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It had been a week of being unable to see Ranboo, the feeling of loneliness settling back on me. I was forced to socialize with my family, moved to fit under their circumstances.

It sucked.

My phone got taken away, and Ranboo had gotten in trouble with his parents. He wasn't allowed to come over for a week to teach us a lesson. Ranboo and I had fallen asleep together that night, his arms holding me so warm and tight. His warmth lingered on my skin; I couldn't help but blush and shiver as I ran my fingers along my arm. Suddenly, a knock was at my bedroom door. I jumped a little, rushing to the door and opening it. It was my mom, my phone in her hands.

"(Y/N)," she started, noticing my eagerness when I saw the phone, slowly putting the device in her pocket and eyeing me. "Can we talk?" she asked softly. I looked up at her, grief and worry filling my senses. Did I do something else wrong? Did something terrible happen? A death in the family?

She walked in, closing the door and sitting down on the bed. I nervously went over to her, slowly sitting down on the sheets, feeling the bedding dip slightly under my weight. My mother eyed me expectantly like I magically knew what she was talking about. She then spoke up when I didn't seem to understand, clearing her throat and avoiding eye contact.

"(Y/N), did you and Ranboo do anything inappropriate the night we found you?" she asked sincerely, sternness and worry remaining in her tone. My eyes blew wide, disgust coming over my face.

"Ew! No!" I yelped, furrowing my brows and leaning away from her, my mother sighing with genuine relief. She nodded and then slowly took out my phone, looking over at me with a smile.

"Are you dating?" she asked, seeming curious. I stared at her for a few moments, my cheeks flushing, and I looked away. I merely shook my head, causing my mother to laugh and pat my shoulder. "It's okay; he's a good young man. I'm glad you have such a good friend," she cooed, winking at me and placing my phone in my lap. "You'll be going with Ranboo and his parents to the carnival later tonight. I can't say if he has his devices back, so don't get upset if he doesn't respond. Have fun." she then moved in, gently kissing my forehead and walking out of my room, closing the door behind her.

I quickly powered on the device, letting it turn on slowly. I cuddled up under my covers, hugging my pillow and smiling wide. It didn't give the same warmth my best friend did, but it was nice and cozy. "Mmm..." I purred and nuzzled into the pillow, hearing my phone ding with a few different notifications—none from Ranboo. I sighed heavily, opening the device through a passcode, and then opened my messages.


hey!!! i got my phone back!! i hope ur doing okay

I waited patiently for a response, eyeing my messages. I didn't get anything, whimpering to myself and closing my phone, setting it down, and burying my face into my pillow. Maybe a nap could let me skip some time.

I slowly closed my eyes, hugging the pillow tight as if it was Ranboo. I couldn't get his arms around me and the warmth of his body against mine out of my head; it was driving me crazy. I let out a heavy sigh, forcing myself into a deep sleep.


I opened my eyes slowly to someone gently shaking me, my eyes fluttering open drowsily. I turned and grumbled, opening my eyes as much as I could. I rubbed over my eyelids, trying to remove the restlessness. "Hmmm?" I hummed out in a groggy and soft grumble, my eyes starting to focus. I spotted the brown hair, the faint smile, and the mass amount of height looming over me. I almost jumped out of my skin, sitting up quickly and staring at them in silence. "Ranboo?" I murmured drowsily, receiving a laugh in return. He wrapped his arms around me, causing me to jump and then bury my face hesitantly into his shoulder, shaking my arms around his form and squeezing him tight; as if he'd disappear any moment.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you,
(Y/N)..." he mumbled, pressing his face into my hair and rocking me slowly in his grasp. This was heaven, and I never wanted to be let go. "It was horrible; I wanted to sneak out so bad. I wanted to come to hold you close like I did that night, make sure you're safe and taken care of," he whined sadly, making me look up at him. He nuzzled his nose with mine, causing my heart to flutter. I moved away slowly, breaking us from our longing and warm embrace, then realized what he was here for.

"Crap! I'm sorry, give me a second to get ready!" I called in a panicked voice, rushing over to my closet and frantically grabbing clothes before Ranboo snuck up behind me and hugged me.

"I think what you're wearing now is fine; let's go," he murmured in my ear, making me smile and squirm out of his grasp. He laughed and ruffled my hair, patting my head after and walking outside of my room. Ranboo was aware that if I needed to put anything on, such as a binder or any accessories, I could at this moment. I finished up in my room, wearing whatever was needed, and he with me downstairs. I merely waved my mother goodbye with a gentle I love you, then got into the back seat with Ranboo. He raised a brow at me as I sat in the middle section right next to him. "You do know there's a seat right there?" he signaled to the open seat right next to me.

I felt my cheeks flush; I nodded slightly but still avoided sitting in the seat, which earned a small chuckle from Ranboo. "Alright, don't worry. I guess you're just as clingy as me," he teased, judging me. I felt my heartache and my face burn, but I didn't say anything. I simply placed my hands in my lap and eyed the window on the empty side next to me.


The whole car ride consisted of aimless teasing from my close friend, singing songs, our hands touching for mere seconds, and then falling asleep against each other. Ranboo and I had spent our time alone at the carnival, playing aimless games to win prizes, riding on rides, eating junky carnival food, and then around the end of the night, which was what was happening currently.

I was resting on Ranboo's back, his hands supporting my legs. He hummed happily as he carried me on his back with the smallest and proudest pep in his step. His mom let us go off on our own, as long as we met her at a particular time to go home.

"Hey, are you ready? We're going to end the night with a relaxing ride!" he chirped, pushing me up so he could adjust his grip. I laughed and draped my arms over his shoulders, resting my chin next to his neck and hugging him like this. He seemed to enjoy it, holding me tight, and his cheeks tinted red. I nodded quickly when he asked and eyed around, seeing the stuffed animals in his arm and reaching for one. He happily lent it to me, and I fiddled with it in my hands until we got the ride of choice.

Ranboo walked me over to the Ferris wheel, setting me down and gently grabbing my hand. "So you don't get lost," he assured, nodding at me and then walking up to the man running the machine. He checked our wristbands, asking if we wanted to ride together. Ranboo looked over at me, and I nodded a little. He smiled wide at the response, pulling me into the cart that had been ready for us, and sat down. I silently sat next to him, eyeing my lap as we were brought up slowly.

"It's pretty," he mumbled softly, leaning against the rail, keeping us in the seat. I jumped and felt fearful, but he seemed confident in his actions. My anxiety calmed when I looked at the view in front of me, I could see the whole city! I felt my heartbeat out of my chest in excitement and my eyes glimmer with joy.

"It's beautiful!" I cheered, the reaction eliciting a soft laugh from Ranboo as he sighed. I looked over at him, noticing him not staring at the view, but at me. His elbow was rested against the metal bar, his cheek in his palm, and a smile on his lips with the sweetest shimmer in his eyes. I looked at him, cocking my head to the side slightly. "What is it?"

"Nothing, nothing," he muttered, making my insecurities rise. He then sighed happily and looked off at the view. "I'm just happy I get to spend this time with someone as amazing as you, (Y/N)." he then hummed and leaned back in the seat, looking at the view and glancing at me. I was flushed, my face completely red as I quickly turned away and gripped the metal nervously.

"Tha-..nk you," I managed to squeak out, hiding my face in my hands. I felt a new warmth on my arm, removing my hands, and seeing Ranboo's hand rested on my arm.

"Thank you for being here, (Y/N). I couldn't imagine my life without you."

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