Chapter One: West Coral

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Juliana Hartley looked out the window of the car, watching as the many palm trees passed by. She and her family had just landed in Florida after a two week vacation to Italy.

As much as she enjoyed her fourteen day vacation, there was nothing like home. She missed the small beach town with more boat rental shops than restaurants, the year-round hot weather, and the best friends and boyfriend she could ask for.

She smiled when her eye caught sight of the approaching sign: WELCOME TO WEST CORAL. A tingly and happy sensation ran through her body as they drove down the familiar road of her town. She was thrilled to be back.

The first day of the new school year was coming up that same week, and the only thing she could think about was how excited she was for junior year.

She had high hopes that this was going to be the best year yet; no drama, no fighting over boys, no broken friendships... she truly believed that everything was going to be perfect. She was at the point of her life where she just had the best summer - spent with her best friends, her boyfriend, her family, and with herself. She truly believed there was no chance her life could go downhill from there.

But she shouldn't have been too quick to say that.

And deep down, she knew that.

She exited the car, meeting eyes with her boyfriend who stood in her driveway next to his Volkswagen Beetle. A wide smile formed on her face as she ran towards him with open arms, hardly being able to contain her excitement.

"Welcome home!" Jake exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around her. It had been fourteen days too long without seeing each other. He was starting to miss their spontaneous trips to Taco Bell at three in the morning and having someone to hang out with.

She squeezed him even tighter. "I missed you," she said, breathing in her favorite and familiar scent of his cologne.

"I missed you too," he replied.

"Did I miss anything important?" She questioned, quickly unwrapping her arms from around his torso and looking into his eyes. She had a curious expression on her face.

He laughed, trying to think if there was anything worthy of telling her. As he was about to answer that nothing had happened in the fourteen days she was gone, he then remembered something important. "Someone new moved next to me. She's in your grade," he told his girlfriend as her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Juliana knew a new girl in town was exactly what West Coral needed - and it would be an even better start to junior year. It felt like a cold, refreshing wave on the beach to cool you off on a hot day. Someone new would make the small beach town just a little bit more exciting. She was already planning on making friends with her.

Jake continued. "I invited her to Toby's party tomorrow night."

Juliana's excitement for the new girl was quick to diminish. Even though she was still excited, she knew she had to think realistically. "That's going to be really overwhelming for her."

His face fell. "What do you mean?"

She shrugged her shoulders, trying to make sense of what she was thinking. "A party can be intimidating with people you don't know," she explained. "And it's Toby's party. That crowd isn't exactly the most friendly. Maybe give her a warning about some of the people there?"

Jake knew she was right. He thought he'd be helping Lola by inviting her to a party with people from her new school, but he then knew he was just making things even more intimidating for her. A warning would be exactly what she needed to survive the party.

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