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          It was back in March 11, 2010 when my best friend moved to Oklahoma. We were the best of friends. I can't believe the last time I saw him. 

          I was on my way to their house when I saw him sitting on their porch, with his luggage. I have no idea where he's heading to. 

          When he saw me, he stood up, and said," I'll miss you, Jassy." I had no words for him, I ran back home crying...


          "Mom, I'm going to Sam's!" I shouted. I missed my best friend a lot even if we just saw each other yesterday. "Okay then," mom replied. Who knew my voice would reach our living room? I looked at the mirror one last time, and headed down stairs. I closed our door and headed to Sammy's house. 

          I saw him sitting on their porch, and I also saw their car parked in front of their house. There are a lot of things inside their car though. When Sam saw me, he stood up. I didn't realize that he had a luggage beside him. What's going on? Where's he going? 

          I gave him a confused look. He walked towards me. We're just staring at each other. We don't know who will talk first. I have a bad feeling about this situation I'm into right now. He sighed and said," I'll miss you, Jassy." 

          I don't know what to say to him. I knew he was going to leave me all alone. He promised me that no one will be left alone, but what is he doing right now? He's leaving me all alone! I ran back home crying, my mom saw me and she was surprised to see my face plastered with tears. "What's wrong, honey?" she asked me. 

         I headed to my room, ignoring my mom's question. I locked the door and cried...


Is it a great prologue? It's kind of short, right? Gosh, this was my fan fiction before and now it's a teen fiction. I'm not insisting you guys to vote but please READ IT.

It means a lot to me if y'all read it. :) You can tell me if it's okay or if it's bad. Please don't hate me. You can follow me on Twitter "thevampsxchance"

Yes I'm a fan girl for Greyson Chance and The Vamps, got a problem with that? lol anyway, i hope you enjoyed it guys!x

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