closing thoughts

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on a happy, but also somewhat sad note, i can say that this book is officially finished.

this second book, as we all know is referred to as "season 2", was something i had been thinking about writing since finishing everything according to juliana. i hope i was successful in writing this one, and that you enjoyed it like the first.

this book was meant to focus much more on their emotions instead of a large plotline like the first one. i wanted to strengthen the characters and show a different side to them that we might not have seen in EATJ.

writing has always been a big part of my life, but ever since finishing EATJ in august 2020, i've been really passionate about this series. i have so much inspiration for it and the characters, something i never had with any of the other books i've written. i find it easy to write and i'm always motivated to continue.

i'm back at college, and i just wanted to add that two days before i left, i realized i had six more chapters to write. i wrote four chapters in one night (honestly i can't believe i did that) and two chapters the next day to finish on time before i went back to school. i'm sorry if the end feels rushed, but i had nowhere else to go with the story and felt that was a good place to stop. because i zoomed to finish this, there are definitely terrible spelling mistakes. i'll be back to fix them soon.

also, i'm planning on writing a third book ("season 3") this summer! yay! stay tuned for updates on that.

a lil trivia on "season 2" before we wrap it up:
- brittany wasn't supposed to have much of a storyline but then i was like... you know what? i'll spice it up a bit and give her the storyline she deserves.
- lola was originally obsessed with jordan, not jake... but i changed it bc cassie already had such a strong storyline. poor cassie! :(
- i went back and forth with myself if i wanted to add giovanni's character, but i'm glad i did. he did bring some excitement LOL.
- juliana and lola were supposed to be best friends.
- sorta off topic but i started the first book on easter 2020, and the second on christmas eve 2020. i love the holidays i guess haha.

on one last note, i'm so sorry if anything was cringy. i was 18 when i wrote the first book and i'm 19 now so i'm definitely not as cringy as i was when i was 13 attempting to write EATJ. sometimes i'll go back and reread some chapters and i'll be like... "oh... why did i write that?" sorry for that! haha.

whenever i finish something i always feel a little empty. i've been writing this for a month now and i've had a lot of fun. i felt like i breezed through it! i can't wait to be able to write the third book and i hope you're just as excited.

as always, thank you so much for reading. writing is a passion of mine and i'm so blessed to be able to share my work and express my inspiration, thoughts, and creativity with all of you.

i'll be dormant until the summer but i wish all of you the best. i hope 2021 is treating you well so far.

see you soon!
- ♊️

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