𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 6

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it had been exactly 6 minutes during which elizabeth had spent lying down on the cold bathroom floor before levi finally burst in, with the bag of dripping ice cubes placed firmly in his hands

"has the swelling gone down?" he asked as he bent down gently to examine the large ringlets of bruising positioned on her ankles, as he looked up to wait for her response, he couldn't help noticing elizabeths curved down lips and misty eyes

she attempted to take the bag of ice cubes from his hands, but levi resisted, his palms secured around the freezing bag as he insisted to be the one to cool down her injuries, after all, he was the one who gave them to her

elizabeths face dropped in shame

"im really sorry levi" she mumbled quietly

"what for?" he asked, his tone came out angrily, he didn't mean it to, but he didn't understand why elizabeth would be so upset over something which was his fault.. and his fault only

his annoyance with himself felt like a sharp pain jabbing at his stomach

"i was unreasonable, i didn't win the last match, so instead i went picking a fight with you when you clearly didn't want to.. i pushed you to it, because i was being stubborn"

she took a deep breath in before finishing her sentence

"im really sorry levi"

her apology struck him in surprise, the tension between the two had been unmissable since the first day, so hearing the words "im sorry" leave her mouth.. felt odd to him. like hearing a bear or a lion apologise for their actions

"elizabeth please stop apologising, your being dumb this wasn't even your fault" he said frustratingly as he pressed the ice down softly on her injured areas

elizabeths eyes leaped up, grabbing hold of levis wrists as she desperately tried to intervene

"no.. your wrong. i made you believe you had to fight me, that you had to do what i asked, i was selfish. because i didn't want to loose, i didn't want to loose in front of the team and i didn't want to loose to you"

levi paused, he felt as though elizabeths apology was digging into something much deeper than just a simple tantrum

"my whole life, people never took me seriously. the younger sister of commander smith they would call me, but never by my name. i was always downplayed, always seen as just the little sister, the little girl, and not the scout i knew i could be. i worked hard to be able to be seen and have the reputation i have today, i know it isn't an excuse as to why I'm stubborn and cant take a simple loose, i know how it sounds"

levis hollow eyes looked once again into hers, the ghost of the young girl she once was haunted her, haunted her into believing she had to be the very best at all times,.. something levi could relate to

the two had grown up in very different enviorments, had different upbringings and experienced different events which led them to the isolated cabin in the middle of the forest, hunting for a solution to save their race

"your not weak elizabeth, and your not who you used to be. its pointless looking back into the past, what's happened has happened. but for now, you can either choose to learn from it or run away from it"

elizabeth blinked in amazement, she hadn't pictured levi to be a guy with deep thoughts, or even someone who was good at giving advice, she had just labelled him down to being a rude jerk who didn't give a rats ass about anyone or anything

levi could still see the misty tears forming in elizabeths light sapphire eyes, the ones she so desperately fought to keep back

his hand raised to land on top of her head, patting her hair up and down slowly. levi didn't know many methods of reassuring people, but he had remembered a time when he was a little boy, when his mother used to pat his head just like that whenever he would get nightmares

a light chuckle came from elizabeth as she thought levis head patting was.. pretty bizarre to say the least

"what! what's so funny" he asked, blushing slightly from Elizabeth's reaction to his awkward attempt at being kind

"nothing.. nothing, your just"

she struggled to break through the words in between laughs as she continued to feel levis hand softly bop up and down on her head

"your just.. one of a kind"

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 || AOT (Levi X OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя