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a.n - Lmao why Mila look like she always been mean? Girl really had that rbf 😭

My leg bounced nervously as I watched the teacher pass out the test scores. I'm currently failing math and it was the only class prohibiting me from being able to go to the homecoming dance. If I failed this test.. it wasn't happening.

"What you look so nervous for?" Abe asked and I shook my head, not being able to reply. I have to go to the dance, I have to. It's the first dance of the year and my first dance back in Long Beach. Every one was going and I didn't wanna be the only one sitting at home on a Saturday night.

Each step the teacher took closer to me made me want to throw up or so shit. Then, he sat the paper down upside down. That's a bad sign, right? Whenever they hand you a paper folded over or upside down it means it's a fail.

"Well?" Abe said and leaned over. "What'd you get?"

I slowly flipped the paper over and felt all air leave my lungs at the large red marking. "Oh fuck." I breathed out and dropped my head back, a low chuckle leaving my lips. "C minus, I got a C minus."

Abe stared at me in confusion when I then dropped my head to the table with a groan. That brought my F up to a D which was still considered passing. I could go to the dance. "Congrats." Abe said with a smirk while bumping my elbow with his.

"Pst!" I looked over my shoulder and saw a girl staring at me while lightly biting on the eraser part of her pencil. "You Y/n, right?"

I glanced at Abe but he shrugged in confusion so I looked at the girl again. "Yeah, who's asking?" She pulled the pencil away and looked at another girl with a smirk before grabbing the paper from her and handing it to me. "What's this?"

"Read it and find out." She replied.

I turned around in my spot and slowly unfolded the paper to see pretty handwriting and a short message.

Come with me at lunch. You know where to find me. - Zoë

I slowly looked up and saw Abe leaned over my whole damn desk trying to see so I turned the paper away from him. "Move nosey." I said and he smacked his lips with a scowl, leaving me to look down at the paper again.

Zoë wanted to see me? But why? Since last week she hasn't spoken to me or even paid me any attention really. Sure I've seen her and she's seen me but why did she suddenly wanna- you know what? I need to stop thinking everything to death and just go with it.

Everything is always calculated and planned and thought out; I just want to be a free thinking sixteen year old for once.

So, I would be.

"You better hurry, you know burgers leave first at lunch." Abe said but I was looking down the hall at the senior who was now walking around the corner with her friends. "Y/n?" I jolted back at the snap in front of my face.

"Huh? Yeah.." I waved my hand and clutched my backpack straps while walking in the other direction. "Grab me one? I'll pay you back." I heard him call out for me again but I continued down the hall and became a few steps away when she noticed me.

Her head nodded at whatever her friend was saying, a smile pulling at her lips with every step I took closer. Just.. be free, Y/n. Don't think, be free. "What's up." I said once I reached her and lifted up the folded note to wave slightly.

That's when three pairs of eyes drifted to me and I felt myself wanting to jump out of my skin but I kept reminding myself to just be chill. "Hi Y/n," Zoë said with her soft voice. "How are you?"

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