Chapter 21

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Bokuto's POV

"Akaashi? Could you get the door?" I asked when there was a knock. He nodded, walking off while I picked up Mika. I have no idea who it could be, I wasn't expecting anyone. 

"Akaashi, who is it?"


"Akaashi??" I called again. Something had to be wrong if he wasn't responding. I set Mika down, telling her to go hide in her room in case. She rushed off as I went to the door, widening my eyes to see two men. Neither of them were human, I could tell already.

"How ya doing?" One of them asked with a smile. I blinked a few times before furrowing my brows.

"Who're you?"

"I'm Oikawa. Well, Toru. This is my husband, Hajime Iwaizumi." 

"...Where is Akaashi?"

"We got some friends taking care of him."


"Yeah see you two gotta stay apart for at least a good 24 hours."

"What? Why?? Where is he?"

"Calm down he's fine. I dunno if the people watching him will be fine but Akaashi should be fine. 

"Tell me what's happening, and what are you?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. We're both incubi. Succubi. Whatever you wanna call us."

"...Alright, so why must I be apart from Akaashi..?"

"Has he been acting strange at all lately?"

"Why?" I asked, Oikawa explaining to me what happened.

...I guess that would explain why Akaashi was suddenly so, loving and affectionate. But frankly.. I enjoyed it. But Oikawa said there was a chance Akaashi could starve himself to death if the spell wasn't broke. And I didn't want that.. But after these 24 hours, I guess I won't get to wake up like I got to this morning anymore. 

Akaashi's POV

"Let me the fuck go."

"Hey calm down love bug you aren't thinking clearly." Kuroo said as he twisted my arm and knocked me over. I began to get up when he and Kenma sat on me. I growled slightly, both of them beginning to terribly annoy me.

"If you both do not get off of me, I will kill you both!" I said, Kenma grumbling a "please do". I rolled my eyes, placing my hands on the ground and pushing myself up and knocking both reapers off of me. 

I raised my hand to create a portal back home when Kuroo tackled me, Kenma watching us. Kuroo grabbed my hands, holding them above my head.

"Akaashi calm down. You just gotta hang with us for 24 hours."


"Cause you're under a spell."

"Preposterous. Now let go of me."

"Think about it. Since when have you been so desperate to go home to, what's his name?"


"Yeah, Bokuto."

"I do not know what you are talking about. I simply want to be with him. Now get off of me." 

"Akaash-" I bent my leg, tucking my knee close to my chest before kicking Kuroo where it would hurt any creature with male anatomy. He fell over, Kenma laughing at him as I got up. 

"Now that was just cruel I rather you have killed me..!" Kuroo whined while on the ground and doubled over in pain.

"Then you should have gotten off me when I said to." I said simply, raising my hand again when this time, Kenma threw something at my wrists. My hands tying together to prevent me from creating a portal home.

I scowled at him, pulling at these magic restraints while Kuroo slowly got off the ground. Looking at Kenma for comfort. I ignored the two, breaking the restraints with a snap before letting more of my demon side show. My temper clearly gone.

Kuroo's POV

....This. This is going to be.. A very long 24 hours. 

Akaashi's eyes began glowing red, his teeth turning to fangs as he looked at Kenma and I. Kenma glanced at me, shoving something at me. 

"Oof- why are you two- oh hey my scythe." I said, spinning the dark scythe around a few times before pointing the blade at Akaashi. Kenma had a scythe of his own, but his was specialized. Well, actually every reaper's was specialized and customized the way we liked.

Mine was a pretty standard looking scythe. 

Kenma's was a lot smaller

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Kenma's was a lot smaller. Almost like a hand held knife.

I've made fun of him for the size of it since I always thought the longer the better

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I've made fun of him for the size of it since I always thought the longer the better. But, last time I made fun of him for it's size, he almost stabbed me with it. So, I haven't commented about it since. But as long as Kenma could handle it, it was fine. Plus, I think the larger scythes were a bit much for him to handle.

"Akaashi. It is only 24 hours. Kuroo and I do not want to fight for so long. So it'd be much easier if you'd relax." Kenma said calmly. Akaashi looking even angrier and smiling. 

"You won't need to fight so long. This won't take long at all." Akaashi said calmly, waving his arm and sending a wave of black magic at us. Kenma and I moved out of the way, each of us standing on either side of Akaashi. I sighed to myself.

I didn't want to do this. But of CouRsE, Kenma really wanted to do this all because Hinata asked us to. I grumbled to myself when Akaashi looked at me, running towards me as I furrowed my brows and jumped out of the way before he could hit me.

"Akaashi! Seriously, you don't love Bokuto now will you chill?"

"How do you know wether I love him or not?"

"Cause you're a demon, duh."

"And you are a reaper. Yet you hold feelings for Kenma." Akaashi said accusingly. Kenma tilting his head.

"You do?" He asked curiously. 

"Uh.... Now isn't the time to talk about that." I mumbled, Akaashi smiling faintly and kicking me when I wasn't looking. As I fell back, I rolled back to my feet quickly, Akaashi turning his attention to Kenma.

"If you do not mind, I will return home. If you both are so strange as to want to follow me, be my guests." Akaashi said, waving his hand and disappearing in a puff of black smoke. Kenma walked over to me, poking me with the tip of his scythe.

"Ow! Watch it! Come on, we gotta go after him now." I grumbled, rubbing my arm. Kenma smiling faintly. He flipped his scythe around and held it by the blade, using the soft handle to pull me down and planting a kiss on my lips. I stared at him wide-eyed as he then shoved my face away.

"Yeah, come on."

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