Chapter Fifteen: Unwanted Kiss

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If there was something to celebrate, there was always a party.

Everyone was drinking and dancing to pop music in Toby's backyard, celebrating the second win of the football season.

Brittany stepped out of the house, her eyes traveling around the yard. She was trying to find Cassie to congratulate her for the millionth time on her successful kicks during the football game.

Her eyes landed on her best friend, who was shotgunning a White Claw. She laughed to herself, finding it very typical of Cassie to be doing that. She proceeded to walk towards her, passing by a group of girls who were glaring at her in distaste.

Immediately she was confused, failing to apprehend why they were looking at her so repulsed. It wasn't like she looked bad. She knew she looked good - her luscious brown hair was blown out and she was wearing a flattering red bikini top with skimpy black shorts.

Ignoring their stares, she continued to make her way towards Cassie. But instead of approaching her unharmed, she was greeted by someone's figure shoving into her.

"I'm sorry!" Said the medium-toned voice as Brittany turned around. It was Lola. "Actually, I take that back," she said once meeting eye with the Queen Bee.

Brittany laughed at her ill-mannered tone, eyeing Lola up and down. She was wearing a yellow bikini top and shorts. At least this time she got the memo. "Hi, Lola," she greeted with a smile on her face. "You're the last person I expected to be here," she said as Lola rolled her eyes. "I mean... especially after you had such a dramatic exit at the last party you attended. I thought that would for sure be your last social outing." Lola opened her mouth to speak but Brittany wasn't finished talking. "How are you going to exit tonight? Are you going to race out of here at twelve just like Cinderella?"

Lola couldn't take Brittany's insults and bitchy attitude any longer. She was now at her breaking point. "You think you're so funny, Brittany," she spat, shaking her head in disbelief. Brittany's eyes were quick to widen in surprise. "You think you're so pretty, so perfect, so much better than everyone... but you're none of that. You're just a sadistic bitch who will never be as perfect as you think you are. You need to get over yourself."

Brittany had too much experience with handling girls who voiced their options about her. This wasn't her first rodeo, and it wouldn't be her last. "Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way," she said, pouting her lips. "But do I have to humble you as well? No one wants you at this party, Lola. Name one person here," she insulted, watching as her face fell. "You can insult me all you want but that doesn't take away from the fact you're an attention-seeking, problematic, home-wrecking bitch who needs to move back to New York."

Lola didn't hesitate to intensify the conversation. "Is that the jealousy talking or do you really mean that?"

"Jealousy? What jealousy?" Brittany questioned, stepping closer to her. "As if I would ever be jealous of you," she insulted as Lola felt her blood boiling. "If anything, I think it's your jealousy talking. I'm sorry Jake doesn't have feelings you for. I'm sorry he has a girlfriend. Oh, and I'm sorry he fucked me in his car last year just like you wish he would do to you!"

Steam was practically coming out of Lola's ears as Brittany's words made her angrier than she had ever been before. She was over her breaking point. She was full-on enraged now. "You need to learn to keep your mouth shut."

"So do you," Brittany retorted.

Lola shoved her in anger. Brittany stumbled backward, but when she caught her balance, she was quick to push Lola even harder. She watched as she fell into the pool. Guests at the party started to flock around the scene, fully invested in the catfight. Lola grabbed Brittany by the ankle, pushing her into the pool with her. They bought strangled each other underwater as people began cheering and picking sides.

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