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The sound of bullets grew louder as you approached the fight. There they were, firing at eachother with no mercy. It didn't look too well for Hyunjin and Changbin as they were out numbered by the 4 of them.

Taeyong shot the gun out of Changbin's hand, making him stumble back, before kicking Hyunjin to the floor as his weapon slid across the hall. They were no longer armed, and you had to admit, Taeyong was a great fighter. He was very skilled and could probably take on a whole group of men by himself.

"Do you give up yet?" He looks down upon the two with a menacing glare.

"Never," Hyunjin daringly spoke.

"Fine by me."

Taeyong pulled his arm back, getting ready to hit him, but Jaemin yelled to stop him. It worked and everyone's attention was on him, aswell as Jisung and you.

"HYUNG!! They didn't do it so please don't hurt them!!!" He ran and grabbed his arm, holding it in place.

"Jaemin, we get that you don't like violence but we need to-"

"They're innocent!! It was Hansol! He blamed it on them for some reason, but I'm sure it wasn't them!!" He gave him puppy eyes while pouting his lips, making Taeyong sigh.

"You sure? Why would it be Hansol?" He raised a brow at the younger boy.

"Who else has access to our stuff, including our vault? Plus, he's been acting weird. Isn't it odd how he visits us after two years just to tell us that Stray kids hacked into our computers and stole our money? And that mischievous grin on his face was creepy," Jaemin shivers.

"I did think it was strange..." Taeyong pokes his cheek with his tongue. "You might be right actually. You've always been smart, you just never tried to use your brain unless you want to."

Their members had put away their guns and started to apologize while helping Hyunjin up from the ground.

"I'll contact Hansol later and question him about it. And y/n," Taeyong turns his focus to you. "Sorry for taking you hostage. You weren't hurt while staying here, were you?"

"No, I'm fine! You're all really nice, so I don't mind," you replied like it wasn't a big deal, which it wasn't.

Nct and Skz seemed to get along pretty well despite the fact they were fighting earlier. The scene made you happy, but not everyone was here. Until footsteps were heard from behind you.

"Oh? What's happening here?" Chan asks due to the friendly atmosphere as Felix was next to him.

"You must be their leader. It seems that one of our members believes that it wasn't you that caused us trouble, but an old friend of ours. I'll go by his word, so you're free to leave with y/n," Taeyong smiles charmingly which made you forget about how fierce he can look.

"Really? Thanks," he says surprised.

You looked behind Chan, hoping to see Minho even if it hurt after seeing what happened earlier. You didn't see anything for the past minute so you thought he was going to come later, but there he stood across from you.

Suddenly, you no longer wanted to face him anymore. So you turned around to go somewhere else, until a hand grabbed your wrist tightly.

"You're not going to say anything to me?" His voice seemed disappointed, sad even.

"W-why would I?" You gulped, struggling to escape, but it was no use. He wouldn't let go.

"I came all the way here to save you."

At that moment, you wanted to run away. Those words felt like poison. Like a snake just dug their fangs into your skin, the stinging sensation not fading at all.

"How could you say that when you didn't do anything to help?" You scoff, the image of him kissing that girl replaying in your head.
"You didn't find me locked up in that room, you didn't fight Nct's members to protect me, you didn't stop me from being taken to their headquarters, you didn't prove that Stray kids were innocent!!! YOU DIDN'T DO A SINGLE THING THAT SAVED ME!!! NOT ONCE!!! It was all...."

Your voice trailed off and your eyes widened when you realized who was your real hero.


Minho furrowed his eyebrows when you said someone's name that wasn't his, and he let go of you.

"He was the one who did all those things!! He was the one who saved me, not you!!!"

You didn't know why you were yelling at him. Pain, frustration, sadness, it was all kept hidden inside you. But you wanted to scream, and let it out. So you did.

"What did you do huh?!? Nothing!! Did you even come here for me!?!? Or did you want to see her instead!!!"

Everyone was staring at you both, probably because tears were streaming down your face as he looked at you confused, not knowing why you were so upset.

"This whole time when Jisung was risking his life to keep me safe, you were busy making out with-"

"Sorry to interrupt, but I believe you were talking about me."

There she was. The girl from before.

She took a few steps toward you before turning to Minho. What she did next made your heart stop. She grabbed his face in her hands before smashing her lips onto his, smirking into the kiss. What made it worse, was the fact that he didn't push her away. Instead, he kissed back like he wanted it.

Like he wanted her.

When they pulled away, she looked at you with a flame in her eyes.

"Nice to meet you y/n, I'm Semi. Minho's ex. But we might get back together soon, so just think of me as his girlfriend. "

Semi... Ex.... Girlfriend...

How could those three words make your world come crashing down in a split second?

Dead silence filled the air. No one spoke, and no one dared to. Your feet were glued to the spot you were standing on, until you couldn't handle it anymore and ran past them with all your strength.

You found the exit in no time and just kept running outside. You had no idea where you were, but you didn't care. Running was the only thing keeping you together right now. It distracted you from how badly you were crying your eyes out. But eventually, your legs became numb and you just fell to the ground helplessly.

"I'm pathetic... getting this broken just from seeing the one I love not like me back?" You laugh weakly, "How pitiful."

You curled up into a ball, keeping your head down as you sat there on the hard, cold floor. If you could escape from the world just for a brief moment, you would.

You were alone, or so you thought.

A voice called your name, getting closer until they sat down beside you while trying to catch their breath. You didn't want to look at them, but you knew who they were. Who he was.

"I was worried sick... You may not understand, but I really care about you," the familiar tone spoke. "I want to help you."

"Why would you want do that? I'm worthless, there are plenty of beautiful women out there. Like Semi," you tried hard not to gag when you said her name. "Go back to them, I'm not needed or wanted."

"That's not true. I want you, and I'm starting to need you. So listen to me, please," he sounded desperate so you hummed and let him continue.

"You probably won't believe me, but I mean it when I say this," he took a deep breath to calm down his nerves before telling you the sentence you didn't expect to hear.

"I love you y/n, and I want to be your boyfriend. So will you give me the chance to prove myself... and let me call you mine?"

cold hearted | lee minho (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now