Chapter Thirty: The Date

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"We're here!" Trevor exclaimed as he parked his car at the beach.

Brittany turned to look at him. "The beach?" She questioned. "If I knew we would be swimming at night, I would have brought my bathing suit."

He laughed, exiting the car and walking around to her side. Brittany didn't think to have him open the door for her as she exited the car by herself. He stepped back, watching as she closed the door behind her. "You didn't even give me the chance to open it," he joked.

"Sorry," she said with a smile on her face as she put her black Gucci crossbody around her shoulder. "My ability to open the door myself took over."

He chuckled, enjoying her sense of humor and how unimpressed she was by traditional things. It was refreshing.

"We're not swimming," he hinted as she started to run a list of ideas through her head. She wasn't sure what he had in mind for that night. "We're doing something better," she was then led astray. She thought most things were better than swimming. "Then after, you can pick the place to eat."

"Wendy's," she was quick to answer, her mind already made up.

Trevor furrowed his eyebrows, not knowing if she was joking. He didn't know whether to laugh or to go along with it. "What?" He questioned as her facial expression stayed the same. "I could have sworn you were going to pick Atlantic Lobster."

"What? That place is like fifty dollars just for crab legs," she said in surprise. "Wendy's is so much better and not overpriced. Don't tell me you don't like their food?"

He chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "I mean... I do. I just didn't take you for someone who ate fast food."

She scoffed. "I'm not the rich bitch you think I am, Trevor. I can eat fast food. I'm not always eating the gourmet dishes my mom forces down my throat."

"I know," he said, nodding his head. He felt bad for thinking she was joking. He just didn't think Brittany Rivera would enjoy fried anything, especially with the parents she raised by. "You just surprised me. I like learning new things about you."

"Oh, really?" She questioned as they started to walk on the boardwalk. "Fun fact, my birthday is December sixth. Sagittarius season."

"Mine's March twenty-seventh," he added, turning to look at her. "Aries season, right?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "We're compatible."

"Really?" He chuckled. "Well, I like the sound of that."

She smiled. "Me too."

Spanish music blasted in the distance as her attention was quick to shift into that direction. People were dancing on the boardwalk as others were clapping. Brittany kept her eye on the commotion as they continued to walk.

"What's going on over there?" She pointed, intrigued by the swarm of people and reggaeton music.

"That?" Trevor questioned as he pointed to the bright red poster in front of them. In bold letters it read: WEST CORAL BEACH SALSA NIGHT.

Brittany's jaw dropped as she stood in shock. Her eyes didn't leave the poster. It was making her so happy that she was struggling to look away. She remembered dancing with Trevor at the fundraiser and how she craved to share another dance with him. She remembered telling him she used to be a competitive salsa dancer and taught him a few of her moves. It warmed her heart that he planned something like this and didn't forget that salsa dancing was a special part of her life.

She never had a boy plan a date like this for her before. She felt emotional, which was rare for her to feel since she always felt with her head and not her heart. She felt noticed and her words felt remembered. That was a great feeling.

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