Chapter 23

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Kuroo's POV

I hate Akaashi. Well. At least I'm gonna hate him as long as he's kicking my ass. I grumbled, getting off the ground and wiping my hands off. Akaashi crackled his knuckles, walking towards me as I swung my scythe at him. He moved out of the way, but he seemed to stumble. 

I blinked a few times, taking the advantage and striking Akaashi a few times. Not enough times to actually kill him, but deep and hard enough to hurt him. If nothing else, this is what he gets for kicking me in the baby-maker earlier. 

Akaashi stumbled some more before collapsing.

"Oh shit. Hey, are you dead?" I asked, poking him with the tip of my scythe. 

"...Akaashi?" I asked, kneeling down. Oh fuck, if I accidentally killed him-

"He's not dead, don't worry." I turned my head, seeing Kenma walk over. I let out a breath of relief.

"Oh good..! You got that deity to make him sleep already?"


"How did you do it so fast....????"

"It's been hours, Kuroo... Anyway, He wanted something, and I told him that I would get him what he asked for after he put Akaashi to sleep for 24 hours."

"What did he want?" 

"His pets back."

"....A god has a pet?"

"He actually has 3." 

"Did you find them??"

"Mhm. They were cute. Wanna see a picture?" Kenma said calmly, looking down at Akaashi.

"....You have a picture?"

"Uh huh. I liked the pets." Kenma said, holding up his hand. An image appearing.

 I slowly nodded, still confused but relieved I wouldn't have to fight for a good however many hours were left

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 I slowly nodded, still confused but relieved I wouldn't have to fight for a good however many hours were left. I had no idea that I had already been fighting Akaashi for hours already. Guess time flies when you're having fun, or getting your ass kicked. Kenma held my scythe for me while I picked Akaashi up and returned back to our own realm with Kenma. 

I laid Akaashi in a spare room where I would be able to hear if he woke up, but he should be knocked out for the count. Kenma and I went to our room, putting our scythes up and sitting. 

"It looks like Akaashi is still better than you." Kenma commented, looking at the burns and cuts on my face. I pouted, Kenma smiling faintly and getting a warm cloth. He climbed onto my lap, wiping my face off and working on the injuries I got.

"You're so mean to me Kenma..."

"I'm sorry." He said with a small smile as he looked at me. I couldn't help but smile at his smile.. It was so cute. It's been centuries and I will never get over how adorable it looked. 

"I guess I can forgive you."

"Mm.. Hey Kuroo? When did you get feelings for me?"

"Pretty much when I first saw you in training."


"Yeah. That's, that's uh.. Why I took all those souls when you were first being trained."

"Oh, you did that for me? huh?"

"...I thought you'd find it impressive."

"I already told you that it was impressive. But it was also stupid, Kuroo."

"..Yeah, I know."

"How many was it again, hm?" Kenma asked with a tiny grin. I pouted at him.

"Do I have to say it?"


"....1,592." I grumbled, Kenma laughing slightly. He nodded, putting aside the warm cloth once my face was cleaned. I sighed, Kenma kissing me softly with a small smile.

"Yep. And I'm quit glad to know that each one was for me." He said, surprising me a bit. I took a few moments to process what he said before laughing faintly.

"Yes, each and every one was for you."

Bokuto's POV

I sighed, relieved to hear the fighting outside my window finally stopping. I knew it had to be Akaashi and whoever was watching him. But I wasn't allowed to look. Otherwise that'd break the whole "no contact" thing and the 24 hours would reset. 

I still had all night to get through, and the longer I was stuck in here alone, the more I was considering just going to go find Akaashi. I mean... He could still make contracts with humans if he... fake... loved me. Right? Agh..!

"Hey, how ya doing?" I startled, Oikawa poking his head in. I was so used to Akaashi knocking before he'd walk into my room.

"Oh, I'm fine."

"Yeah? Well Hajime and I opened the curtains again."

"Thanks." I said, Oikawa walking closer and making himself comfortable on my bed. I glanced down at him as he grinned, placing his hands by my head and leaning forward.

"I can sense some frustration in you."

"..Alright, so?"

"You gotta be the human Akaashi told me about."


"He didn't say names, but for real, it's gotta be you."

"What the heck are you talking about..?"

"A while back, Akaashi came to me and asked about something. He asked me why he felt an addiction when he kissed a human. And I'm guessing it's you."

"...Well, he's under some love spell. Of course he'd feel like he's addicted..." 

"No, this was well before the love spell. This was probably... gee, I dunno. But trust me, it was before the spell." 

"...What did he say?"

"He said he was confused that he kissed a human. But instead of it just being a kiss, he said he liked it. He wanted to do it more with you." Oikawa said. I stared at him in disbelief.

"He said that??"

"Uh huh."

"What'd you say?? I mean... is that normal?"

"I told him I think it's attraction."


"Uh huh. You know, love?"


"Are you deaf?" Oikawa said, crossing his arms. I furrowed my brows and sat up.

"No I am not deaf. I just, there's no way he'd have thought that. He's a demon, he can't... love me..?"

"Well, it can be rare. But us magical creatures can fall in love too, you know. I mean, I fell in love. And I know Akaashi was in love years and years and yearssssss ago."

"...Well, even if he did love me... hypothetically, it doesn't matter. You married another immortal. And I know about Akaashi loving a human when he was an angel. But, that human died. So, I'm sure he doesn't want to bother with that again." I mumbled quietly. Oikawa smiled slightly and shrugged, getting up.

"I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Akaashi. He's got an eternity. You don't. You may as well have some fun."

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