The Start Of A Disaster

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"Indi! Your alarm clock for the third time! Christ..." I open my eyes and blink twice before registering my mother's voice. I spring out of bed and call Connie. It rings a few times before he picks up. "Yello?"

"Are you outside?" I fumble with my clothes along with my toothbrush in my mouth. "I woke up completely on the wrong side of the--"

"Bed, yes I know, and yes I am outside. Jeez Indigo, you gotta stop making that excuse."

"You're right, you're right. Anyway, I'll be out in tenAAAHH!" I trip on my pants, cutting the line. I get up and fully get ready. I head downstairs and grab a granola bar while my mom says her goodbyes. I exit my house and enter Connie's car. "Hey."

"Hey." He snags my breakfast and takes one bar. I sigh and start munching on the other while putting on my seat belt. Connie then drives off to school.

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We arrive at school in less than a minute and while a few students are casually jogging to their classrooms, Connie and I sprint like we were in the Olympics. Seriously, how do those people not get cramps all the time? As we entered the classroom, 25 pairs of eyes stared at our faces. Connie flexed his muscles and I slapped his arm. The class laughs as we take our seats. Connie sits in front of me and turns to me. "Yo, where do you think the teacher's at?" I bonk his head.

"I don't know, dumbass. But what I do know is that we have a free period!" We squeal like tween girls while the class looks at us again. All of a sudden, the whiteboard turns on.

"Students of Griffin High School, we ask you to remain calm as the following announcements are said. Please start packing your things and head home, or an enclosed space that you feel safe going to. Exit the building calmly, and whatever you do, don't look up." The whiteboard shuts off. Connie and I, along with the other students, look at one another. We don't think much of it and remain as calm as we can be, talking among ourselves as to what the announcement might mean. Suddenly, a girl in the classroom starts to scream. Everyone's heads turn to her as we see her foam at the mouth, her eyes drip with blood, and her body being covered in black "veins." At that moment, everyone starts to panic as her body falls to the floor, signifying that she is dead.

"What the fuck just happened?!" Josh, one of the football players, asks. "What did she do for that to happen?!" A girl by the name of Samantha shushes Josh.

"Remember what the announcement said? It said not to look up, and I'm guessing at the sky!" Everyone notices that one of the windows is open and it appears to be a grayish-blue outside. "Just don't look at the sky and that won't happen to you." She gives us hope as we all exit the building as quickly as we can. Connie fumbles with the keys but soon unlocks the car. We enter and get out of there as soon as possible. Making sure I don't look up all the way, I see the chaos emerge: people scrambling to their cars, desperate people calling their parents to pick them up, and people dropping dead like flies. I sit down again and look at Connie with worry. He doesn't look at me, just the road as he speeds to my house.

"It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be fine. Nothing else is gonna happen." Connie kept repeating this out loud. I take my shaking hands and ball them into fists, taking a deep breath. As he pulls up in the driveway, I see my mother on the ground.

"Mom!" I rush towards her and flip her over. Gasping, I knew it was too late. The announcement must have reached here too, and knowing my mother, she got curious for my safety, hence looking up. I looked away and tried not to cry. That's not what my mom would have wanted, if anything, she wants me to be strong. She always said I was a born leader, so why not put it to the test? "Connie, get inside."

"What? But we still haven't checked my parent's place!"

"Well we can't risk anything right now! I can't risk you dying on me! Please Connie." He hesitates, but doesn't fight back. He enters the house.

For the next two hours, the news is playing on the TV. Signs of panic and disbelief are shown as the news reporter speaks about the current events that are unrolling. "Connie, all the windows are closed right?" I hear a distant "yeah" from Connie upstairs. Even during the middle of a crisis, he still had to poop. He's very nervous for portraying a brave guy.

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