Chapter 3

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Bokuto's POV



"Will you stop looking at me like that!" I said in annoyance. I wasn't even looking at him, but I could tell that Akaashi was smiling.

"Looking at you like what, Bokuto?"

"You know what I mean."

"I am afraid I do not. I am not looking at you in any particular manner." He said calmly. I sighed, turning around and looking at him as he simply stood there.

"Why do you look like that anyway?"

"I believed you would prefer it." He said with a smile. I furrowed my brows as he walked closer, looking ever so slightly up at me with a grin.

"You've not said anything about my appearance before. Does it bother you now?"


"I can change if you would like. I can even make myself appear as a woman if you prefer." Akaashi said as I grit my teeth. He knew what my husband had looked like. And sometimes it pissed me off that he modeled his human body to look like him. Not exact. But close enough to remind me of him each time I saw Akaashi.


"Are you certain? If looking like your deceased husband-"

"All it does is remind me why I'm here." I said simply, walking away from Akaashi. I didn't have time to think about it. Akaashi has been at my side for half a year now. And he's served me faithfully since, and he will until I've killed everyone who deserved it.

Akaashi's POV
Mm. Bokuto's memories always seem to flood him when he finds a person on his list to kill. It's true, I could change my human appearance if he wished. But I would not without his permission nor his orders. When Bokuto formed his contract with me, I took the trouble of modeling my body to resemble his late husband. Some may think that is cruel. But what else can one expect of a demon.

I smiled to myself, cleaning the room before leaving to go to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I rolled my sleeves and got what I needed and began cutting the vegetables when I heard my name called. I set down the knife and unrolled my sleeves before walking to Bokuto's study.

"You called, Bokuto?"

"We're heading out."



"Dinner is hardly prepared yet."

"I don't care. There should be someone at the slums who I need to find."

"And what of your daughter?"

"Things have not changed. She will come with us, and you will protect her." Bokuto said sternly. I smiled, bowing and waiting for him to walk past me before following him.

Bokuto and I walked quietly, the little girl in her father's arms and her face hidden in his chest. He didn't want her to see much of the slums here. I did not care what she saw. But here was full of people that lived in filth. Sex traders, homeless, killers, thieves and others lived here.

"That building is where he should be." Bokuto said, looking straight ahead at an old, crumbly looking building. A man stood at the front door, acting as a bodyguard to whoever or whatever was inside.

"What would you like me to do?"

"Get in there, and find him." Bokuto ordered. I nodded, walking away from him and to the man who stood in front of the door. The man looked at me suspiciously. I was dressed nothing like those who lived here.

"Hey, who're you?"

"My name is Akaashi. And I am afraid that I need to enter this building right behind you."

"Nice try rich boy. You ain't allowed in here." He said, crossing his arms. I looked at him, staring straight into his eyes before smiling. I stepped closer and grabbed each of his wrists. He looked at me alarmed when I placed his hands on my chest.

"I'd be very grateful if you would allow me in." I said calmly, feeling the man's hands gently squeeze through my clothes at the body part that I have changed to feel like a woman's. His face went red as he stared at me. Humans were pathetic. So many of them driven by something so simple as sex. Just being able to feel what they'd like as a bribe.

I, however, was never fond of using my body to get what I wished. If I was, then I would surely have been a succubus. Not a demon.


"...F-fine, you can go in." He said. I smiled, releasing his hands as he stepped aside. I thanked him and walked through the door. The entire room was thick with smoke, and it smelled just as bad. Strange, there is no one here. I walked through the building quietly when I heard Bokuto say my name. What trouble has he gotten himself into now..

Bokuto's POV
I guess these slum assholes were smarter than I thought. That building was empty. Now, here I was surrounded by a dozen men, each with guns. I kept my daughter's face hidden from the view while waiting for Akaashi to show up. Finally, he walked out of the dirty building and saw me.

"The hell are you waiting for?" He said, the men turning their attention to him. He smiled, walking closer as several of the men shouted for him to stop or they'd shoot. Akaashi ignored their warnings and continued towards them when their guns went off. The loud and sudden noise startled my daughter as she jolted and shook.

I made sure she was alright before looking at Akaashi's body on the floor. The men talking among themselves when I sighed. I was quite tired of this. My daughter was frightened, and until I figure out where to go next, I should take her home to rest.

"How long are you going to play dead?"

"Not long." Akaashi said as he got up. The men all panicked at the sight. There Akaashi stood, completely unharmed despite at least 3 dozen bullets piercing his body. Not that his human body was needed to him.

"What shall I do about this?" Akaashi said. I looked around before saying calmly.

"Kill all of them and get us out of here. That is an order." I said, Akaashi smiling. His eyes glowed a deep red, the men around us just panicking more.

"Yes, my Lord."

Yes, My LordWhere stories live. Discover now