Chapter One

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Hello so basically I love you guys....this chapter is dedicated to Deja4434

If you want to get dedicated,all you have to do is comment,vote,or add to your reading list.

P.S. Also,I need two friends for Mariah,so if you want to be in the story I need you to comment on...

What's your fav color?

Your name(first/middle/last)???

What you like to do for fun??

Your favorite girl singer/or boy?

Things you dislike?

Things you like?

Eye color/hair color/skin color?

And personality!?

I will be picking two out of the comments....let the games begin!

P.P.S if you can't handle descriptive stuff like blood,then this isn't the book for you!It describes the razor part good in lots of chapters!

Okay enjoy sorry,now you may get to the story!


Chapter one:

"Get your ace back down here!"my dad yelled.

He was drunk again,like always.Seance my mom left with her boyfriend,Paul,because he had to do some body guard work on some lame band,my dad has come home drunk every night and beat me constantly.

The events that happened that night were catastrophic,I will never forget that night...


I walked into the kitchen after a long day at school.People again called me ugly,disturbing,stupid,gross,and fat.......was I really that fat?

Tears slowly fell and soaked my shirt as I whipped them away.I set my bright pink bag down and grabbed a razor from the hidden cabinet in the corner.I whipped the blood off quickly from last use,and set it down on my wrist brushing it quickly.Blood dripped down my arm landing swiftly on the ground into a light puddle.I have gotten used to the pain,sometimes I like it,I feel like I deserve it.

I turned quickly sticking the razor in my back pocket when i heard a noise from upstairs,but as I turned,something else caught my attention.Wait what was this?Why was this here?Who's leaving?

"Mom,"I yelled,"who's leaving?"

She came down the stairs with Jason,my 1 year old brother,and Paul,her boyfriend.

"We're leaving!"she said handing me Jason.

"Wait where are you going?Why are you leaving us with that-that monster"I snapped putting Jason on the floor and letting him run around.

"Paul has work to do,and your father is not a monster"She smiled walking behind the counter and picking up her suit cases.

"He beats us!"I yelled making her jump,Paul grabbed her arm pulling her out the door,"you can't leave us with him!Please don't mom!Paul tell her to take us"I cried,still confused.

He nodded and left.I collapsed to my knees and pushed my face into my hands sobbing.How could she just get up and leave her kids like that,with a monster?

"Swiss?"Jason questioned walking over to me.He put his hand on my shoulder.It took all my energy to lift my head up.As soon as he saw me he jumped on me giving me an embracing hug,"aw yu k?"he asked.

I laughed at his cuteness,the way he was only one and couldn't pronounce words yet.

"Sissies fine,moms just not going to be here for a while.Lets go up stairs and put you down for a nap"I chocked out between sobs.

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