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"So you wanna cross multiply this right.. here." I nodded absentmindedly because I truly wasn't hearing shit she was saying. I was suppose to be writing whatever problem she was working on but I was more busy staring at her instead. She had taken her braids down so her curls were just resting on her shoulders, I love her curls. On top of that, she did a little something something with her makeup today.

This girl never wears red lipstick. Who she tryna impress?

I licked my lips and watched her stare down at the paper as she raised her pencil to her mouth and subconsciously bit down on the eraser. This girl don't even know what she's doing to me..

I sighed and trailed my eyes across the lips I so badly wanted to kiss just when she spoke up again. "Are you getting it?" I looked over the notebook and nodded slowly. "So, what's the answer?" The way her eyes squinted I could tell she knew I was lying my ass off.

So, I wrote my answer across the top of the notebook before turning it for her to see. "Here it is." The answer is yes. Your lips look kissable. She read it internally, her lips smacking as she gave me a look once she finished. "What?"

"Karu you're failing everything again." I groaned and laid my head on the table as she raised up and moved to my side. "What's really going on, huh?" My eyes subconsciously closed when she rested her hand on my head and started to soothingly scratch my scalp.

"My mom." I mumbled, knowing she was on her witch shits again but I also knew that there was no running from it. "She's still not talking to me and I don't know what I'm suppose to do."

"Leave the gang." My head popped up to look at her and that same teasing smile. "Just walk away, that easy."

"You know damn well-"

"I know, I'm kidding." She said and leaned back in the chair, humming in thought. "You say she's not talking to you?" I nodded. "So, just talk to her. You tell her she doesn't have to respond but ask her to listen."

I tapped my fingers on the table before smiling over at her. "You so smart. Come here." I pulled her hand lightly until she raised up and sat on my lap. "I have an idea for our third date."

We've been on our second date and no, it wasn't the library. It was still very much her-like because we went to a museum.. a fucking museum. Though I was bored as hell, it was cute watching her all interested about the little details and facts so I guess I still had fun.

"Oh yeah? What's the idea?" She asked while sliding her arms around my neck, mind wrapping her waist.

"There's this new bowling alley.." I smirked when she rolled her eyes and tried to lean back but I tightened my hold. "I'm not giving up."

"You're competitive as hell and it's annoying. You wanna play another game because of the arcade?" I nodded because well duh? I was not gonna let this girl outplay me in anything. She huffed. "Fine. We'll go and I'll lose on purpose so you can get that damn chip off your shoulder."

I let out an 'mhm' while leaning forward, my lips pressing to her cheek. "If that's what you gotta tell yourself." I peeked up and saw her smiling with crystal eyes. "You look really good by the way. That's the real reason I wasn't working on shit."

Her hand rested on the side of my face when I leaned up with my lips puckered. "You always want a kiss." I continued to pucker my lips but when she went in to connect, I pulled back.

"You right." I said, knowing exactly how I could get her. I slid her back to the chair next to me and ignored her scowl while I simply reopened my notebook. "I'm 'bout to fail sophomore year so let's get to work."

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