Chapter 4: Spill the truth, Mayonaka!

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"You have a lot of explaining to do here Mayoka." Aether said sternly. "*sigh* Fine fine, just calm down will ya..." Mayoka took a deep breath and started explaining. "I'm Mayonaka Tsurugi. I am the next heir to the Seekers. But because of the war caused by.. tge "Stray Groups".. my family had no choice but to sent me to my travels. In terms of power, I represent the Moon element. And in terms of strength, I am still counted as weak." "Weak..? But you literally blew up a Hilichurl in one go earlier..." Paimon questioned. "Yeah.. but in my world, my power isn't enough compared to the Kandita; The Strongest Water Atma." Mayoka continued.

"So what's the deal with 'the rarest atma' like those guys said earlier?" Aether asked.
"Oh! The rarest atma? Ah.. about that..." Mayoka trailed off. "It's Shinta, the rarest Anemo atma. She is known as the goddess of earth in our world." "Ooooo" Paimon seemed impressed. "And what about those smoky thingy coming out of your hand?" Paimon asked again. "Its... Maaaaaaaaaagic." Mayoka joked.


"I'm just kidding, it's my Moon element power! My Moon element power can basically... Y'know, sent Hilichurls flying if they got into impact with my powers. It can help me in my adventures as well, for left some mark, just incase I got lost.. hehe.." Mayoka scratched her neck a little. "But trust me, I'm not a bad guy.. I just sent those guys back to their world." "Wait, you can teleport people to worlds?" Aether asked, a little hopes up. "Ah.. yes and no.. i can only send them back to my world.. since they came from there obviously.." Aether seemed a little disappointed. "Hey, hey, I know you thought i can teleport you to where you're sister is, but like i said, im still considered very weak! Sorry to get your hopes up, i didnt mean to disappoint you!" Mayoka panicked at Aether's disappointment. "Ah- no, its alright... But how do you know what was i thinking?" Aether asked. "Oh! Im psychic" Mayoka smiled. "Eeehhh?" Paimon shouted. "Just kidding, you are easy to read.. haha..." They laughed for a few seconds.

"By the way, you guys went of to chase someone earlier, did you get what you wanted?" Mayoka asked. Paimon and Aether looked at each other and whispered something, before turning back to Mayoka and told her what they saw. "Soo before we met, we saw a green guy talking to Stormterror! Earlier when we interrogated him, he said he's so close with Dvalin! And Aether also said that ge sound familiar." Paimon explained. "I see... So this green guy... Talked to Stormterror and claimed that they are close... Seems suspicious if you ask me... But that's not our place to say something like that... Since we don't know him that much either." Mayoka said a little advice. "Yeah, you're probably right.. let's go back to Mondstadt and think about what should we do now!" Aether said. "Alright! Lets go!" Paimon joined in and the group went back.

"Also, that green guy said something about symbol of Mondstadt's hero... Oh wait Paimon knows! Its that huge tree!" "Alrighty, the huge tree we go! Lead the way!" Mayoka said and they all went to the huge tree.

Once they got there, they found the green guy under the tree. "Oh? What are you doing here? And.. who is this girl over here?" Venti asked. "Oh! This is Mayonaise!" "... Seriously Paimon..?" Mayoka deadpanned. "Im just kidding, this is Mayonaka, or you can call her Mayoka! One of our friend!" Paimon said while laughing. "I see, pleasure meeting you Mayoka. I'm Venti the bard!" Venti introduced himself to Mayoka. "Anyways, what are you doing here? Though i was just wondering if you would happen to follow me..." "I want to know more about the Anemo god." Aether spoke up.
"You speak of the God of Anemo, Barbatos? He already disappeared from Mondstadt a long time ago. Liyue and Inazuma's respective gods of Geo and Electro are still present, but Mondstadt has seen many a moon since they last saw their own god. Why do you wish to know about the God of Anemo? Does it have something to do with Dvalin?" "Oh... Ahhh... It's because gods..." Paimon trailed off. "Yes. Someone told me about Dvalin's past."

"Just how is it that everyone sees Stormterror? I'm quite curious. That said there's no need to rush... I have not been back in a while, it seems like there are a few who are unhappy with my arrival..." Venti's eye trailed off to a creature behind the statue. Aether and Mayoka immediately take action and attack it. Because it's high up, Mayoka used her Moon element power to hold it down a little so Aether can hit it.

"Seems like the dragon wasn't the only thing affected by this change in the wind... Now then, you were saying someone had told you about the dragon?" Aether nodded and explained what Lisa said.

"Is that so? Quite the scholar I must say, that Lisa. She's not wrong. The conflict has reached this point, only because both sides have resorted to the use of force. His hate, however, did not arise from the people not making tribute to The Four Winds. Nor was is born from its own nature, but instead came about as a product of his degradation." Venti explained. "Degra...dation?" Paimon asked, confused with the spelling. "His black blood flowing through his heart has been torturing him for years. Thst was has allowed him to be led astray by the lies of the Abyss mage." "Abyss mage? Come to think of it, i think i ran into one of them, but they disappeared before i even get a chance to look at them. Kinda like a midget." Mayoka said. "They are from the Abyss Order, an organization comparised of non-human beings. They despise mankind. I don't know where they come from. All i know that they hold deep hatred towards the human world. Many hilichurls out in the wild take orders from them and act as their weapons. Before arriving here, I too was like Dvalin, cursed and left to waste. But now, before us stands the Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero, the place from which Mondstadt rose." Venti explained.

"The wind amongst the branches is good, i love the way it smells..." "Mmm.. fresh air from all the fights is nice..." Mayoka took another deep breath. "Being here with you beneath this great tree feels like when the tear was purified earlier. Like the poison is leaving my body..."

After a few seconds, Venti stretched and spoke up. "Mmm... Feels much better." "So.. how exactly did you get poisoned?" Aether asked Venti. "Ahh... That would be because i tried to communicate with Dvalin earlier, but was... Interrupted... As the result, not only did i not manage to help Dvalin to break his curse, but instead, was also infected myself!" "That was... Me?" Aether spoke up a little nervous. "Yes, it was you!" Aether looked at Venti a little tensed, while Mayoka was giggling at the background. "So, to make up for it, Aether, you're coming with me to the Cathedral!" Venti declared.
"The Mondstadt Cathedral? What for?" Paimon asked. "To claim a certain "Holy Lyre der Himmel." As Venti said that, He dragged Mayoka and Aether all the way to the Cathedral.

--------------to be continued--------------

1243 words woohoo! Anyways how do you like a little Venti scene over there? :D

I tried lol-

Anyways imma go and write another chapter!

Despair, out!

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