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You feel yourself gain consciousness once again. Blinking a few times, you rub your eyes and sit up.

"Where am I?" You ask, still half asleep. You noticed that you were laying on a soft bed, inside of a neatly organized bedroom. Quite simple with the colours white, black, and red, but it was gorgeous.

Getting up, you walk towards the room's door and rotate the knob, only to find out it was locked.

"What the..." you pull harder, but no matter what you did, it wouldn't budge.
"How'd I get here? What happened...."

Trying to recall last night, you sit back down on the edge of the bed and look at the floor.

"Wait... I was going back home when- That guy!!! What was his name? Uh.. Min... min... Minjun?"

"It's Minho."

You get startled by the voice and look up to see him standing there right infront of you. Apparently he had entered when you were thinking.

"What is this place? Why am I here?" You question him, standing up to look him dead in the eyes.

"It doesn't matter if I answer those questions. The only thing you need to know is that you won't be leaving here," he puts his hands in his pockets and looks at you with a nonchalant face.

"What?! What do you mean I'm not leaving here?!?"

Your voice slowly got louder and more worried. Minho rolls his eyes and sighs, tired.

"It's exactly what it sounds like. You. Aren't. Leaving. Understand now?" He says as if it was the simplest thing in the world. "Or do I have to repeat myself again to get it through your thick skull."

His behaviour annoyed the heck out of you. He didn't have to say that last part, but he did anyway.

"I'm not staying, I'll find a way out. What's stopping me?" You walk past him confidently and head to the door but he grabs your wrist, pulling you back until you hit his chest.

Minho's cold fingers made you yelp. It felt like ice, and it was a weird feeling. Shaking your hand away from his grip, you glare at him, making sure that he knows he can't boss you around.

"Even if you make it out of this room, it's impossible to make it out of this place. You didn't think that only here was locked, did you?" He raises an eyebrow at you.

"What purpose does this hold? Keeping me as a hostage here, you won't get anything out of it. So why not just let me go?" You try to persuade him, but it doesn't work one bit.

"The moment I let you go, you'll report me to the police."

"Wh– how'd you know?" You were slightly surprised at how easily he figured that out.

"It's too obvious. I could read you easily just from the expressions on your face. You've got to be dumb if you think you can fool me," he clicks his tongue.

Who is this guy? What's with him? Can he not insult me just for a minute?!?

"So now will you stop trying to escape? I don't want to deal with you blabbering your big mouth."

Minho looked bored and you couldn't stand him. He was acting so arrogant that you wanted to yell, but then a sudden thought hit you.

"Wait a second... Where's my phone?!!" You looked around but didn't see it anywhere.

"Stop searching, it's pointless. I took it away since you could easily make calls to people, telling them you've been kidnapped or whatever you want to call it."

"No!! You don't understand, I can't–"

"Don't bother trying to convince me, it won't make a difference. You're going to be staying here for a while so better make yourself comfy."

"Please!!! Don't just leave–" but it was too late. Minho had already left the room, locking it on his way out.

"No, no, no, no, no!!!" You banged on the door, trying to get him to unlock it. "I can't stay here!!! Lee Minho!!"

After accepting the fact that it was useless, you slid down onto the floor and hugged your knees. After lowering your head, you began to cry.

It didn't matter if you weren't safe. It didn't matter if you would spend the rest of your life here until you die. The only thing you could focus on at that moment was your brother.

"Sunoo.... I hope you're okay.... You're probably worried aren't you? You told me to make it home quickly and look where I am now.... Actually  I don't even know where this place is..."

The tears wouldn't stop and you really hoped Sunoo would be okay by himself for a bit, just until you find a way out of here.

"Wait for me Sunoo-ah. He can't stop me from getting back to you."

Suddenly, you hear the door being unlocked. You get up and run to the other side of the room, making sure to wipe your tears.

"What do you want Minho–"

"I- I'm not Minho...." the person at the door awkwardly waves at you and smiles, signaling he wasn't a threat.

"Oh, then... who are you?" You loosened up when you watched him close the door and walk over to you shyly.

"My name's Felix, and I just wanted to check on you since Minho hyung isn't always nice to guests," he scratches the back of his head.

"Guests? More like prisoners." You correct him. "Nice to meet you though Felix. I didn't know there was people here other than Minho. But what does he even want with someone like me anyway?"

He gestures you to sit on the bed beside him and you do.

"He just doesn't want anyone to find out about us. We aren't exactly.... thought of as something safe."

"Thought of as something safe? What does that mean– wait.... what are you guys?"

Felix looks around and nervously answers with,

"We're a mafia."

Hold on, hold on, hold on. They're a mafia? The more you thought about it, the more it made sense. Snapping back to reality, you watched Felix's smile turn into a small frown.

"Hey, you okay?" You nudge him.

"Huh?" It seemed like he was lost in thought which kinda worried you, even if you just met the guy. "It's nothing, I just... I never wanted to kill people..."

You were taken aback by the fear he had in his eyes. "I don't enjoy the thought of death either, but if you don't mind me asking, why'd you join a mafia in the first place?"

"I only did it because I didn't want Minho to be alone."

"Why would you do that just for him? Not to be rude but Minho looks like he can take care of himself," you say and look at him confused.

"Our mafia is different. We don't just kill others for money, power, or whatever. We still have hearts and feelings... We just kill those who will make the world worse."

"I still don't understand....." you crease your eyebrows.

"Minho's the leader if you didn't know. He started this mafia so he can get rid of the bad ones. The ones who kill others just to get what they want. He wants to end people like them, so he's willing to risk his life to save others. It isn't fair that innocent people die when they're just living their lives normally. Minho hyung is a good guy, he just doesn't open up to people easily, so he may be a bit harsh when it comes to talking."

"Wow...." You didn't expect any of this. You thought Minho was a jerk. The way he acted infuriated you. But now that you know what he's really doing, you show a small smile, amazed.

Lee Minho, you save lives huh? Maybe you're not so bad after all.

cold hearted | lee minho (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now