𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 28

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molly brought in the home made snacks she had previously created into the lightly dimmed bedroom where elizabeth and adelheid both laid down on top of the ground, gossiping and giggling whilst wearing the lavish robes they had saved up to buy

"im so glad were finally doing this, i swear all the men in this house are driving me up the roof" said adelheid, taking a large handful of salted popcorn

molly sat herself down beside elizabeth, making a circular shape surrounding each of their bodies as the food to munch on was placed directly in the middle

"pass us a couple pillows to get comfortable Molly" said elizabeth taking in mind they were going to spend all night long enjoying the well deserved girls night they were all desperate for

molly passed along a couple pillows as the girls continued to build up a sort of comfy fort around each other, snuggling into the new found warmth of the relaxing atmosphere

"you know now that we got you all alone elizabeth" said adelheid peering at molly out of the corner of her eye

the captain noticed how they both wore a silly grin, giggling lightly every time they made eye contact

"i noticed you and levi sleeping next to each other last night" adelheid teased, poking her friend in the arm as elizabeths whole face went crimson red

"aww did you two cuddle" chimed in molly

"OR DID YOU TWO GET IT IN" shouted out adelheid, making an inappropriate gesture with her hands

as elizabeth sat there holding her hands up to her face in embarrassment, adelheid got up to her feet and pulled up molly alongside her

"today for our audience we will be making a reenactment of the love story which is our beautiful and lovely friend elizabeth and her mysterious lover boy levi" adelheid chuckled out, stretching her arms out as though she was in a prestigious theatre

"psss molly you be elizabeth and i'll be levi" she quickly whispered

adelheid twisted round her body and folded her arms together, she placed a scornful look on her face and huffed "meh im levi ackerman, im moody and cold, and im an ass to everyone"

"oh look heres my hot blonde captain, captain do you like me?"

molly stood there rigidly, her face slowly scrunching up as she though of a clever response

"molly you just have to say no" adelheid whispered once again


elizabeth gazed back "damn was i really that mean?"

"yeah" they both replied at the same time

adelheid moved around strangely in front of molly, moving her arms around like an octopus whilst turning her feet from the direction of left and right as she managed to snicker out "FlAsHfOrWaRd"

adelheid re positioned herself into a cold and distant persona whilst hinting at molly for her next lines


"YO MOLLY THAT WASN'T IN THE SCRIPT" Adelheid said whilst trying to contain her need to burst out laughing

throughout the whole beautifully orchestrated reenactment, elizabeth sat giggling cheerfully at the simple way her friends portrayed her not so fairy tail type of love story

i mean which magical prince and princess started off hating each others guts and being put along side each other for the soul purpose of killing giant man-eating titans

"okay okay, you two get down or else" elizabeth grinned

"or else what" replied adelheid with her hands placed firmly on her hips

"or we will start the topic of you and klaus maybe" the captain smiled back even wider this time

adelheid had no choice but to grab the pillow closest to her and attack her best friends face violently with it

"no chance" adelheid hissed

"okay, fine, then how about molly?" smith continued, now eyeing her shy friend demandingly as molly sat stuffing her mouth with the last remaining pieces of popcorn, she insisted to be the one to always eat from the bottom of the pile so that way they would taste more salty

"what about me?" she said quietly

"you and your lover boy throwing puppy dog eyes at each other during every damn meal" said adelheid rolling her eyes teasingly

"molly you both obviously have feelings for each other so why wont you go for him" elizabeth said softly, placing her hand on top of her friends salty one

"tiago doesnt have feelings for me, he just doesnt like me like that at all" she groaned

adelheid reached out to bring her in for a tight bear hug, whilst soothingly passing her fingers along mollys shiny brown bob, this problem with tiago had obviously being weighing her down since the day they met

thats when the faint memory hit elizabeth like a hard cold brick, leaving her speechless for a couple of seconds

"GUYS! a couple days ago tiago asked me how to make someone like them, like have feelings for them type of thing, i didnt understand it then but now i do, he was asking me how to get molly to fall in love him" she screeched, raising her hands up into the air as her eyes sparkled into her friends direction

"and you only thought to tell us this NOW" adelheid bumped in

both girls separated from their tight embrace and looked into each-others eyes, a tight smile forming from ear to ear on their faces, a mischievous plan was growing steadily in their minds

their hands suddenly pounced for the pillows as they both yelled out "GET HER"

adelheid and molly attacked elizabeth with playful hits with the soft white pillows, eventually leading way to the room becoming suffocated with white feathers flying all around the place, laughs and shrieks could be heard from miles away as elizabeths defence strategy was to tickle her friends until they were obliged to drop the weapons

"what the hell is going on here" said klaus, whilst levi and gaston stood behind him in the door way, they peered into the bedroom concerningly

looking into the mess which was molly, adelheid and elizabeth smith

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 || AOT (Levi X OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu