Intro: Who she really is..?

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"Alright, what do you want to know?" Mayonaka asked with a smile on her face.

"Paimon wants to know which world you are from and what is it like!"

"Yeah me too!!" Amber joined Paimon on her question.

"Oh? You guys want to know that huh? Alright fine i guess i can tell you a little about my world and it's history.."

"So.. the world i live in is a world full of seekers and atmas... But of course, theres also some bad people wanting to use atma to rule the world. That's where the seekers come in! We seekers control atmas to stop those bad guys from using the atmas for bad things!! But thats the problem.." Mayonaka explained.

Aether picked up from what she said and asked "what is the problem?"

"....haah.... What a pain...." Mayonaka exclaimed.

"are.. you okay Mayonaka?"


"Mmm yeah maybe... Anyways.. the problem is our seeker is getting really rare to find now... Many of the soon-to-be seekers were married to those bad guys family, resulting in the blood to be 'dirtied' and cant be appointed as the seeker... We seekers must have pure blood, and a high motivation to strive for justice. Those who were married to the bad guys family mostly lost their hope anymore because their family being threatened. Because of this.... I am the last standing seeker to exist." Mayonaka finally stopped explaining about her world, leaving the other 3 shocked at her explanation.

"So.. you're basically saying that you were sent here to save the last pure seeker blood?" Aether asked, feeling a little sympathy for the blue haired seeker.

"Yeah.. thats basically it.." Mayonaka said. "A pain.. really...   The worst part is that when i was sent here, some of the wild untamed atmas also followed me here.."

"really? How much??" Paimon asked out of curiosity.

"Hmm.. if im not wrong..... About  a million of them"  "A-A MILLION?!!!" The trio shouted in shock

"J-jeez don't scream at me like that..."

"Paimon's sorry, but a million?? Isn't that too much??"

"Huh? Too much? Chillax, that's  not even half of the Atmas in my world.."

"t-thats too much information y'know.."

"Haha, sorry Amber, i cant help it since you guys wanted to know that much.. ehe.."

"Soo another question?" "Oh oh!! Paimon has another one!"

"Oh? Do tell" Mayonaka said and Paimon begins her question

"Can you explain more about the Atma thing.. this time?" Paimon asked with sparkly eyes

"Oh? Sure! *Clears throat* soo our atma have 6 elements, Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind. Or as the citizen calls them: Hydro, Pyro, Geo, and Anemo. The difference is, we dont have cryo nor electro elements. Instead, we have the Sun and Moon. The atma you saw me attack with earlier is a Moon element atma! Her name is Noni" She said as she flashes a warm smile.

"Wait Atmas have names?" Aether asked

"huh? Yeah! They do!"

"Cool!" Amber responded back. "Soooo how do you carry those atmas? Isn't it annoying that they just follow you wherever you go?" Amber questioned

"good question! Because we seekers cant have any of those bad guys know that we are a seeker, we use these stones to help carry the atma!" Mayonaka finished while pulling some sort of jewel-like rocks

"good question! Because we seekers cant have any of those bad guys know that we are a seeker, we use these stones to help carry the atma!" Mayonaka finished while pulling some sort of jewel-like rocks

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"These stones can be the place where the atmas stayed when not in use so they dont really bother us while traveling. And when we need it, we just pull it out and say the names and Voila! The atma you need will come out and follow whatever your command is! Puhuhu!" Mayonaka explains and giggles

"Ooohhh fancy stuff... Also, Mayonaka is too long! Paimon's gonna give you a nickname! Hmmm.. what about.. 'Fancy-Atma-Jewel' thing?" Mayonaka deadpanned


"Dont mind Paimon, emergency foods always talks like that"


"sorry, i cant help it- haha-"

"o-okay.. since you said my name is too long, you can call me Mayoka if you want!" (A/n: I WANT TO NAME HER MAYONAISE)

"Alright! Mayoka it is!" Paimon clapped her hands happily

"Any more questions to ask?" Mayoka asked again

"Uh me, actually" Aether nervously asked.

"Hm? Ask away!"

"How many atmas do you have?"

"Oh, me? Back in my world i have around 10 of them, but currently i only got my strongest atmas with me"

"I-is that so..? Ah. Okay then.." Aether responded.

"Now that we have no more things to ask, Im hungry! I haven ate since i got here!" Mayoka said a little disappointed.

"Paimon is hungry too! Lets go and find something to eat back in Mondstat!"

"Alright! Leave it to me, Amber, The Outrider of The Knight of Favonius; thus your guide" Amber winked

"Yeah!!" All of them said.

'hmm.. maybe.. Teyvats citizen isn't that bad afterall... I wonder how is Big sis Kasna is doing right now..' thought Mayoka

--------------to be continued--------------

Haha, 830 words go brr

Also yes this is a littke information chapter about Mayonaka/Monaka-

Why did i think of just monika-
Anyways thank you for reading- i need sleep lmao bye

Edit: instead of Monaka, i decided to edit her nickname into Mayoka! Its closer to her original name sooo-

Despair, Out!

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