Chapter 10

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Suga's POV
"Mika?" I said, climbing into the window. Mika stared up at me, well, more like my wings.

"Do you remember me?" I asked with a smile, kneeling down. She shook her head as I sat with her.

"Wow, you've gotten so big. The last time I saw you was when you were just a baby. Your dad was very proud to show you off."

"My dad???"

"Yes, your dad... What has happened to him? I've not seen him for a long time." I asked curiously, Mika wandering closer to me.

"Dad left..."

"He left..??" I said confused. Mika nodding and saying he left a long time ago and never came back. As I looked around, I did realize this was a different home. And it was strange Mika's father never summoned me in the same amount of time he's been gone...

"Mika.. May I see your necklace?" I asked, Mika holding it close.

"No.. Daddy gave it to me."

"I'll give it right back. I promise." I said, Mika slowly taking the necklace off and giving it to me. I held the necklace in my palm, gasping slightly in disbelief. I could feel it. He, he died. He gave his necklace to his daughter. That's why I never knew he died.

I sat there for a moment before quietly giving the necklace back to Mika and helped her put it back on. She looked at me innocently. I gave her a comforting smile, extending my arms and letting her hug me. When she held onto my, I picked her up while she poked at my wings. The feeling was strange, but I'm certain she was curious. This little girl... I promised her father that I would protect her. I promised if anything happened, I'd keep her safe.

"Mika, I've returned and have been told-" I looked up when the door opened and a man with black hair stepped in. He stared at me, his eyes still glowing red. My hold on Mika tightened as I looked at the man standing in front of me.

"A demon."

"An angel."

"Stay away from this little girl."

"I am afraid that I can't. I have orders to keep her here, to keep her safe." The demon said with a smile. I furrowed my brows, refusing to leave this little girl in the hands of a demon. I owed my life to Mika's father. And I would keep my promise to keep her safe.

I spread my wings, holding Mika tight in one of my arms, raising my other and sending a blinding flash of light. The demon shielded his eyes with his arm, allowing me a chance to slip out the window. Mika gasped and held onto me as I moved my arms to hold her with both arms now.

"Don't worry sweetheart. You're safe now. I promised your dad I'd keep you safe, and I will."

"You knew my daddy?"

"Yes, I did. He saved my life once."

"Do you know where he is??"

"...I. I know a place you can speak to him. Would you like to see him again?"

Akaashi's POV
I uncovered my eyes, even by shielding my vision from the blinding light, I was still seeing spots. Bokuto barged into the room at the noise.

"What happened?? Where is Mika?!" He asked alarmed. I blinked a couple times before bowing.

"An angel has come and taken her."

"What!? What the hell are you waiting for, go get her!"

"I cannot."


"Demons cannot cross into the angel world. And Angels cannot cross into mine."

"Well how the hell do you suggest we get MY daughter back!"

"Do not worry. Angels do not harm humans. The one who came believed he was protecting your daughter."

"Well he fucking isn't, how do we get her back."

"Angels are fierce warriors. You would not want to make enemies of them. But, as a human. You can bond to  one. Much like you have summoned and created a contract with me."

"And how the fuck do I do that."

"That is where it becomes complicated. You must do a deed an angel finds worthy of creating a bond over."

"Well what kind of "deeds" would that be."

"More often than not, it involves life and death."

"Akaashi. I order you. Find a way for me to find an angel."

"Yes, my Lord. Please, get ready, and meet me outside." I said with a bow. Bokuto walking off and slamming the door. I smiled to myself as I stood back straight. It was a tempting decision. I could allow him to lose his daughter as well. That way, all of his anger and hatred would burn even more. But then, my contract would break, and I would not receive my prize. And I was not going to lose this.

I turned to the window, jumping out of it as well. It was true, I could not enter the realm of angels. But there were ways to get angels to come to the human world. It all simply depended on what angel took the bait. And once there is one hooked, all Bokuto must do is save it.

I looked up at the sky, reaching my hand up and pinching a white feather from the angel's wings between my fingers. I examined the feather before bursting it into flames with a smile. How could I lure an angel here? Killing would only attract reapers. Slums only attract succubi. Hm.. Ah. A cry of help will surely summon one.

I waited patiently for Bokuto to come out of his home. He ordered me to do what he had previously said, and of course, I was bound to listen. He followed me as I made my way to the small church of this city. Normally I would avoid this building, but it was the only way I could think to get what my master wants.

Bokuto waited outside as I went inside, looking around at the empty halls. Finally, I found someone who would do nicely. A young woman who was simply cleaning the floors from a previous service. She stood up, smiling at me when I approached her.

"Hello sir. Is there anything I may help you with?"

"Yes, in fact there is." I said, grabbing her and taking her to the roof. She screamed as I held her by her arm over the edge. Despite her screams, no one heard her. The barrier I created around us ensured no one could see this or hear her crying for help. The only ones who would hear her are me and the angels. Let's see if one saves her.

I let go, the woman screaming as she fell. In a flash of white, she seemed to disappear. An angel saving her before facing me. I smiled at him. A young one, this one is. He will be perfect. He has no experience in battles yet, I can tell.

Bokuto's POV
I stood quietly outside this church, waiting impatiently. Akaashi explained to me what to do. But I saw no angel yet. I tapped my foot impatiently while looking around before finally I heard a thud. I ran around the back of the stone building, seeing a young angel hit the ground. His wings looked damaged.

I rushed over, helping him to his feet. Akaashi looked down at both of us, but made no move to fight as I helped the angel inside where I "hid" him and helped tend to his wing.

"Thank you, for saving me." The angel boy said, wincing when I touched one of his wings to clean it.

"Of course."

"May I ask your name?"

"Bokuto. What is yours?"


Yes, My LordOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant