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You had told Jisung the address and when you saw your house in front of you, you could feel tears brim your eyes. Jisung stayed in the car, watching you with a smile.

Ringing the doorbell, there was nothing but silence. A few minutes pass before the door slowly began to open, and there he stood. Not a second goes by until his eyes widen and he jumps into your arms.

"NOONA, WHERE WERE YOU?!?!? YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK!!! YOU N-NEVER CAME BACK SINCE THAT DAY AND I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT'VE L-LEFT ME!!!" Sunoo sobbed like a baby, clinging onto you with all of his strength.

"I'm sorry for not telling you anything, I was uh...." You didn't know what to tell him. Was it okay for you to talk about Stray kids and the fact that you were taken hostage twice?Not knowing what else to do, you quickly changed the topic.

"When have you gotten so skinny?! Have you been eating!!? Was there not enough money for food? I'm sorry, this is all my fault–"

"It's not that!! I was just too stressed to eat... I didn't know where you went or if you were okay, and that made me scared.... Mom and dad aren't with us anymore and if you d-died too, then I don't know if I should keep on living aswell.."

You hugged him tightly as you both began to cry.

"I'm fine Sunoo-ah, but even if I do die, you need live!! Live and be happy, that's all I want for you," you rubbed his back.

"Okay noona... but what happened to you? It's not like you to disappear for no reason, wait, who's he?"

You blink before realizing Jisung was now standing next to you.

"Oh, this is my friend–"

"Boyfriend actually," he corrected you proudly and you blush in embarressment. You had forgotten you were dating him.

"BOYFRIEND!??! WHEN DID YOU GET A BOYFRIEND?!!" Sunoo yells while glaring daggers at Jisung. "I don't like him. Break up right now."

"Wha– don't be like that," you ruffle his hair playfully, noticing his little pout. "His name's Jisung and you should get along with him, you're both quite similar actually."

"But noona!" he whines. "I don't like it when you're with guys unless it's me."

You giggle, amused by how silly he was being.

"Let's talk inside the house, we don't want to bother the neighbours by all of this screaming," you said and went into the familiar place you grew up in. You've missed it quite a bit.

All of you took a seat on the sofa, Sunoo sitting next to you as Jisung sat across.

"So aren't you going to tell me what happened to you and why you have a boyfriend suddenly?" He raises an eyebrow while you share looks with Jisung.

"Is it okay if I tell him everything?" You ask quietly and he nods.

"As long he doesn't freak out."

"Okay," you hold Sunoo's face in your hands while you bit your lip. "I know this may be shocking but... that night when I disappeared, I actually got kidnapped."

"What?!?! Are you hurt?!! I bet it was him, wasn't it!!" He points his finger at Jisung accusingly.

"N-no, well not entirely..." you nervously laughed. "It was a leader of a mafia called Stray kids, and Jisung is a member, but they're all really nice! I promise they aren't dangerous or mean."

"But you said they're a mafia!! The name just screams guns and murder!!!"

"They're not like that Sunoo, they actually save people's lives," you tried to convince him that they weren't bad people.

"Then how did you fall in love with him?! No offense but I think you could do better," he takes a good look at Jisung.

"Hey!! I like your noona here and I'm going to win her over!" Jisung sticks his tongue out as they continue to bicker like children.

"Both of you, stop it!" You sighed as there was a calm silence when they shut their mouths to look at you. "I don't know what to do...."

"What do you mean? Aren't you staying here with me?" Sunoo looks at you confused but then he grew quiet. "You're not leaving me so you can live with him or whatever their mafia's name was, right?"

Your heart clenched when you saw how hurt he looked, like a sad puppy being abandoned by his mother.

"Of course I won't leave you!!! I wouldn't leave you for anyone since you're the most important person in my life!!" Tears rolled down your cheeks. 'But... It isn't safe if we live here. I've been included into some mess and I don't think I'll be let off the hook just yet."

"Mess? But Nct are our friends now, so they have nothing against us or you," Jisung tilts his head to the side, not knowing what you meant.

"I had a short talk with Seungmin after breakfast and he wanted to tell me that Ji Hansol sent a death threat to kill me..."

"WHAT?!?" Sunoo and Jisung yell at the same time.

"He has people who are searching for me and I don't want you to be in danger because of me. I'm a terrible older sister," you kept your head down, scared of what was going to happen in the future.

"Don't say that! You're the best sister I could've asked for!! You take care of me and always put me first, even if it's bad for your health!!! So don't say that!!" Sunoo yells.

You found yourself smiling soon after his remark and hugged him once again. "Thanks."

"You need to love yourself more!! How can you love someone else when you don't even like yourself!?"

Love someone else... It's because whenever you were with Minho, you actually did love yourself. You loved him. You loved being together. Only he made you feel that way.

"Okay, I'll take care of myself better–"

"Taking care of yourself is important, but that's not what I'm asking you to do!! Love, noona. I want you to love yourself more. More than you've ever loved anyone!!! Including me!! Then you will finally be happy," he smiles brightly, but you can see how sad he was knowing what you felt through the past years since your parents death.

"Anything for you–"

"There you go again! Not anything for me, anything for you. Do this for yourself and nobody else."

You couldn't believe how much of an influence Sunoo was. He was your younger brother who was scared and shy with anyone except you, but now it felt like the other way around. He was paving your way. Just so you can be happy again.

"I promise that I'll like myself more, and I love you Sunoo-ah. You really are an angel," I ruffle his hair playfully.

"I didn't know you were so inspirational!!" Jisung suddenly says out of nowhere, like he couldn't believe the words of the seventeen-year-old boy.

After getting sidetracked, you all got back onto the topic of where were you going to stay.

"Wait, how about you both come and live with us?" Jisung suggests.

"What?!" Sunoo yells, creasing his eyebrows.

"Well, it isn't a bad idea. If we stay here than it'll put our lives at stake, but you guys are experienced fighters. Are you really willing to protect us?" You ask, not wanting to be a nuisance.

"Of course! You're apart of Stray kids now, and so are you," Jisung smiled at Sunoo who looked at you for your answer.

"Thanks Sungie."

cold hearted | lee minho (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now