributions to Mondstadt! If you get caught, hou would easily be able to talk your way out of it." Venti said. "Now, now, I know that he have some good reputation here. But those things are eeeaaasily destroyed. Back in our world, some simple crimes like this were spreaded throughout the nation. If someone with a big reputation did some simple crimes like this, oh-ho-ho, their face are going to be spreaded towards the whole newspaper. Just imagine the huge disappointment the common folk felt." Mayoka ended her rant.

(Again. Indonesia be like-)

"The guards here, it seems they're off duty throughout the night." Venti purposely ignored Mayoka's advice. "Are you kidding me-" "if we manage to seize this opportunity, it should be smooth sailing from here." "Stop mentioning us getting caught!" Paimon shouted. "Aether... What do you say?" "I'm sorry– wait... Did you just said you're Barbatos?" Aether questioned. "Ah, yes. Seems i did mention that... Your point being?" "If you really are a god, then we cant simply abandon you." Aether answered. "Why does your decision hinge upon whether or not I am a god?" "Paimon'll fill you in on Aether's background story when we get the time..." Paimon answered. "And if you're not a god, then I'll help Dvalin anyway." "Huh?" "I will bring you the Holy Lyre der Himmel." Aether answered. "Well goodluck on that Aether, because I wont be joining you. I will contradict what i said about earlier if i did. I'm sorry." Mayoka apologized.

After a few hours of waiting, it's finally time for action. Aether went into the middle of the hall. The guards were everywhere. But he managed to sneak past the guards without getting caught. But when they finally got into where the Holy Lyre was in, a Lady in a cloak suddenly appeared and took the Holy Lyre before disappearing again. "She... Disappeared!"

"Freeze! What are you doing here?" A guard caught them. And before anything happens, Aether and Paimon ran out.

Aether and Paimon ran to the balcony where Mayoka and Venti were peacefully sitting on. "Were busted! Run!!" Paimoh shouted "See? I told you!" "Quick, follow me"

--------------to be continued--------------

1194 words counted-

Thanks for reading this far!

Despair, out!

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