Thai food

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Peters POV
We all got into May's car and drove over to the Thai restaurant. We all sat down at the table. All of us on side of the table. We ordered our and started eating. Wanda was enjoying eating  and I was just playing with my food. My mind kept wandering, to the bank robbers and the weapons they used.

"I thought you loved larb?" May asked. Wanda looked at her and smiled. I moved my eyes to meet her gaze.

"It's to larbby? Not larbby enough? How many times do I have to say Larb before you talk to me?" Aunt May laughed. I let out a little chuckle. "You know I larb you." She bit her lip in a funny way. Causing Wanda to laugh.

"I'm just stressed and tired from school and the   Stark internship." I sighed. May still believed I worked for him, which was total B.S. but she didn't need to know that.

"With that Stark Internship. I have to tell you, not a fan of that Tony Stark. You're distracted all the time. He's got you in your head." I just continued to look at May and I gave Wanda a quick glance. She had looked at me with a look of "she had a point" I smiled and continued to eat. When I heard the sound of the tv.

"Delmars Sandwiches was destroyed in an explosion. After an ATM robbery was thwarted by our Spider-Man and Scarlet Witch. As they attempted to fight them. A blast was set off, slicing through the bodega across the street. Miraculously no one was harmed." The news anchor said.

We were all looking at the screen the whole time and they were showing video footage of me and Wanda fighting. While May was still distracted. Wanda whacked my leg.

"She's gonna recognize me." She said in panic.

"Manipulate her mind." I whispered. She looked at me sadly and I saw her hands glow red. I watched the trail of her red magic, seep into May's head. She turned back at us worriedly and we both gave fake smiles.

"If you two ever see something like that. You turn and run the other way." May stated. I could see Wanda's body relax and she sighed. I slumped into my seat in relief.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Of course." I mumbled. She turned to Wanda.

"Yes, Of course." She smiled.

"Hey, May I need a new backpack." I smirked.

"Wait what?" She laughed. "That's five." Just than a male waiter came to our table and placed a plate down.

"Sticky rice pudding." He said

"We didn't order that." May said

"It's on the house." He winked and smirked. He walked off. Me and Wanda both turned to she with goofy grins on our faces.

"I think he larbs you." Wanda said. May and I both started laughing and Wanda smiled.

We finished eating and got back home. I put on a pair of shorts and slipped off my shirt. Wanda put on a tank top and shorts. We cuddled on her bed. Her head on my chest as I played with her hair. We were watching the movie Aliens on my laptop.

"Peter I feel bad for using my powers on your aunt." Wanda said out of no where.

"I know, I'm sorry about you having to do that. But it's the only way to keep us safe." I sighed.

"But why. Almost the whole world knows who I am. Besides your aunt and some people at your school. Those people Don't know how to put me and the scarlet witch together. They are two different people in their eyes." Her voice sounded so sad and defatted. I looked down at her and her eyes looked watery. I gently cupped her chin and made her look up at me.

"Wanda I'm sorry. I feel bad that you have to do that people. But it keeps us safe and protected, which is happy about." I smiled softly. She smiled weakly and leaned up to meet my lips. She was only an inch away from me.

"It's okay Peter, It's not like I'm hurting them." She sighed.

"Your not." I said genuinely. I wrapped my hand behind her neck and started pulling her near my lips. Our lips touched and her hands cupped my cheeks. We heard the sound of the door opening and she quickly sunk back down. The door opened and May was standing there, Smiling at us.

"Okay you two, Go to bed it's late." She laughed.

"We will." Wanda smiled.

"Goodnight May." I smiled.

"Goodnight you two." She shut the door and I climbed out of her bed. I jumped up to the top bunk. Scaring Wanda. She stood up and hit my leg lightly.

"Don't scare me." She laughed. She slumped back into her bed and I hung over the side of my bunk bed and stared at her.

"Hi." I smirked

"Hi Parker." She smiled. She leaned forward and planted a kiss to my lips.

"I love you Peter. Goodnight." She smiled.

"Goodnight I love you to Wanda." I smiled and flung myself back up to land on my bed. I pulled up my blanket and I drifted off to sleep.

Sorry this chapter was so short. The next chapter will be longer! I promise!

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