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[Sorry to all the people who chose to talk secret! It was a last-minute question! I love you all!]

I had spent the last few minutes staring at my phone with a dumbfounded expression, furrowing my brows and frowning. I was slow to respond, unsure of what to do. Do I lie to him? Or do I tell him the truth?

maybe, why?

Your username is the same as a person I knew's user, they used it for everything. I was just curious.

That was true, I had been using the same username ever since I had met Ranboo, maybe this was him?

that's my name. your user is the same as a boy i knew a few years ago!

Yeah, I do. Hey, it was nice talking to you but I have to go.

What?! He was just leaving like that? Well, he was a twitch streamer after all, but it still stung. We had finally reconnected and he had to just leave? I couldn't help but worry, did he not care anymore.

(discord invite)
Join my discord, I'll mod you.

What?! So he tells me he's leaving then he invites me to his server? I sigh and shrug it off, frowning and about to join before Ranboo messages me once more.

Send a picture of yourself, I don't believe you.

I pause for a moment, furrowing my brows and frowning a little. I thought about it for a second, shrugging slightly. It was understandable, he probably had people take advantage of him due to his popularity, it was kind of sad he would have people use him, it made me want to beat them up. Of course, I usually didn't take photos of myself; but this was a special occasion.

I walked to my bathroom, deciding to take a mirror selfie because I found myself to look better from a distance, even though I was perfect the way I was please love yourself. After all, the random narrator telling this story from your POV, Kai- he loves you so much and thinks you look AMAZING.

I sent him the photo after trying to take it a few times, sending him the best looking one and awaiting his reply, joining the server in the meantime.

Wow, you look adorable. /p

I smiled to myself, humming contently with the compliment and sighing softly. Maybe I should start making friends here? Would they even enjoy my company? What if they use me to get closer to Ranboo after I'm modded? I sighed softly, trying to shrug it off and then talking in the cult-talk channel.


Messages were flooding past, some people replying to my message and telling me, hello, asking me how I was doing today. Wow, his community was wonderful! Everyone was as nice as they could be, though it seemed two people were making piss jokes back and forth, which confused everyone but made them laugh nonetheless.

A few people seemed to add me, none messaging me; they merely left it at an add and nothing else. I accepted the friend request, only one person seeming to message me. Her profile picture was a photo of a cat, it made me curious if it was hers.

I knew her pronouns since I checked them in the server in her roles. She kept her username sweet and simple, Mia.

my name is mia! welcome to ranboo's server! <3 ((:

I smiled a little, she was too sweet.

heyo! it's nice to meet you :DD
nice pfp! is the cat yours?

mhm!! his name is hinata!

The cat was a fluffy ginger feline, its eyes large and innocent while it had an ecstatic expression. It reminded me of a character of some sort, but I couldn't place my finger on it at that moment.

he seems happy, im sure he really likes you!!

pffft i wish, he's too busy jumping up on everything and meowing constantly at the other cat that I can't even give him attention!

I laughed to myself, deciding to talk to Mia while Ranboo was busy. We called and she turned on her camera to show me her two cats; the one I had already seen, Hinata, and an angrier looking black cat with blue eyes and white spots named Kageyama, sheesh these names sounded familiar. I got a look at her face, she had short black hair that rested just barely below her shoulders, soft blue eyes, freckles lining her pale skin, and she seemed to have a cottage-core-like aesthetic to her outfit. Her room was almost like a Pinterest room, decorating perfectly to match her beautiful face. She had a slim figure but seemed to have a bit of pudge to her stomach, which she didn't seem bothered about. She loved how she looked, and she wouldn't change a thing. I learned that she wrote music and wore glasses and that she watched quite a lot of anime. She had a large Pansexual and BLM flag on her wall, as well as posters from different animes and some from BLM protests, she seemed like a real activist, and I admired that. She asked me about myself, telling me it's okay if I don't want to turn on my camera, reassuring me that she wouldn't judge me and that I can take as long as I needed.

Then, Ranboo called.

"Hey, I'm sorry Mia, I have to go! I'll message you still! Bye!" I quickly said, Mia, looking at her camera and away from her guitar in her hands, smiling wide and nodding.

"Oh of course! I'll talk to you later, (Y/N)! Have a good day!" she giggled out, giving a small wave and leaving the call. I exited and answered Ranboo, where he cleared his throat and sighed.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Ranboo said softly, a small smile creeping on my lips. "How are you? What have you been up to?"

I thought for a moment before answering, perking up slightly. I was happy to talk to him again, it meant everything to me to have contact. "I've been okay, it's been a bit hard recently though. I met a girl today, she's honestly adorable and so goddamn kind... She's actually in your server!" I chirped happily, Ranboo letting out a low huff. I furrowed my brows, confused about his reaction.

"Oh. Sounds nice."

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