Chapter 5

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Well I never got any comments so I just said that I'll just write a random chapter 5 and just say fuck it.  I hope I get more feedback from you guys. Next time I won't be so nice about it. I think I'll start doing like some people do and have a set number of comments for a chapter, but I feel like that's mean. If push comes to shove tho oh well.

Once we get home mama gets Mike to get the groceries out the car and tells me to come help her put them up.

"So tell me about this boy you met at Walmart."

"Well, his name is Rashad, and he's about 6'1, he has brown skin, and he seems sweet.  He took up for me before he realized that Mike was my brother. We didn't have time to exchange numbers so if we meet again it'll pretty much be by chance."

"Well, he seems like a sweetheart, like I said about who you make friends with, just be careful its some real snakes out here."

"Yes ma'am. How did you meet daddy, he said it was at a party and your friend introduced you to him and the rest was history. I don't believe all that."

"Good, cause that's not how we met at all. I asked my friend to hook me up with this dude because I needed something for Valentine's Day, so she hooked me up with the ugliest dude.  Big teeth, big nose, and camera ugly. But after we started talking he was the biggest sweetheart so I just looked past all his facial errors. We didn't meet until about 2 or 3 weeks of us talking, on Valentine's day to be exact, and we went out and he bought me something and we just had a nice time. After that the rest really is history."

"That is the sweetest love story ever. Dad is the biggest softy. Was he really that ugly?"

"Yes lord,  he was hideous. But like I said his personality made up for that."

"I want something like that when I grow up."

"You should."

"Minus the hideous part." My mom laughed and shook her head. We finish putting up the groceries and we got started on dinner. 

"Mack, go tell your brother I said come take out the trash."

"Yes ma'am." I walked off and went to his room door and heard a noise. I couldn't describe it but it was a weird noise. I raised my hand to knock but I was slightly scared of what would come out with him. After a few seconds and a quick prayer I knocked soft and rapid. Nothing happened. I knocked again, and the noise came back, but he didn't come to the door. I reached for the door to just open it and as I was turning the knob, I heard this grunt sound. I got the courage to just open the door and what my little virgin eyes seen will have me scarred for life......

I decided that since I didn't get a real answer from you guys I'd give you a partial update.  I've never liked a cliff hanger but I had to punish you somehow. ┐(´—`)┌ Their house in the m/m.

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