Chapter Twenty-Nine: Golf Swing

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"Rivera!" Trevor shouted, watching as Brittany drove towards him in the golf cart. She stepped out wearing a white tennis skirt and a mauve top. "I knew your dad owned the country club but I never took you as a golfer."

She laughed, grabbing her golf club. She held it loosely in her hands as she walked towards him. She couldn't help but eye his outfit. Expensive polo. Khakis. He looked very put together. "Please. I was practically raised on golf. I've been playing since I could walk."

"Really?" He questioned before chuckling. He stepped aside, pointing ahead of them. "Show me your swing."

She dropped the pink golfball at her feet, shaking her head with a smile on her face. She felt nervous with him closely watching her. "There's nothing like a little pressure, right?"

"Can't be a good golfer without it," he chuckled as he fixed his visor. "Can you handle it?"

She playfully rolled her eyes. "Relax," she told him as she got into position to hit the ball. "I'm a cheerleader. I know a thing or two about pressure."

He watched as she lifted the golf club above her head before hitting the ball. His jaw dropped, impressed by her quick and strong swing. He didn't think all five-foot and one-hundred pounds of her could have that strong of a swing. Her athleticism was beyond attractive.

"That was good," he complimented as she smiled, gloating on her success. "I would totally take a hit at my ball but I don't think I can do better than you."

She playfully shoved him backward as she laughed. "Oh, stop. I'm not a professional. Just show me your swing."

"As you wish," he gave in, stepping into position before tossing the ball to the ground. He took a deep breath before giving the swing his best. He watched as the ball made it a few feet behind Brittany's. He was thankful he didn't slip up. That would have been embarrassing. He wanted to impress her, not make a fool out of himself.

Brittany clapped, liking what she saw. "Okay! Nice job," she complimented as now he was now the one gloating on the success. "You know... I never liked a guy who enjoyed golfing before."

As he was about to answer her, he realized what she said. She used the word like. He couldn't help but smile. "Oh, so you like me, Brittany?"

"Well, I don't not like you," she answered, playing it cool as she always did.

"Nah," he shook his head as he chuckled. He wanted real answers. He didn't want to beat around the truth. "You have a little crush on me."

She rolled her eyes with a smile. "Okay, fine," she said. "Maybe I do."

It had been three weeks since she and Toby broke up. Of course she still felt the pain, but at this point, she had accepted it. It was always going to hurt her - he was her best friend since she was born - but she knew she couldn't dwell on the pain forever. They weren't going to get back together. She had her time to mope around and be upset, but now the only thing she could do for herself was move forward. Trevor was helping her see that her love life had a future after Toby.

"Do you want to go out with me sometime?" He asked. She set up for the perfect time for him to ask.

She shook her head in disbelief. "Wow," she said before scoffing. "I didn't know boys still asked girls out these days."

The only instance Brittany could recall of a boy asking a girl out was Jordan asking Cassie on not one, but two dates. Excluding her and Toby's situation, Parker disregarded the first date before he asked her to be his girlfriend. She knew Cassie was in the same position when she and Luke hadn't gone on any dates before they started dating. It pleasantly surprised her that a first date interested Trevor.

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