Chapter 12

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Yamaguchi's POV
Hm... I dunno if I'm really supposed to let humans come back to our realm.. But he did save me. So that has to mean he's good, right? And humans were technically allowed to enter our home.

"Well.. alright. Just for a bit." I said with a small smile. Bokuto thanked me as I told him to hold my hand. He took a glance around before doing so. I spread my wings and took off, using my free hand to create the portal back home. Once we were there, Bokuto looked a bit frazzled which made me giggle. We touched ground now as he looked around.

"This is where-"

"Yama!" Uh oh. I turned around, seeing Tsukki fly towards me. He landed a few inches from me, glancing at Bokuto with a suspicious look.

 He landed a few inches from me, glancing at Bokuto with a suspicious look

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"Um... Hi Tsukki..!"

"Who is this."

"This is Bokuto. He's a human who saved me."

"Why is he here?"

"He asked to come see where I live..." I said quietly, Tsukki sighing as he looked back at me.

"Yama, you cannot just let strangers come to our home! It could be dangerous!" Tsukki scolded. I looked away and folded my hands in front of me as my wings drooped slightly.

"...Sorry Tsukki."

"Yama, I'm not angry at you. I'm worried. Please, take Bokuto back home before-" Tsukki was interrupted when Bokuto stepped closer and asked.

"Apologies, but may I ask. I've heard that you angels are incapable of hurting humans. Is that true?" He asked, Tsukki furrowing his brows before grabbing my wrist and pulling me closer.

"Why do you want to know?"

"I was just curious. There are always rumors about different beings. And I'd like to confirm or reject the truth." Bokuto said, sounding honest enough. I looked up at Tsukki who shook his head.

"I will not answer, and neither will Yama." Tsukki said, Bokuto smiling faintly.

"Mm. Well, I guess I don't really need an answer. I can figure it out for myself." Bokuto said, grabbing my other wrist and suddenly jerking me away from Tsukki. I gasped when I felt something sharp poking at the base of one of my wings. Tsukki looked alarmed and stepped forward.

"I don't want to hurt you, but I will." Bokuto said as he looked at me. I took in a shaky breath as the sharp object pressed deeper into the base of my wing.

"W-What do you want...?"

"An angel came to my home and has taken my daughter. She is 6 years old. Her hair is the same as mine. She was wearing a pale pink sweater."

"I.. I don't know where she is...! I've not seen her here!"

"Who do you know that would do such a thing like taking a human child?"

"No one..! No one here would do that! Everyone I know here cares deeply for all the humans, especially for human children...!" I said, shaking in fear. Tsukki couldn't do anything. I knew he couldn't. It was impossible for us to hurt humans. They were the very creatures we were here to protect.

"Then you're useless. Not just to me, but useless an angel. Perhaps we should clip these wings."

"No.. no please don't! Please-" My plea was disrupt when a pain worse than any other I've ever felt slice through my back. Tsukki shouted my name as Bokuto shoved me away from him and I fell to the ground.

Tsukishima's POV
"Yama!" I shouted, running closer and dropping to my knees. Bokuto watched before simply walking off, but I was more worried about Yama. I was careful to hold him. Both of his wings were cut where they attached to his body. But not all the way through. But they were bleeding heavily.

"Yama? Yama look at me!" I said, Yama looking up at me with tears in his eyes.

"Tsukki.. it hurts..!" He cried. I bit my lip, knowing full well an angel could die if their wings were gone.

"We need to see if we can save your wings.. come on.." I said, trying to pick Yama up, but because of his sliced wings, he cried in horrid pain each time I'd try. There was a way I could keep what was attached to his back in tact, but it'd hurt like hell.

"Yama, I'm sorry. Bear with me, keep your eyes open." I said, taking my jacket off. He let me gently fold the feathers of his wings as close as I could to his body. The detached base of his wing already looked like it was beginning to die. I worked quickly, mumbling an apology to Yama as I wrapped my jacket around and over his torso and wings just to keep the wings attached. Otherwise, there was a chance they could fall of.

Yama let out a loud cry in pain as I tied the jacket tight. Once I was sure it was secure, I picked Yama up, his body stiffening to try and endure the pain as I carried him to someone I knew could help. As we passed others, they asked what had happened, but I ignored them to rush and find Daichi. Once I arrived at his home, I kicked open the door. Daichi looking over quite clearly alarmed.

"Tsukishima, what- Yamaguchi??" He asked, his scolding tone turning into one of concern quickly. He ran over, Yama's eyes barely staying open. Daichi led me to his room quickly where I laid Yama down on the bed. I watched as Daichi carefully took the jacket off of Yama, examining closely to see the damage.

"His wings are hanging to his skin by a thread.." Daichi mumbled as I looked at him anxiously.

"What does that mean.. for him?"

"Tsukishima, how did this happen?"

"...He brought a human home. The human is looking for his daughter." I said, Daichi's face going pale.

"What does she look like.."

"He said she is 6. Her hair is like his, which was black and white. She was wearing a pale pink sweater." I said, Daichi quickly getting up.



"Suga has her."

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