Part 3

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Draco watched as you got out of the car, your head low for more than just looking for the keys in your bag. You had been avoiding his gaze since he was question all about you in your class. He found interesting that your students were so curious about you, then again, he didn't really know.

You opened the door and got inside instantly, putting your bag down in the table by the door and going straight upstairs, shutting your door without even looking back at him.

He closed the front door, finding himself lost and confused. He wanted to feel bad for using you in that way. When he broke into your house he never thought he'll find himself in this situation, he just needed a place to hide and take care of his wound, you arriving home was something he didn't count on but it proved it had both a use for his benefit as well as a dowside.

He would have never thought you would offer him your house to hide in, making him doubt if you were actually a muggle and not someone pretending, your rage towards him and the Imperius curse being a good start in him thinking you were actually who you claimed to be: a clueless muggle with a sharp tongue. He took your offer right away, if the Death Eaters found him there he could run and leave you to your fate. Did he wanted another life ending on his account? No, but he'll do it if it meant he lived.

He walked to the room you showed him as his, the bag he enchanted to have endless space hidden under the pillow, containing the little belongings he took from his home before he ran. It had been a couple rough years after the so called Battle of Hogwarts. Harry Potter had won, he had killed Voldemort and become the hero they all knew he was.

The ministry had forgiven the Malfoy's for their part in the war, claiming they had no other choice with the Dark Lord himself living in his house and his loyal followers at every turn. He'll never wished that to anyone, the fear of not knowing if the day he woke up was the day he would be tortured to insanity or even death. He was glad he got out of that house.

But the ministry didn't ensure his safety beyond that, death eaters roamed the wizarding world still and they had a burning thirst for blood, his blood. After all he was the one who threw his wand at Potter, he was the one who runned to the other side when the Chosen One came back from the dead. He was the traitor.

He knew you were afraid of him, you didn't seem this morning but something at the school changed and he was faced with completely different person. You were being careful of every move your body made, of every word you said, of every step you took. You reminded him of first years at Hogwarts, every new generation heard of the mean Slytherin Prince and the fearful glances and avoidant looks were always there, he grew used to it in no time.

Yet, he didn't want you to be scared of him. If he was to stay there he wanted it to be somewhat peaceful, if not pleasant. He didn't want Hogwarts to repeat itself, he wanted to feel some kind of comfort. He wasn't sure why but he knew he could find that there with you.


Eleven o'clock. It just had turned eleven and you hadn't left your room at all. Draco sat patiently at the table in the kitchen, a hot cup of tea in his hands as he stared deep into the collection of mugs proudly displayed in the counter. He wondered why you had so many mugs if you lived by yourself, surely you didn't have twenty people over to use them all.

He thought countless times in going up to your room to see if you were alright, fighting with himself between that and you being a grown woman and perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. But then he remembered he was essentially the reason why you had locked yourself in your room. You were avoiding him.

He stood up form the chair, taking a glass of water with him so you would have something to drink. He started to feel nervous for some reason, his hand sweaty as he knocked on the door. Receiving no answer, he went to reach the knob twisting it softly revealing your dark room.

Ghost Of You | Draco Malfoy x Muggle Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now