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You were back home. And when you say home, you mean Stray kids. You sat up in your bed as the sun beamed through your curtains. Today was a new day, a new start.

His confession had stuck with you.

Who knew he liked you? After all this time, you couldn't see it. You were confused, why did you say yes? Were you really going to date him because of your heart's desire? Because of what you longed for... Love?

But this felt wrong. After what happened yesterday, how could you say you'll date him when the pain was still there?

You shook your head and got up, getting ready for the day. Taking a deep breath, you leave your room and head to someone else's.

Specifically, the one who comforted you last night.

You knock on the door and you hear his voice from the other side, telling you to come in. When you step inside, it was just you and him. His roommate was probably eating breakfast downstairs, so you took this chance to tell him how you really feel.

"I'm sorry," you tried to put it in a gentle way, not wanting to hurt him. "You're really sweet and funny, but I think accepting your confession was a mistake.... I don't love you back Jisung."

He kept a smile on his face despite what you just told him, like he knew it was coming.

"I know you don't love me back y/n, that's why I asked you for a chance. Because I know there's someone else you like," Jisung sadly chuckles.

"But that doesn't mean I can't win your heart over!! Just let me be your boyfriend for 2 weeks, and then you can decide if you want to break up or not. I'll do my best to show you that I can be the one for you, if you just believe in me."

Han Jisung. How could he be so admirable? He was willing to fight for your love, even if you didn't like him the way he liked you. Maybe... Maybe it'd be better if you were with him instead of Minho. After all, Minho had Semi. Why would he need you by his side?

"Okay Jisung."

You didn't call him Sungie like you did before since it felt different this time. Since you knew the truth of his feelings. "Let's go have breakfast, shall we?"

Things weren't the same with him, but it wasn't a bad thing. It made it slightly awkward between you two, atleast for you, but he was still the quokka you knew.

When you arrived at the dining table, you saw everyone already eating. There were two empty spots next to eachother and you took a seat with Jisung. But then your eyes stopped at Minho. Ypu should move on from him, yet you didn't want to.

"Why're you staring at me?"

You blinked a few times before realizing what you were doing. "I uh– sorry. I didn't mean to..."

Jisung seemed to notice how quiet you got when Minho was around, so he took your hand in his while hiding it under the table.
You looked at him surprised and he just smiles before clearing his throat to catch everyone's attention.

"Guys, I have something to say to you all," he steals a glance at you to make sure you were okay with what was about to happen and you nod.

"Me and y/n are dating!"

He lifts your hands up to show your intertwined fingers and the members stare at you both in shock. There was a long pause until they started to congratulate you loudly.

"Wow, I didn't know Jisung could be brave enough to confess," Hyunjin laughs before getting smacked in the head by the younger boy.

"How did this happen?! You're going to tell me everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!!" Felix grabs your shoulders before shaking you until you got dizzy.

"Does this mean you're going to be all lovey-dovey with eachother?" Jeongin cringes at the thought and you giggle at all of their reactions.

But there was one person who didn't say a word. Instead, he sat there frozen while staring at you.

"Minho, you should say something too," Chan whispers and pats him on the back, feeling slightly sorry.

He didn't move, like he was in a trance, or rather a nightmare. He didn't expect this, not one bit. And even if he felt like he loved Semi, there was something about you that made him happy. Happier than she does. He wanted you, yet he also wanted her. What was he to do when his heart was torn between two girls?

"Congrats..." Minho quietly mumbles before getting up and going to his room quickly.

You could tell something was wrong with him, but why should you care? He had his own girlfriend and they kissed right in front of you twice... That really hurt you, but you wanted to ask him what's wrong, or why he looked upset.

Instead of following your feelings, you stayed in your spot and just enjoyed the time you spent with the other members. You needed to move on from him, it would be better for you.


"Shouldn't I go back to Sunoo? I've left him for so long without telling him anything about my disappearance...." you sat on the sofa as you looked down at the ground.

"Hey y/n– wait, why are you crying?!?" Jisung worriedly rushes to your side as he holds your face in his hands.


You didn't even notice that you were crying until his thumbs brushed your cheeks to remove the tears.

"Jisung, will I be able to see my brother again?" You look at him with saddened eyes.

He blinks for a moment, unsure of what to say or do, until he hugs you while caressing your head gently.

"Do you want to leave? We can't force you to stay here, and I think it's okay if you go back. You won't tell the cops about us, I know you won't since you don't think of us as bad people."

You didn't know how to reply. You didn't want to leave them, but you can't forget about your younger brother. Family was more important, wasn't it?

"If you don't know right now, then how about you go discuss it with him?" Jisung pulls out the car keys from his pocket while dangling them next to his face.

"Y-you'll take me to him!?!" A wave of joy washed over you and you felt yourself smile brighter than you've ever did. "Thanks Sungie!!"

You hugged him tighter, not caring that you called him by the nickname you gave him. It didn't matter, you just wanted to be with Sunoo.

cold hearted | lee minho (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now