|~Drunk Zoya~|

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The group were resting in their respective rooms the whole day as no one did not sleep last night. After having a shower and a fabulous sleep, Arjun and Yash called Aditya in their room. Aditya and Yash was sitting on the sofa and Arjun was sitting on the bed.

Aditya: What happened Arjun and Yash? Why did you guys call me and that also alone?

The phone of Arjun rang.

Arjun: One minute. It is Noor.

Aditya: Chote. What is cooking ha?

Yash: Yes Arjun. Nowadays you are with Noor all the time.

Arjun: Nothing is like that.

Arjun picked up the call.
Arjun: Yes Noor.

Noor: Arjun, actually did you see my purse. Last night I was so tensed cuz of Appi that I forgot about my purse.

Arjun: Yeah. I kept it in the third cupboard.

Noor: Oh. That is Sanjana's. That is why I could not find it.

Arjun:  I was going to tell you but then I forgot.

Noor: It is okay. Okay then talk to you later.

Arjun: Okay. Bye.

Arjun hastily put the phone on the bed thinking Noor will cut the call.

Arjun: Bhai. I was thinking that like come on we are in Goa. We should go to pub tonight. And if we don't taste alcohol then what is the use of coming to Goa.

But Noor did not cut the call. She was about to until she heard the word pub

Noor in mind: Pub?

Yash: Exactly.

Aditya: Yes yaar. But what about the girls? Won't we call them?

Yash: Adi. You forgot? How they reacted when we said that "sasti daaru".

Noor in mind: Hawww. They won't even call us.

Aditya: Yeah. But how will we go by not telling them? They are very much suspicious.

Arjun: We have to think something.

Yash: At least we are not losing this chance.

Aditya: We can tell them that we are going to meet one of our old friends and there are guys so that is why we are taking them.

Noor: Jhut. Makkar log.

Yash: Mmm. Okay. This can work.

Arjun: Okay then. So there is a pub about 3 km away. In fact it is one of the best pub in Goa. It is "Prime Rose".

Noor in mind: Prime Rose.

Yash: Okay then we will set off from here at 10?

Aditya: Yeah. Done.

Noor quickly cut the call.

Noor called Pooja who was in the room.

Noor: Di. You don't even know what is going on our behind?

Sanjana was also there.

Sanjana: What is going on?

Noor did not pay attention to her and talked looking at Pooja.

Noor: Let me call Appi first.

Noor called Zoya. After 5 min, Zoya came.

Pooja: See. Zoya came. Noor now at least tell us what happened?

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