Chapter 13

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Yamaguchi's POV
Ugh.. How long has it been? I slowly opened my eyes, looking around. Was I in Daichi's home??

"Yama?" I looked over, seeing Tsukki sitting right next to me.

"Tsukki... what happened?"



"...I'm sorry Yama." He said. I furrowed my brows before realization hit me. I turned my head, looking over my shoulder. My eyes widened when I saw nothing there.

"..My wings."

"I'm so sorry Yama." Tsukki said, the way his voice cracked caused me to look at him alarmed.

"Tsukki, are you crying..?" I asked, cupping his cheeks. He looked at me, a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I wish I could've protected you.."

"Tsukki, this was my fault. I brought a stranger here. One I didn't even know." I said honestly. Tsukki wiped away the tears on his cheeks before carefully pulling me into a hug. Being careful of the... the two scars left on my back now.

"Where's Daichi? Where's Bokuto..!" I asked when we pulled away.

"Daichi has gone to find Suga. He's warned others about Bokuto. So now everyone is staying high up where they can't be reached."

"Huh? Wait then you should be with them..! What if Bokuto came here and hurt you too??"

"I don't care. You're more important. I'd gladly lose my wings if it meant keeping you safe or staying with you." Tsukki said quietly. I looked at him in shock before giggling slightly and grabbing onto him.

"Come on.. Now that you're awake, we should join the others where it's safe." Tsukki said, picking me up. I held onto him tightly, taking a small glance over my shoulder.. It felt weird. I couldn't feel anything there. My wings were gone..

Bokuto's POV
I walked quietly, looking for any signs of Mika. I heard a small crunch underneath my shoe. Lifting my foot, I saw one of the plastic hair clips that I had put in Mika's hair just this morning. I picked it up and continued in the direction. I perhaps would not have found her, if it weren't for the angel's wings.

I rushed over to where I heard rustling of feathers. Finding an angel with silver hair, Mika in his arms. The angel looked at me alarmed, Mika looking, she actually looked unbothered.

"Mika, there you are..!" I said with relief, walking closer. The angel took a few steps back.

"Are, are you Kotaro?"

"What does that matter to you? You're going to die." I said angrily, pulling the still bloodied knife from my jacket. The angel looked alarmed before semi-shouting.

"I-I can let you speak to your husband..!" He said, his words making me stop in my tracks.


"I never meant to harm you by taking Mika... I found her with a demon. I feared she was in danger.. And I promised her father to protect her, so I brought her here."

"...You knew my husband?"

"Yes. He saved my life. And... and now that I know he is no longer on your earth, I was able to summon his soul. He spoke with Mika."

"...Mika?" I said, Mika nodding as the angel set her down. She ran over to me as I picked her up.

"I got to see daddy."

"...You did?" I asked, giving a small smile. She nodded with a bright smile and pointed to the angel.

"He let me." She claimed. I looked at him before saying shakily.

"I want to see him too." I said, knowing full well he could deny me after I just threatened to kill him. But I'd do whatever to see my husband again. The angel nodded, only asking I give him the knife first. I stared at him before slowly handing him the knife by the handle. He took it, disintegrating the knife with a blinding shine of white light.

"Thank you.. Now follow me." He said, leading me to what looked like a pond. He held his hand out to Mika who took a necklace off from around her neck. A necklace her dad had given her for her 4th birthday. The angel dipped the white gem into the water, the water rising to a human form when suddenly, he appeared like he was really there.

"Kotaro..!" I stared at this.. illusion, of my husband. I stared at him quietly before slowly setting Mika down who held my onto my jacket as we both walked closer.

"...Is it really you?" I said, slowly reaching out and touching him. He felt real.

"Yes. I've missed you."

"I miss you... so much." I said, tears welling in my eyes. My husband's hands gently cupped my cheeks as he gave me a soft kiss.

"I know. But you know I cannot come home with you... Are you staying out of trouble?"


"Kotaro... you need to keep yourself safe to take care of Mika for me."

"...I'm sorry."

"Have you met anyone else who can help you? Anyone who can help you take care of our daughter?"

"...Not really. After I lost you, I've not looked for anyone else."

"You don't need to. But I think it'd do you well to find someone. Someone you love, and someone who can take care of you and Mika." He said with a small smile.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

"What happened to me wasn't your fault. So please, don't blame yourself. Please don't cry over me." He said, resting his forehead against mine.

For once in a long time, I felt my heart ache. I wanted him to stay, but I knew that whatever magic was keeping him here wouldn't last. He gave me another kiss, smiling at me before hugging Mika goodbye as he turned back to water. I stared at the pond for a while longer before picking Mika up. The angel gave my daughter her necklace back with a smile.

I knew what I had done to Yamaguchi. Surely once everyone in this realm was aware of my presence, I'd be in trouble and possibly be unable to return home. And Akaashi couldn't save me here.

"Take me and my daughter home, now."

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