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I didn't know what to expect from police stations but I quickly learned that cops were colder than the room I was sat in. They treated me like a terrorist but handled me as if I was a dirty wash rag.

My ribs were swelled and tender, the headache not being helped with every door being slammed.

I wanted to go home more than anything.. but they wouldn't even let me call home. In movies they say something about that one phone call right? Nah, they sat me down and told me to shut up unless I wanted my ass beat. I did as said.

My eyes darted around the room I was sat in for going on two hours, and the only reason I knew that was because of the clock in the corner of the room right above the door that just opened. An officer came in but he was wearing a suit unlike the ones that shoved me into this chair.

"How are you, Y/n? I'm Detective Espinoza." The man said, a smile on his lips but I could see right through it. I'm assuming he's the good cop? "It's pretty chilly huh? Would you like my jacket?"

I silently kept my eyes on his as he walked forward and pulled the blazer off. Of course I was fucking cold, I didn't have my arms tucked into this damn shirt for no reason. But, I kept my mouth shut, my head shaking when he raised the jacket to me.

He shrugged. "If you insist. So, Y/n Y/ln, I read your file and it says that you currently have a registered green card which is great but.. this situation is kind of sticky." Though I tried to hide my interest, I subtly leaned forward, scared of what he'd have to say of of citizenship. Did that mean I'd be sent back to Japan because of this? I couldn't go back there with my dad, I just can't.

The man then flipped open a folder and slid it over for me to see. I looked down at the paper, my eyebrows furrowing at the lists they had under my name.

Gang association
Drug trafficking

"What?" I mumbled and snapped my head up as I shook it. "I haven't done shit!" I shoved the folder back to him, my jaw clenching at his calm demeanor. "You can't prove I did anything."

"Detective Jones explicitly stated that you were apart of the drug deal between himself and Charles Williams." I closed my eyes and exhaled heavily through my nose at the lord being spilled. "Now if that's not true, you can just tell us the truth about your association with Charles Williams and we'll be on our way."

My association.. My eyes reopened when I realized what was happening. Charles told me about how they got his dad this exact way. They'd have accusations set out, claiming this and that but it was only to get you to talk.

I slid my arms out and rested them on the table, my poker face reappearing. "He's my cousin." I said simply and dropped my eyes to the table, slowly tapping my fingers at the click of his pen.

"And you are aware that your cousin is as a drug dealer, correct?"

I quietly looked up to see his pen still scratching at the notepad. "He is?" I said, my eyebrow cocking up when his hand movements stopped. "Since when?" Detective Espinoza slowly glanced up at me with confusion before sighing lightly, then setting his pen down.

"Y/n, I didn't want to tell you but.. Charles is the one that told us all of this." His pointer finger jabbed at the folder that held the three accusations. "And he's given us enough information to revoke your green card and either let you serve a sentence here, or back in Japan. Either way, you're going down for it. But.. if you give us something, anything on him, I can pull a few strings to reduce your sentence. Maybe even just have you do probation."

For a moment, just a moment, I wavered.

But I had to remember that this was Charles. He wouldn't do that to me, nor would he do that to anyone he cared about. He's basically my brother and I knew he'd have my back no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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