Part 10

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You sat at the chair behind your desk, focusing on nothing in particular, in nothing at all. The movement of the persons in the reality outside your own head is a blur as you hoped for the door of your classroom to open. Childish wish, really.

"Profesor?" you could hear someone calling you in the back of your head. Their voice muffled by your thoughts "Profesor Y/L/N" Was it the back of your head?

"Yes?" you dared to answer to no one in particular, the worst thing that could happen being that no one was actually talking to you and you were making it up.

"Can we leave now?" you frowned, turning to the clock hanging by the door. Five past ten. You had completely zoned out five minutes. "You were telling us about the homework." they reminded you, a murmur running down the entire class as you nodded slowly.

"Homework," you mumbled, reaching for the notes of the day. You couldn't even focus on that "Just...Enjoy your weekend guys. I'll see you on monday." you told them, waving them off with your hand.

You sighed when you thought everyone had left, closing your eyes as you threw your head back in your chair.


"Yes, Emma?" you answered, slowly opening your eyes.

"Are you alright?" she asked with a concerned look, her two friends beside her looking down at you with a sympathetic smile.

You just stared at them for a second, forcing a smile in your face "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" you lied. Not even you believed the words coming out of your mouth.

They shared a shaky look before Mandy, a more quiet girl stepped in "You seem distracted," she said softly "Even sad."

Your eyes fell to your hands resting in your lap. How could you look them in the eye and tell them you were fine, to assure them there was nothing to worry about. You barely slept, every time you even dared close your eyes he was there. He smiled down at you and told you that everything was going to be alright, he would open in his arms and you wouldn't even hesitate to run and jump in his embrace.

They felt more like nightmares than dreams, your breathing rapid and shallow every time you woke up with tears running down your face as you desperately looked for him. He was never there.

"I'm just tired, girls." you told them, raising your cup of coffee at them with a tilt of your head "Catching up with grading all your papers is not an easy job." you admitted, and even if it was true it was just an excuse to stay awake.

They smiled, clearly more relaxed "Is it okay if we give you a hug?" Emma asks, stretching her arms with a hopeful smile at you. You chuckled with a nod of your head, standing from the desk and walking around to the girls.

"Group hug!" they cheered, squeezing your body with all the love they had for you. When they let go you thanked them, returning to your chair when Emma called to you again. "Yes, Emma?"

She smiled shyly, reconsidering if she should say what was on her mind before she looked at you "Maybe you should bring Mr. Enfield back." she told you, the pang in your chest masqueraded by the practiced face you had mastered the last few weeks when someone asked how you were "He really cheered you up and you looked really happy."

You swallowed the gulp that formed in your throat "Maybe I should give him a call" you told her, her beaming face taking away a little of the pain you were feeling "Bye, Emma."

You waited until the click of the door pointed to you alone in the room, a shaky breath covered by the sip you took from your coffee. You were practically running on coffee and it would be no surprise if someone told you you were vibrating, the amount of the bitter beverage you had consumed in the past days beyond whatever was the recommended cups in a day.

Ghost Of You | Draco Malfoy x Muggle Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now