Chapter Twenty-One: The Fundraiser

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Brittany examined herself in the long mirror hanging against the wall of her bedroom. She was clothed in a tight fitted navy blue dress for her father's fundraiser at the country club. She styled her dress with sparkly heels, which she knew would catch the attention of other guests.

Her mother came strolling into her room, her long dress flowing behind her. She put a hand on her daughter's shoulder, smiling when she saw her beautiful reflection in the mirror.

"Don't pair the dress with a necklace," she advised, pointing to her daughter's bare neck. "It will distract from the dress, which looks absolutely stunning on you," she complimented as Brittany smiled. "You will always be beautiful with or without a boyfriend. Don't let the breakup with Toby ruin the night. It's always been special for our family. I would hate for you to be miserable."

She turned around, meeting her mother's blue eyes. She smiled before speaking. "I may have been upset for a few days but I'm feeling much better, especially after looking at myself in the mirror," she said as she and her mother laughed. "I lost a really important person in my life but what's most important is that I don't lose myself. That's what matters."

"You've always been so strong," her mother said as she fixed her daughter's straight brown hair. "You really do take after me, don't you?"

Brittany and her mother shared a hug before gathering their things and heading towards the country club where the fundraiser was promptly starting.

Just like previous years, the fundraiser was a lavish upper-middle-class event that raised money towards trash free beaches on the coast of south Florida. Exquisite food was served as the bartender was concocting drinks behind the bar. String lights were hanging above the guests as the view of the beach was beyond gorgeous.

Everything was perfect - well, maybe not that perfect, considering the DJ had only been playing early nineties music. The parents were singing and dancing as their children stood directionless, waiting for a more recent song to be played.

Cassie and Jordan stood in the corner, sipping on their virgin strawberry daiquiris as they eyed their mothers chatting and bobbing their heads to the blasting music.

"Well, at least our moms' like each other," Jordan said to his girlfriend before taking a sip of his drink.

Cassie nodded her head. "My mom was instant friends with Luke's mom. They were so close," she informed. "She only does that so she can gossip about my relationship."

"That's fun," he said sarcastically before taking another sip of his drink. "I wish I had a dad so our dads' could be friends," he said before immediately correcting himself. "Well, that's false. I do have a dad... he's just in England... and probably never coming back, so—"

"My dad is basically your dad. You know that," she said with a smile on his face. He smiled back. The early nineties song faded into a recent top-hit. "Oh, thank god!" She exclaimed once recognizing the music. "I was about to make a request."

Jordan was about to answer his girlfriend, but he was interrupted by the presence of Giovanni, who stood in front of them with a smirk on his face. His dark brown hair was slicked back as he sported a suit and his crutches.

"Congrats, you two," he said before chuckling. Cassie and Jordan were feeling the same way - perplexed. "You really came out on top as the best couple at West Coral. The other contenders broke up," he said as they still had confused expressions on their faces. "In honor of your title, you should make a sex tape."

Cassie's eyes widened in surprise as she spoke. "Giovanni, I—" she paused, shaking her head. "You are so gross, you know that, right?"

"And maybe you aren't the best couple at school?" He chuckled. "Your girl is flirting with me, Jordan."

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