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"You're terrible at this game Jeongin," you laugh after your 8th win.

"Yah! It's not my fault! I'm just worried that Minho hyung will find me playing games with you after he told me not to," he pouts.

"It'll be fine, plus you invited me to your room and I don't want to be stuck in mine alone. I'd die of boredom by then," you adjust your position on his bed.

"Okay, but why are you two also here?"

He looks over to Jisung and Felix who were next to you, as he was sitting in a beanbag chair.

"We want to hang out with y/n too you know," Jisung creases his eyebrows and clings onto your arm, causing Jeongin to roll his eyes.

You had slowly grown more comfortable around the three boys and you smiled at the scene. But then something came across your mind.

"Felix, you said that you're a mafia that kills others to protect innocent lives right?" You ask and he nods his head.

"Then back then when I first met Minho... he was trying to kill this guy but I stopped him and he ended up escaping. When he noticed, he got really angry... Is the guy that bad? Like, I don't understand what he did wrong to frustrate Minho so much...." You play with your fingers and look at the ground.

"Hm, really? Minho hyung usually isn't that serious when it comes to, you know, bad people," Felix says.

"Do you by any chance remember his name?" Jisung nudges you, drawing your attention.

"His name? I think it was... Ji Han.. han... What was it again... Ji Hansol?"

The moment the name came out of your mouth, they all look at you with wide eyes.

"Ji Hansol?!?!" Jisung grabs your shoulders and shakes you, making you dizzy.

"Yah! Stop shaking meeee!!"

"Oh, sorry." He scratches the back of his head. "But you said Ji Hansol right? Like the Ji Hansol!?"

"Yeah... why? Do you know him?" You nervously bit your bottom lip.

"No wonder Minho was so mad earlier...." Jeongin mumbles quietly, but you heard it.

"What does that mean? Minho was mad earlier? Who's Ji Hansol?" You were so confused and they look at eachother, not knowing what to do. "Can someone please explain it to me?"

They became silent for a minute until Felix finally speaks up as the rest of them were too scared to.

"Look y/n.... It's not our place to tell you about any of this... If you really want to find out though, then ask Minho. But I don't think he'll tell you just like that...." Felix places his hand on your shoulder.

"A lot happened to hyung in the past and he doesn't like bringing it back up. So maybe it'd be best if you kept quiet about this topic." Jeongin smiles sweetly but you could see a hint of sadness hidden behind it.

"Alright..." You had so many questions going through your head at the moment but you decided to ignore it.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me. Minho wanted us to practice at the shooting range today," Jisung says and they begin to get up from their seats.

"Wait, what about me?" You tug on the bottom of his shirt to get him to look at you.

"Hmm, well I guess you can come with us. I don't think the rest of them would mind that much," he shrugs his shoulders and signals you to follow them. Walking around the mansion, you make it to the shooting range after 5 minutes.

The loud gunshots made you wince, sending shivers down your spine.

"Looks like you guys made it on time. Although it took longer than usual," Seungmin says, focusing on the target in front of him.

You weren't exactly used to this whole mafia thing so you didn't know what to do. Awkwardly standing by the side as they had left you to go to the others and shoot bullets, someone had motioned you to come over to them with their finger, so you did.

"U-uh, you need anything?" You ask, confused at why he just suddenly wanted to talk to you.

"You wanna try shooting? I can teach you if you want," Changbin gently holds out a gun to you and you immediately shook your head 'no'.

"Ah, no thanks! I don't really know much about this," you politely decline his offer but get startled when you feel an arm wrap around your shoulder.

You look up to your right to see a tall figure with long black hair.

"Hyung, let me teach her!" Hyunjin eagerly pleads, even though you had already said no the first time.

"It's her decision, ask her not me," Changbin narrows his eyes to you.

"Oh uh, well...."

Nervous from their attention, you shyly agree since you were pressured by the stares of the two.

"Great! Then let's go over there since it's farther away from the rest of them," Hyunjin takes his arm off of you only to grab your wrist and drag you away.

"Just to let you know, I've never really used something like this before...." you held the weapon in your hand shakily, surprised at how cold and heavy it was.

"Here, let me help," he walks behind you until his chest was against your back.

Hyunjin moves his arms around you and holds the gun properly with his hands on top of yours. "Move it up a bit like this."

You felt his breath hit your ear as he quietly tells you what to do.

"Now pull the trigger."

Those words made you tense up and you stare off into nowhere, hesitating.

"You okay y/n?" Hyunjin looks at you and you simply nod, taking in a deep breath before closing your eyes and shooting the bullet.

The sound of it firing made you wince once again and you could feel you heart pounding rapidly.

"Wow, you've got some skill for someone who's never done this."

"Huh?" You open your eyes and look to see that you hit the target directly on the middle. "Wow..."

You exchange a few smiles with him before you heard the door to the shooting range open. Looking in the direction, you saw Minho walk in and his gaze immediately met yours. He then glances at Hyunjin who was standing quite close to you, his shoulder touching yours.

"What are you doing here."

You kept quiet and instead of answering, Hyunjin does.

"Relax Minho, I was just teaching her how to aim," he slings his arm around you like before.

"Why?" Minho clicks his tongue, annoyed.

"Just because I can. Y/n's a quick learner and she's got some potential. Plus, she's really cute don't you think?" Hyunjin looks down at you since you were much shorter than him, sending a smirk to Minho.

"Whatever, just don't get so close with her."

He glares at you before walking over to Chan. You secretly watch him as Hyunjin continued to teach you more about shooting.

You still didn't understand Minho. Felix said he was a good guy, but he's been nothing but cold to you. Sure you just met him, but the others have welcomed you warmly, so what's with him? Jeongin said things were complicated with his past, but what does that mean?

"What happened to you Lee Minho..." You whisper under your breath quietly.

cold hearted | lee minho (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now