Chapter 7

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Akaashi's POV

It was the end of the evening, and I have just finished cleaning the dining room and kitchen from Bokuto's dinner. I was in the middle of changing the curtains when Bokuto called my name. Why did he always manage to chose the times I am busy to call me.

I abandoned my work and went to the room Bokuto's voice came from. I straightened my clothing before knocking and waiting for permission to enter.

"Yes, Bokuto?"

"I want you to find this man and bring him to me." He said, holding out a paper. I walked over, taking the paper and examining what was given to me. 

"Which room would you like me to bring him to?"

"You know which room. Now, I order you, go find this man and bring him to me." He said. I smiled, the glow of my eyes illuminating the room red as I bowed. 

"Yes, my Lord." I said before leaving swiftly. From the paper provided to me, this man was of middle class. He looked to hold a job at a simple store that would be closing in exactly 3 minutes. I made my way to the store, finding the man I was looking for locking up. He glanced at me when he heard my shoes tap against the stone floors.

"Sorry sir, the store just closed."

"I am not interested in the store."

"Eh? You lost or something?"

"Of course not. I am here to Bring you to my master."

"What the hell'er you talking about?"

"It is my order to bring you to my master." I said, the man beginning to realize what I was when my eyes glowed a blood red.

"S-shit, stay away from me!" He said, dropping his bag and keys and making a run for it. I watched him go before shaking my head. I looked up, jumping onto the roof of the small store and looking down in the alleys where I could see him running.

The man kept looking behind him as he ran. I simply followed him along the rooftops before dropping back down onto the ground in front of him. The man yelling and falling back.

"T-The hell do you want?!"

"I am simply following my master's orders." I said with a smile, reaching down and picking the man up by a fistful of his hair. 

"Let me go..!"

"You are making this quite a task. My master is expecting me back soon. So if you will please stop struggling. It would make this much easier. Or if you would like, you can sleep and wake up in my master's estate."

"Go to hell!" 

"Once I have finished serving my master, that is my plan." I said with a smile, dropping the man back to the ground. He fell and tried to scramble to get up, but before he could, I pinched a special point on his human body to get his body to go limp so I may carry him easier. 

"There, perhaps you will be more cooperative now."

Bokuto's POV

I waited impatiently for Akaashi to return. I would go myself to find this man, but Mika had asked me to read to her before I was going to go. And of course she came first, she came above everything else. So I sent Akaashi, after all, he wasn't here to only cook and clean.


"Finally, were you able to find him?"

"Of course."

"Good, come with me." I said, walking with Akaashi to the specially sealed room. I waited for Akaashi to unlock the door with the seal branded on his hand before walking in with him. I locked the door behind us. The man I was looking for kneeling on the ground. His arms bound behind his back with blood red bindings.

I walked over, kneeling down in front of him. The man looked at me. He was afraid, he was absolutely terrified. But he tried to act like he wasn't.

"Who the fuck are you!' He said, despite his body trembling.

"A year ago. You, you and many others were involved in this." I said, holding up an article from the day the murder of my husband occurred. The same day I lost everything, the day it all went up in flames.

"You have no fucking proof I was I-involved with that..!"

"Akaashi?" I said, setting the newspaper article down. Akaashi walked over, both the seal over his hand an his eyes glowing red. The red bounds around the man's arms began glowing as well as he yelled out in pain.

"If you don't answer me. Those ropes will eventually burn straight through the skin. Past the muscle and soon to the bone. You can live without arms. But I wonder what it'd feel like if I were to move the rope around your torso. Or your neck." 

I said, the man's body falling to the side. I looked at Akaashi as he walked behind the man and kneeled behind him. He grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked him up so he was sitting upright to look at me.

"Feel like telling me what you know?"

"F-fine, yes..! P-please, just make it stop!" He cried out like a baby. I nodded, Akaashi letting the red binds to cool. The man's body slumped in Akaashi's grip as I smiled.

"Who else was there. Who else was involved?"

"I... I don't know their names..!"

"How useless. What do you know?"

"I was only paid to help.. That's all.. I didn't know it would go so far!"

"Paid by who?"

"Men, men in black cloaks. They wouldn't tell me their names. Nor show me  their faces! But they paid me to assist with the fire..!" The man said. I looked away before nodding and getting up. 

"I see. Akaashi?"

"Yes, master?"

"Kill him." I said, the man looking at me with wide eyes.

"W-wait, no..! I told you what I know! I, I have a family..!" He said, trying to beg for his life. I ignored him and walked to the door, resting my hand on the handle. The room was silent, Akaashi refusing to finish his work until I was safely out of the room. The man once again begged, but I just looked over at him.

"I had a family as well. And you burned it. And I will burn every single one of you until you're all gone." 

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