Part 11

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Draco never thought he could feel this empty inside, so miserable and sad. He had never felt so much and so deeply for someone and not noticing it. He thought about what people used to say, You never know what you have until you lose it.

But he knew now. He knew that leaving you was another mistake added to the long list he already had in his short life, the difference being that he could still fix this. He had to.

Accepting his aunt's offer for a safe house was a desperate decision he had made in a moment of panic. The day before he left he had gone to see Hermione and Harry at the auror's office, claiming they had found something that needed his immediate attention. He wasn't sure what to expect, but their words didn't spark hope in him. He walked to the office with a shaky feeling, everyone kept staring at him as he walked past them and it only worsened his mood.

"Mr. Malfoy," said the girl at the front desk with a smile "You're here to see Hermione." she said, way to casually but he paid mind to it, nodding his head to follow her.

"Draco," mumbled Hermione as soon as he walked inside, Harry already waiting inside. "Thanks Aubrey, you can leave now." she told the girl, locking the door behind her.

"What is it?" Draco asked immediately, looking at Harry who shook his head. He muttered something under his breath and turned to Hermione "Well?"

She pursed her lips, squinting her eyes at him before she opened a drawer and pulled a file from there "Take a look inside," she handed him the file, sitting down just like he did. He started to look closely over the pages, pictures attached to them "Do you recognize the work?" she asked pointing at the pictures.

But her words were numb by one picture, he took it out seeing the woman laying on the floor with lifeless eyes. He turned to the picture and showed it to Hermione "This is Mrs. Wallis," he told her, taking out the other pictures "What happened to them?" he asked.

"Don't you see it?" said Harry, taking the picture from him "All muggles, all people that you met on your time with Y/N. She's tracking you down to her." he added.

"No," he said, frowning as he put the file away "No, they don't even know my name..."

"But they have seen you," added Hermione "Sooner or later she's gonna connect everything and get to her. She already killed three muggles because they saw you. What do you think she's going to do when she finds Y/N?" she asked.

"Then what do you suggest?" he asked with a sour look "I can't hide with her but you don't seem to be doing great either."

"You can always take Andromeda's offer," Harry commented looking back at him "It's a safe house, no one can find you if you don't know how to get there and Y/N will be safe." he listed.

"I'm not leaving her." he glared at them, and they sighed heavily.

"You don't have a choice anymore," Hermione exclaimed "And it will be temporary, you'll return to her in no time, but you have to do it now."


"Bellatrix will find her with you there." she said back, a fire burning in her eyes.

He shook his head, standing as he thought. There had to be another way "Then let her come, I'll be there to protect her and kill Bellatrix." he offered.

"It's too risky," Harry said "Are you willing to risk her just so you can stay with her?" he asked him.

Draco hated when Harry had a point, he hated that he wanted to be selfish for his own happiness and put you in danger and he hated that he knew what he had to do but wasn't ready to do it. He didn't want to do it but he had to.

Ghost Of You | Draco Malfoy x Muggle Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now